How to Avoid Two of the Most Common Internet Scams

How to Avoid Two of the Most Common Internet Scams

The internet can be an amazing tool that you can use when you need to find information on a variety of topics, and it can also help you connect with other people from around the world. At the same time, however, there is a dark side to the internet. Hackers and scammers are out there, trying to steal your information or take advantage of you by lying to you and getting personal details about you and your family. It can be scary! But if you know about some of the most common internet scams, and you know how to avoid them, you can keep yourself safe. Continue reading to learn about two of the most common scams that you should be aware of.

The Phishing Scam

When it comes to internet scams that you should definitely know about, phishing is one of them. In fact, this scam ends up costing victims millions of dollars, so you want to be sure you take steps to avoid it as best as possible.

How do phishing scams work? Well, the scammer will typically send an email that looks like it’s from a legitimate business, such as a store or bank. It might even look like it’s a message that came from a social networking platform that you’re on. Once you read the email, you will discover that it asks you to provide or confirm personal information. At that point, clicking on any links and submitting your information puts you at risk of having your data stolen.

How can you avoid phishing scams? Well, as we mentioned above, it’s a good idea to check the email address that sent the message. What you’ll see is that it didn’t actually come from the real business you trust. However, in addition to that, you can also check for any errors in the wording of the message, and you can search for any misspellings that will indicate it isn’t from a professional source after all.

To determine if a message is real or fake, you can go directly to the website of the company that supposedly tried to contact you. Contact their customer service to find out if they truly need information from you.

The Romance Scam

Another one of the most common internet scams is the romance scam. Many people today make it a point to connect with others online in order to start romantic relationships, so this is one of the ways that scammers have been able to take advantage of individuals.

You might be looking for love, but the person on the other end might be waiting to trick you into sharing personal information so they can steal from you. Or, they might ask you to send them money that you will never get back.

When using a dating app or dating website, exercise caution. Understand that the other person might be using fake photos, a fake name, and a fake biography. Take steps to figure out if they’re genuine.

To avoid this scam, it’s best to run a background check on anyone that you’re talking to. Using Nuwber is one of the easiest and quickest ways to get some background information to determine if someone is telling you the truth about who they are.

Take the Right Steps to Stay Safe!

Because there are so many internet scams, it’s important to be careful. Be aware of the risks, and take steps to protect yourself.







In What Coin Is Better to Invest $1 Daily, in BTC or ETH?

These days plenty of crypto coins are available for purchase. As a result, an ongoing debate takes place among investors on how to construct the most profitable crypto portfolio under such circumstances. At first sight, you might think that most crypto investors are risk-oriented and focus on the incredible potential returns. At the same time, one of the most effective crypto strategies is to invest as little as $1, but on a regular basis in top-performing cryptos and earn a substantial return. Let’s illustrate this theory through the analysis of BTC and ETH price dynamics.

Which Coin to Choose for Staking ETH or BTC?

If you analyze the dynamics of BTC prices for the last 5 years you’ll see that regardless of its spectacular crash in 2017, it still remains one of the most stable currencies. Actually putting $1 a day in BTC could bring you 12X return in 5 years. Like James Todaro illustrated in his Twitter, the total amount of investment reaching $1850 could result in a $12000+ return, which is not a bad sum. A similar situation is with ETH, in case you’ve invested $1 per day for 4 years you’ll get around $9000 from a $15 initial investment. Someone might say that BTC is a better place to put your money in, but the history of the crypto market knows that previous earnings do not guarantee long-term progress. There are other factors to take into account.

How to Choose Cryptocurrency for Purchase?

At the time you choose to make any crypto a part of your portfolio it’s time to analyze a bunch of factors starting from the technology that lies behind this project and ending with its growth potential in the existing market conditions. For example, in the Ethereum and Bitcoin battle, there are frequently no winners or losers. From one side Bitcoin has a far better position as it works as a reserve currency. On another side, Ethereum has larger potential due to its innovative technology.


