C_CPI_14 SAP Cloud Platform Integration Certification Questions Answers,

Pivotal Moment – 5 Tips To Help You Successfully Pivot Your Business

Pivotal Moment – 5 Tips To Help You Successfully Pivot Your Business

A pivot is a brave step to take when your business is faced with adversity. Pivoting is a risky move as there’s always a chance you make this great big change for nothing. Indeed, many people find that their sacrifice was in response to a temporary shift in the market, and when things return to normal, they have to pivot back again. How can you make sure you don’t fall into any traps like this when you do decide to pivot? Here are 5 tips to help you out:  


  1. Get the right support structures in place


Support is crucial if you’re committed to your pivot. A pivot is not a decision to be made flippantly, you need to strategize the move and build support structures in order to enact it successfully. If you’re dealing with a major transition, giving your workplace some consistency will retain the trust of your clients. Consider a virtual office solution if your pivot entails a change in premises. This keeps you in contact and gives your business the reputation of being well-established, even if you’re in the throes of chaos. 


  1. Do your market research


You need to keep your main goal in mind. If you want to achieve profitability, you need to take steps to re-establish it alongside a sense of safety for yourself in your business. What that might entail will depend on your business, your target audience, and what they are currently experiencing. Your market research needs to tap into the same target market and find new ways to solve the problems they are now facing. 


  1. Make sure there are no other options


Why are you pivoting? This may sound like a ridiculously simple question, but if a pivot is to be successful, you need to consider your thought process carefully. Be honest with yourself about whether you’re experiencing a knee-jerk reaction in response to a crisis, or whether you have calmly and logically considered all other options. It may well be that pivoting is, in fact, the most sensible way forward. However, if you have been operating in crisis-mode because your business isn’t generating profit, you may be reacting from a state of panic. Only you can answer these questions, so dig deep and examine your emotional state and your motivations. 


  1. Consider whether your new idea will still be feasible once your current obstacles have been overcome


Global pandemics are rare, but they do come and go. Market changes are sometimes permanent, sometimes temporary. The demand for certain services and products can be everlasting or fickle. If you’re pivoting in response to market changes, make sure your new idea will either enable you to pivot back effortlessly or remain viable if the markets revert back.  Flexibility is crucial to any brand’s survival, but you also need to plan ahead so you can minimize the need for flexibility. 


  1. Ensure you can mirror your brand’s pivot within yourself


It takes mental and emotional resiliency to make a successful pivot under stress-free conditions. If you’re pivoting under pressure, you have to keep in mind that changing your business identity, services, or products will require you, as a person, to expand your comfort zone. It’s not just your brand that will be pivoting. Your personal identity and beliefs will be going along for the ride. In short, you have to change to make your brand change work. 


Humans are naturally resistant to change, and it requires mental and emotional resources for creatures of habit to adapt. While you embark on this process, be aware of the need for these qualities and treat yourself with kindness.

Read next >https://www.neoadviser.com/how-to-begin-creating-digital-art/

Pivotal Moment – 5 Tips To Help You Successfully Pivot Your Business

Build A Successful Business With These 7 Tricks

Build A Successful Business With These 7 Tricks


When it comes to starting your own business, you want to get off on the right foot so that your business can be a long term success. For many prospective entrepreneurs, they don’t lay down the right foundational parts of their business plan in the beginning, and then their business can face a lot of uphill challenges, and some never get past this and fail.



Therefore it’s important if you are a prospective entrepreneur or even a current entrepreneur that you follow some key tricks that could lead to a prosperous and effective business. So here are seven tricks needed to build a successful business.

1) Analyze the Competition


A lot of people like to start a business, not knowing the type of competition and the geographical spacing of competition, leading to an unexpected revenue below projections. It’s important when you do your preliminary research, that you understand who your competitors are in the industry, and space yourself in a way that you have not oversaturated an area. Look into how they do business, and figure out if there is a different way to do yours that might reduce your operational costs, or if there’s a sales tactic that might entice customers to try your business out.