Bitcoin and Ethereum can’t be compared in full as their roles are quite different and they serve various purposes. Ethereum’s purpose is to supply and run decentralized smart-contracts powered by blockchain technology that doesn’t go offline and can’t be altered. It provides users with a specific programming code and place to create the applications. Bitcoin’s purpose, however, is essentially different. It is a decentralized store useful — a peer-to-peer digital currency, used for financial transactions. It eliminates the necessity for third parties in payment technology.


Which Coin to Choose ETC or BTC: Final Remarks


In conclusion, the first differences that separate ETH from BTC are their purposes and their concepts. Also, Ethereum runs smart contracts and Bitcoin doesn’t, concentrating on manual payment technology. It’s vivid that there are benefits to using both technologies and exchanging even 1 eth to btc, when the situation calls for it. Bitcoin features a lower coin supply and its liquidity is higher. On the contrary, Ethereum outperforms with technological development and provides more use cases. Therefore, the minded investor will hold both cryptocurrencies in his portfolio, investing in them in similar proportions on a regular basis.


The good strategy is to use BTC for larger purchases (anything over $300) and as a savings platform. The ETH could be used for smaller, daily purchases; and as an additional savings platform. The overall strategy would be to combine holding with active trading, transferring any profits to ETH when the time is right; and storing excess ETH into BTC when the time is right for that transfer. For that purpose, you’d have to choose a trustworthy trading platform, where you could perform your transaction on the regular basis.For any question type in the comments beloww.

5 Things You Should Immediately following a Car Accident

We always pray that we or our family members will never be in a major car crash, but sadly, the odds are weighted against us and at some point in their life, most drivers will be in some kind of accident while driving.

There are some things you can do to secure yourself and your rights if you are involved in a car crash. A list of the top ten things that you can do if you are in a car crash is as follows:

Call Police

Your next step should involve phoning the nearest law enforcement as you process what has just happened. Offer all the necessary information you can to the 911 operator. Based on the seriousness of the accident and the future injury, you

There will not be the capacity to offer more data. And the best you can, though. When the operator decides a fender bender for the crash, the police can prefer not to come to the scene, particularly if no one has suffered injury.

Never Drive Off

If you are at blame or not, even though it is just a mild fender bender sort of collision, you must never speed away from the scene of an accident.

You will be convicted with a hit and run that will carry substantial fines and prison sentences if you leave the scene of a car crash and it turns out to be a more serious accident or there are injuries suffered by the other driver! So, never simply speed home after an accident happens to you.

Protect Your Rights

In an injury, maybe the most important thing you can do is to contact your solicitor. Your solicitor will safeguard your interests and guarantee that there is no loss of important facts. If you have experienced accident in Vegas, you can report to Vegas car accident lawyers to claim your rights.

Insurance providers often try to make claims right following an injury, and before you meet with your attorneys to get sound legal advice on the matter, you must remember never to give some kind of comment to any insurance.

Seek Attention

Injuries caused by motor vehicle collisions are also not readily noticeable. A day or two after a car crash, most of our consumers experience experiencing the most discomfort. You may obtain medical care at the nearest emergency department or by visiting your family doctor, until you are completely confident that you have not been injured. You can cause a severe and permanent injury to the spinal cord, including in injuries involving minimal effects.

Check on the other vehicle until you check and find yourself ready. You can choose to share personal documents, such as your driver’s license and health records, if you can speak and travel openly and if the police have not come.

Maintain a Record

When the cops come, make sure that, to the best of your abilities, you tell the police officer(s) exactly what happened. If you don’t know any of the truth, tell the cop. Do not argue on all of the evidence, presume or distort. When you’re asked if you’re hurt and you don’t know, say that you’re not sure, rather than not sure. Sometimes, hours after the initial crash, the suffering and trauma from motor vehicle collisions become evident.But let’s hope nothing bad happened to anyone forever.With proper care everything is achieved.

How to Save Money While Shopping Online Tips on

Nowadays, it’s almost impossible to avoid making online purchases. Whether you just need to get more paper towels or buy a new pair of socks, you can purchase all kinds of things you need on the internet. And just like shopping at brick and mortar stores, there are also notable ways you can observe so that you can still shop smart even on the web.

Here are nifty points to practice so that you can stretch your dollars’ worth without needing to go out of the house.

  1.       No to Impulse Buying

In a survey done by in 2018, it was found that 44% of respondents had done spur-of-the-moment purchases on the internet. In the same year, Black Friday sales jumped to a whopping $6.22 billion online. Impulse buying is just getting harder and harder to resist especially if transactions are mere taps away on your screen. But just like going home first after seeing that beautiful cardigan you wanted to buy at the mall, you really should sleep on it before ultimately deciding if you want to seal that deal. Give it days, or even weeks if you can. You never know, prices might even drop and you might get what you want at a steal!

  1.       Do Your Due Diligence

Today, it’s easier to compare prices because you don’t have to physically locate similar products before making your final choice. Shopping online also means that there are coupons you can apply to further bring down the costs of your planned purchases. Make sure that you haven’t missed out on any discounts before you check out that cart. Scan as many pages, even read up on message boards and comments, and leave no stone unturned.

  1.       Get Cashback

You won’t get passing marks on Internet Shopping 101 if you do not master the art of earning cashback. Almost all noteworthy e-commerce websites are now tied up with partners who return money from your purchases and sometimes offer their own perks and discounts. The internet is truly the gift that just keeps on giving. Now, there’s no more need to personally stroll into your local pharmacy when you can buy your favorite beauty products online and get Chemist Warehouse cashback at the same time. Make tapping for cashback a habit and we’re sure you’ll thank us for it!

  1.       Maximize Credit Card Promos

Unless your debit card is doing its own thing, you are more likely to get rewards from your credit card than from your savings account. In fact, you can do away with shopping using debit cards and you’ll be all the safer for it. Since you’re shopping online anyway, it’s better to transact using credit cards than to part with your cash. Make sure that you are aware of all the perks that come with each card you have along with their ongoing promos. Yes, those emails that you keep ignoring! Shopping on credit even if you have the cash available means you get to keep your money longer while earning points on things you have to buy anyway. It’s absolutely win-win!

Quick Ways to Improve your skills

Life becomes easier when you have a specific skill set which you can use to pave your path towards your goal. Acquiring new skills takes learning, and what better way is there to pace to a wider skill set than improving your learning skills. The first step to achieving this is to find a tutor and take his word for how to learn better. With a faster learning process, you can explore more in a short period of time and register continuous growth. Here are a few quick ways for how you can improve your learning skill.

5 Tips to Boost your Skills

1. Visual Learning

Learning becomes fun and easy when you can visualize what you read. For faster learning, you can use visual aids, images, graphs, etc., to help you remember data. Other methods are by denoting information with colors or icons and then using the denotations. Thus every time you need to recall what you learned, all you need to do is think of the denotations, and it will remind you of the details.

2. Base your Learning on context

Learning something is more comfortable when it makes sense to you, and you know why you are learning it. This allows you to retain information for a long time. As soon as you understand a concept, think about a scenario where you can apply the concept and get feedback if you have learned it correctly. Keep repeating the process till the time you feel you have memorized the concept.

3. Accountability

Learning can be tedious, and you may not be able to pour your interest into it if you have no one to hold you accountable. Find a tutor or a friend who would track your progress and keep a frequent eye on you to encourage your weak points—having someone to track your progress can significantly improve your learning.

4. Naturalistic Learning

It is believed that nature is the best teacher, and you can find learning motivation out of doors. A lot of scientists prefer to take inspiration while observing how nature works. To improve your learning skills, take a walk outside, and create a journal to keep track of everything you learn and speak to an audience about it.  

5. Train your Brain

Brain works better when trained well. Perform aptitude exercises and indulge in meditation to activate your logical thinking. With logical thinking, you can devise methods to learn everything efficiently. This allows your brain to retain information using logical reasoning, and it is very helpful for learning patterns, categories, and data containing numbers. 