Understand the Rewards and the Risks


Many people who go into business jump into the deep end per se with very little knowledge of how to swim in the business world. The reality is that the lifecycle of being an entrepreneur starts with a lot of work and not a lot of reward. The costs of a start-up are heavy, and you will likely have to burn the midnight oil until you can grow your brand enough that you can hire staff and you can reap the rewards of owning a business.


It’s important early on you are immaculate towards your customers, so that they will come back to you for future business as well as word of mouth to new clients.

3) Organization

It’s a concept that seems so simple, and yet so many entrepreneurs fail to hone in on the basic concept of organization. Have a clear business plan in place and identify clearly how much your business’s expenses will be and what your project revenue will be. Consistently creating task lists on a daily basis is imperative for effective workforce management. Make sure you utilize software programs for finances and orders as much as possible so offices are not full of paper. These are little things that make a business feel and appear professional.

4) Seek Out Opportunities to Distinguish Yourself


The last thing you want to do when you enter into a competitive business world is striving for normalcy. If you open a shop where you know you have competitors, trying to be like them will not pan out. Even if you deliver the same level of service, customers are not going to jump ship just because you are the new person in town. Find ways to offer discounts that don’t eat intensely into your profit margin.


Work on your people skills so people can build trust in you. Trying to do things differently makes you stand out and will bring in more clients than trying to mimic what someone else is doing.

5) Make a Habit of Strong Record Keeping


While it may seem like standard bureaucratic policy, strong record-keeping is crucial to surviving long term in the business industry. It’s important that you keep records of all activities in case of a lawsuit against an unruly client, or a potential audit for tax reasons. More importantly, if you had a client a few years ago and they come back to you for more business, it’s good to have a documented history so you can be informed on what you did for them and how to serve them even better this time.

6) Maintain a Consistent Business Model


While it’s important to adapt to any changes in culture or consumer behaviours, it’s really important that you find a business model that works for you and stick to it. Don’t try to change pricing too much unless market forces on supplies force you to. Don’t be trying to constantly lure clients in with sales and discount service, because all it might do is eat into profits and show a lack of stability in your business.


Ultimately being fair against the competition and putting out the best level of service you can is what will keep clients happy and loyal to your business.


7) Staying Focused


Perhaps the most important secret to being successful is to stay focused. The day to day of ownership can erode your passion and creativity and desire, so it’s critical you treat each day as a new opportunity and try to engage your staff as much as possible. This business is like your child, so give it the attention it needs so you can love it and cherish it as it blooms into a success.

Also check : https://www.neoadviser.com/how-to-run-a-successful-subscription-based-business/

5 Things You Should Immediately following a Car Accident

We always pray that we or our family members will never be in a major car crash, but sadly, the odds are weighted against us and at some point in their life, most drivers will be in some kind of accident while driving.

There are some things you can do to secure yourself and your rights if you are involved in a car crash. A list of the top ten things that you can do if you are in a car crash is as follows:

Call Police

Your next step should involve phoning the nearest law enforcement as you process what has just happened. Offer all the necessary information you can to the 911 operator. Based on the seriousness of the accident and the future injury, you

There will not be the capacity to offer more data. And the best you can, though. When the operator decides a fender bender for the crash, the police can prefer not to come to the scene, particularly if no one has suffered injury.

Never Drive Off

If you are at blame or not, even though it is just a mild fender bender sort of collision, you must never speed away from the scene of an accident.

You will be convicted with a hit and run that will carry substantial fines and prison sentences if you leave the scene of a car crash and it turns out to be a more serious accident or there are injuries suffered by the other driver! So, never simply speed home after an accident happens to you.

Protect Your Rights

In an injury, maybe the most important thing you can do is to contact your solicitor. Your solicitor will safeguard your interests and guarantee that there is no loss of important facts. If you have experienced accident in Vegas, you can report to Vegas car accident lawyers to claim your rights.