Better learning skills allow you to boost the learning process and help you retain information for a longer time. Find a tutor, prepare a methodology to train you, and work on it alongside a tutor. It is only with sheer determination and perseverance that you can excel in learning, and these skills also help you walk through the path of life.

Crucial Factors to Consider Before Buying a Mobile Phone Online

With the development of technology, mobile phones have become popular. Phones have also become a necessity since it is a necessity for business and personal purposes. Besides, mobile phones have made communication to be cheaper and more accessible. When you use your phone, there is tear and wear; therefore, you need to replace it after some time. Because there are different mobile phone brands available in the market, it will help if you research and find out the available phones within your budget range. Here are the factors you need to consider before buying a mobile phone online:

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Consider the Operating System of the Phone

There are different operating systems in the market like; android, OS, and even windows. It would help if you decide on the operating method you want, depending on your needs. You can look at each system’s history and compare the differences in their versions before settling on one. The best way is to look at each phone’s website’s brand to read the customer’s reviews. The reviews will help you decide which brand to buy, where to buy them. Besides, avoid buying outdated versions because they tend to hang.

Look at The Design Functionality Before Making an Order

It will help if your taste guides you into choosing a brand. Besides, you need to scrutinize the brand in terms of both the software and outward appearance. Due to technological development, the brands resemble and marketing, and campaigned trends are likely to influence a phone you are buying. Functionality should go hand in hand with design because a specific system may hinder you from using some features that are important to you. You can check out on sites like to confirm if their brands meet your needs. Before making a purchase, be sure to guarantee the device’s quality and if you will be able to use features like headphones and micro SD.

It Will be Best if You Consider Size and Display of the Gadget

Different people prefer different displays and sizes depending on the purpose of the phone. For example, if you use your phone to get news updates or even watch movies, you are likely to need a bigger screen than someone who uses their phone to read Facebook posts and what’s app. Besides, display technology should also be a factor. If you prefer brighter lights, you should go with LCD, but if you prefer a sharper contrast with more saturated colors, you can choose best if you choose AMOLED. You need to be keen when comparing the screen technology because the difference has become less noticeable due to improved technologies.

The Processor and RAM are Also an Important Factor to Consider

The processor is like the car engine because the phone depends on it to perform its duties. Be sure to pick a quality processor because if the processor is not quality, it will limit the software updates leading to the gadget being slow. Besides, the RAM capacity plays a crucial role in the processor’s functionality; hence, you have to consider the phone’s RAM before making your order online.

Before deciding the brand, you want to buy to check both the RAM and internal storage. Check the space used by pre-installed apps. You can click on and check if they have a variety of phones and confirm if they meet your needs.

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Guidelines for the correct use of Android devices

If you are using a phone on an Android operating system, you should be aware that using it on the streets or when you are trying to connect to public networks carries certain risks. If you want to know how to secure your Android device and keep all of your private information, read on.

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Protect your device properly

Check the available encryption and security settings on your phone. Most devices have many variations and specified settings on how to protect your device. This can be a PIN code, fingerprint or digital password. When the device is turned off, it is under the established security protocols and, when you are trying to unlock it, requires authentication. And if someone tries to access your device, they will face a significant problem, especially when it comes to the fingerprint.

In addition to basic security settings and internal protection mechanisms, you can find a huge number of applications or programs to fully protect your device in the Google Play Store. With these applications, you can set passwords to open individual files, gallery, etc.

Some people neglect this opportunity because they believe that there is nothing on their phone that could be of interest to hackers, or that could harm the user. However, this misconception can be critical. If someone can steal your device, they are able to access both your contacts and banking information, which can be truly disastrous. A couple of extra seconds to unlock your phone can make your life much easier, and this couple of seconds is clearly worth it.

Using VPN technology

Virtual private network (VPN) has been a well-known technology for a long time, but it is surprising that even with huge opportunities for downloading and using such technology, most people disdain or do not want to use it. In essence, vpn can be installed on a device convenient for you and thereby encrypt any incoming and outgoing traffic, which will ensure anonymity on the network and preserve your personal data.

It is especially worth paying attention to the use of VPN if you regularly use Wi-Fi in the public domain (cafes, restaurants, etc.), since it is these networks that are the main flaw for maintaining your security. With the help of VPN, you get the opportunity to surf the Internet through remote servers that conduct your traffic through other regions, which creates the appearance of your presence on the territory of another state, which, in addition to security, provides you with access to resources blocked in your region. There are many free VPN resources, but we strongly recommend that you consider buying a paid version, this will give you full confidence in the preservation of your data. A good choice in this situation would be the RusVPN service, since for a price of $ 2.99 per month, you will receive a huge range of services and the best protection.

Installing security and antivirus software

Most PC users know that the installation of antivirus and other programs is the primary task when working with a PC. However, the paradox is that the same users who actively use antivirus software on their PC ignore this software on their mobile devices.

A high-quality antivirus provides full protection against a number of factors, in addition to protecting data and analyzing all files on the phone, it sends quick and accurate notifications for each file that you download or try to place on your mobile device, and in case of detection of “infected files” provides you necessary utilities and resources to destroy and remove from your phone.

Of course, viruses on phones are not as common as their counterparts for computers, but with the current modernization and integration of all technical programs on the mobile. devices, the development of new viruses is being updated, and the experience of fighting them is not so great, which once again reminds of the importance of having antivirus on phones.

Check Requested Permissions

When installing any application and launching it for the first time, the number of permissions required for correct functioning (access to phone numbers, geolocation, media files, etc.) is indicated.

A good developer and a quality application will indicate in advance in the product description what permissions will be needed to function and why they are needed. Especially when asking for permissions doesn’t fit the general concept. The simplest example would be an alarm clock that requests access to your contacts. Requirements like this are counterintuitive and you should pay attention to that.

If there is no explanation for the permissions of certain applications, you should decline this request. There is also a significant difference between the interactions with permissions on a rooted phone and a factory-set phone, with a rooted phone you get a significant increase in how you interact with the permission settings. At the factory settings, these options are limited.

Use reliable Internet browsers

If you are really concerned about your security, in addition to using VPN technology, a good solution would be to use a browser that provides reliable security protocols, and will not only block cookies, but will also clear the entire history of use after each Internet session.

In addition to the well-known browsers, there is the Tor browser, which will ensure maximum protection of your data by transferring your connection to a series of other computers, which greatly complicates the process of tracking your activity on the Internet.

Most of the users use a 4 = digit numeric code to unlock their mobile device, which unfortunately is too easy to hack. A rational solution would be to use a multi-digit code of characters and numbers, and the letters in the code should be used in both lower and upper case.

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Smartphone Buying Guide: 6 Tips for Finding the Right Phone

With so many amazing flagships from Google, Samsung, and Apple, every brand is trying to get your attention. That’s why they have dozens of new models hitting the market, and right within your budget plan. That makes choosing the right smartphone that much harder. You will face challenges when you find more than one phone within your budget plan. That confuses you more as you don’t know which brand to choose or which model to take. It is true that the TCL 10L turkey is a nice choice, but before that or any other phone, you need to focus on six tips for finding the best phone.

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1. Go to Android for more choice and iOS for easy usability:

Apple does have some of the best smartphones, but those are restricted in choice. Android, on the other hand, comes with so many choices. Then you have iOS devices, which are super easy to use. So, if you are literally torn between Apple and Android phones, go for the first one if you need something easy to use. Here, you can get some of the best apps first and with some great software updates. But, if you have set your mind on a phone with more hardware choices and affordable options, Android is your key.

2. The camera’s MP is not a big of a deal:

Apart from checking out the battery life of the phone, you always tend to focus on the camera. Instead of focusing on the megapixel, which most people do, focus on other specifications like dual lenses, optical image stabilization, and aperture. You will receive top-notch quality products at cheaper rates, having these best camera features.

3. Set a budget and stick to it:

When you plan to get a new phone, you already have a budget set in your mind. Obviously, you will get more options when you visit a store, and some of them might be way over-budget. Don’t just shop like that and get a phone, which is crossing your budget plan. Even when premium Galaxy models from Android or an iPhone 8 will start around $700 and can hike up to $1500, there are some great cheaper options available below $500. So, try to give them a chance, and you may not get disappointed at all!

3. Focus on color brightness and quality over resolution:

4k screen is really a good choice but might prove to be a bit of overkill. So, your focus should be on how bright this display is going to be. So, when you use the phone outdoor, you might see how colorful the panels are. The latest models will present you with a higher dynamic range or HDR for helping you to see more colors than before.

5. The processor does not matter that much:

Previously, the processor was a big deal when it comes to smartphone purchases, but you can’t say the same now. Some of the mid-ranging smartphones even offer good performance to their users. However, if you want maximum power for augmented reality and games, then get an Android phone with Snapdragon 835 processor. When it comes to iPhones, then the model 8, 8 Plus, and iPhone X have A11 Bionic processor. It is considered as the fastest mobile chip from the iOS department.

6. A perfect screen size:

If one-hand use is very important to you, then get a phone with a screen size 5.5 inches or smaller than that. On the other hand, if you are getting a phone to watch loads of videos or play games or even want to take advantage of multi-window mode, then a big screen is what you need. Phone makers know how much you love big-screen phones, so they are making 5.8 inches Galaxy S8 for that comfortable one-hand use.

Keeping notes of these points:

Remember that these points are really important whenever you are focusing on getting a new phone. Smartphone purchase is a big deal, especially if you are spending quite some bucks on it. So, without wasting time any further, check out these six important points and get yourself the perfect smartphone. Don’t forget to set a budget beforehand! For that, research is the key.

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How to Protect Your Privacy on Public Wifi Hotspots?

Public Wi-Fi hotspots are honeypots for hackers as they can access users’ information without their realization. But unfortunately, people still prefer to use public Wi-Fi networks when it comes to browsing the web at public places or on the go.

Compared to personal or home Wi-Fi hotspots, public Wi-Fi hotspots are insecure and prone to various kinds of security risks such as hacking, identity theft, data loss, etc. Therefore, you should follow some essential tips that help you protect your privacy when using public Wi-Fi hotspots. 

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Select the correct network

You should always pick the legitimate network; otherwise, you can become a target of Man-in-the-middle-attack. For instance, you might have seen several network names that look similar when trying to connect to public Wi-Fi like Dreamnet Soho or Dreamnet Sofo. Surprisingly, this is a tested sign of Man-in-the-middle-attack. 

In this attack, hackers try to enforce or encourage users to sign-in into wrong networks. This way, they access your crucial information as most of the time, users do not check before connecting to public Wi-Fi and choose networks with strong signals. 

However, you must check whether you are connecting to any legitimate public Wi-Fi hotspot because it is a matter of your online safety, which you should not take lightly.   

Use a VPN

A VPN lets you remain safe and anonymous while using public Wi-Fi networks. When you install a VPN client on your device, it encrypts your data. Besides, it masks your actual IP address with another alternative IP address of your desired countries like the US, UK, Canada, Germany, Australia, etc. 

However, selecting a reliable VPN that secures your digital footprints on the web is no easy task. You have to consider so many factors like jurisdiction, logging policy, price, compatibility, and others before subscribing to any VPN service.   

There are numerous VPN providers available in the market that can keep you secure and anonymous over the web. However, ExpressVPN is one of the most famous VPN services since it has ticked all the boxes in terms of performance and value. 

But to be on a safer side, you can opt for the free trial of ExpressVPN to save your hard-earned money. This way, you will be in a better position to make the right decision about your privacy. Through its free trial, you can test the performance of its different features like server spread, speed when connected to various servers, unblocking ability if it unblocks the content you want to access, privacy and security features, etc for 30 days with full money back guarantee.  

Choose a secure network

Choosing a secure network is not as difficult as you think. When you try to connect to a Wi-Fi hotspot while using a Windows laptop, you will see networks available with a “secured” sign. It means you can connect to these Wi-Fi networks as they seem secure and will not compromise your privacy. 

On the contrary, if you connect to an unsecured network, you will receive a warning that says “Security Recommendation.” Hence, you had better connect to Wi-Fi networks that do not give you a prior security warning.     

Don’t provide too many information

When you sign up for public Wi-Fi access, you should remain cautious while providing personal information. You can contemplate such information in the form of an email address, cell phone number, etc. 

In these situations, you should provide your secondary email address and alternative cell phone number to complete the signup processes. Many restaurants and stores collect so much of their customers’ information when they use their Wi-Fi hotspots because they can use this data for marketing purposes later on. 

In reality, you have to decide if you are willing to pass on your sensitive information for the sake of enjoying free internet access; the choice is yours. However, it is not a viable thing to do so as local stores and restaurants may sell your personal data to third-party marketing companies.    

Use Antivirus

You should install antivirus software on your mobile device as it can safeguard you against different kinds of malware while using public Wi-Fi hotspots. You will receive an alert indicating any potential virus or malware as soon as you connect to a malicious Wi-Fi network.  

Other tips to secure your privacy when using public Wi-Fi hotspots

Aside from following these recommendations, other simple tips allow you to protect your privacy and devices both at the time of using public Wi-Fi networks:

  • You should disable the automatic connection feature
  • Do not perform any financial transaction on your devices via public Wi-Fi connections
  • Once you have used a public Wi-Fi hotspot, always remember to check forget  
  • Consider using your smartphone as a hotspot instead of relying on insecure public networks for internet access
  • Always use two-factor authentication as it secures your personal data from the prying eyes of hackers, snoopers, and other cybercriminals

Wrapping Up

To sum up, securing your privacy while using public Wi-Fi networks is your responsibility. If you do not give importance to your privacy, the chances are that you may end up becoming a target of hacking, phishing, ransomware and other security risks. 

Therefore, you must follow the recommendations mentioned above when connecting to a public Wi-Fi hotspot on the go.

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4 Tips For Attracting More Customers To Your Business Page

As a business, one of your biggest priorities should be increasing your customer base. Without customers, your business will cease to exist. The more customers that you have, the more income that you’ll generate. It’s really that simple. However, generating new customers isn’t always as simple. 

The best way to bring in customers is to use the visibility of the World Wide Web. By creating a stellar business page, you can attract new clients to your website, and start generating more money right away. Take a look at some of the best tips to bring in more customers to your business page.

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Offer A Deal 

If there’s one thing that people love is the great deal. A good bargain can attract new people who may be shopping elsewhere currently.   It helps to offer your new customers an introductory discount, or even something free. Offering discounts and promotions can be a fantastic way to grab people’s attention who may not have otherwise considered you.

Current customers are one of your best resources for generating new ones. They will in turn share their high opinion of you with others who will in turn become customers as a result. 

In addition to rewarding your new customers, you should also make sure that you take care of your old ones. Offer your loyal customers deals as well as a “thank you” for their business.   


Networking is all about bringing your brand to light.  It’s important that you not only network in the real world, but also online. By networking on social media, you’ll bring an entirely new audience to your business page that may not have otherwise landed there. 

By getting involved in online communities you’ll start to become the first person that people think of when they need the kind of product or service that you offer.  

One of the best ways to go about networking is to see it as an opportunity to help others rather than asking yourself what’s in it for you. 


It’s important that you’re implementing some kind of search engine optimization strategy. Think of SEO as a way to tell Google to send customers your way. If you’re not familiar with some basic SEO techniques yet, you may want to consider getting familiar with them. The higher that you can appear on search results, the more visibility that your webpage will have. 

Know Your Customer 

One of the best ways to appeal to your customer is to know who they are. Get to know what it is that they are after and what attracts them. By understanding how your potential clients think, you’ll be more likely to reel them in to check out your page. 

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