Insurance providers often try to make claims right following an injury, and before you meet with your attorneys to get sound legal advice on the matter, you must remember never to give some kind of comment to any insurance.

Seek Attention

Injuries caused by motor vehicle collisions are also not readily noticeable. A day or two after a car crash, most of our consumers experience experiencing the most discomfort. You may obtain medical care at the nearest emergency department or by visiting your family doctor, until you are completely confident that you have not been injured. You can cause a severe and permanent injury to the spinal cord, including in injuries involving minimal effects.

Check on the other vehicle until you check and find yourself ready. You can choose to share personal documents, such as your driver’s license and health records, if you can speak and travel openly and if the police have not come.

Maintain a Record

When the cops come, make sure that, to the best of your abilities, you tell the police officer(s) exactly what happened. If you don’t know any of the truth, tell the cop. Do not argue on all of the evidence, presume or distort. When you’re asked if you’re hurt and you don’t know, say that you’re not sure, rather than not sure. Sometimes, hours after the initial crash, the suffering and trauma from motor vehicle collisions become evident.But let’s hope nothing bad happened to anyone forever.With proper care everything is achieved.

How to Save Money While Shopping Online Tips on

Nowadays, it’s almost impossible to avoid making online purchases. Whether you just need to get more paper towels or buy a new pair of socks, you can purchase all kinds of things you need on the internet. And just like shopping at brick and mortar stores, there are also notable ways you can observe so that you can still shop smart even on the web.

Here are nifty points to practice so that you can stretch your dollars’ worth without needing to go out of the house.

  1.       No to Impulse Buying

In a survey done by Creditcards.com in 2018, it was found that 44% of respondents had done spur-of-the-moment purchases on the internet. In the same year, Black Friday sales jumped to a whopping $6.22 billion online. Impulse buying is just getting harder and harder to resist especially if transactions are mere taps away on your screen. But just like going home first after seeing that beautiful cardigan you wanted to buy at the mall, you really should sleep on it before ultimately deciding if you want to seal that deal. Give it days, or even weeks if you can. You never know, prices might even drop and you might get what you want at a steal!

  1.       Do Your Due Diligence

Today, it’s easier to compare prices because you don’t have to physically locate similar products before making your final choice. Shopping online also means that there are coupons you can apply to further bring down the costs of your planned purchases. Make sure that you haven’t missed out on any discounts before you check out that cart. Scan as many pages, even read up on message boards and comments, and leave no stone unturned.

  1.       Get Cashback

You won’t get passing marks on Internet Shopping 101 if you do not master the art of earning cashback. Almost all noteworthy e-commerce websites are now tied up with partners who return money from your purchases and sometimes offer their own perks and discounts. The internet is truly the gift that just keeps on giving. Now, there’s no more need to personally stroll into your local pharmacy when you can buy your favorite beauty products online and get Chemist Warehouse cashback at the same time. Make tapping for cashback a habit and we’re sure you’ll thank us for it!

  1.       Maximize Credit Card Promos

Unless your debit card is doing its own thing, you are more likely to get rewards from your credit card than from your savings account. In fact, you can do away with shopping using debit cards and you’ll be all the safer for it. Since you’re shopping online anyway, it’s better to transact using credit cards than to part with your cash. Make sure that you are aware of all the perks that come with each card you have along with their ongoing promos. Yes, those emails that you keep ignoring! Shopping on credit even if you have the cash available means you get to keep your money longer while earning points on things you have to buy anyway. It’s absolutely win-win!

Quick Ways to Improve your skills

Life becomes easier when you have a specific skill set which you can use to pave your path towards your goal. Acquiring new skills takes learning, and what better way is there to pace to a wider skill set than improving your learning skills. The first step to achieving this is to find a tutor and take his word for how to learn better. With a faster learning process, you can explore more in a short period of time and register continuous growth. Here are a few quick ways for how you can improve your learning skill.

5 Tips to Boost your Skills

1. Visual Learning

Learning becomes fun and easy when you can visualize what you read. For faster learning, you can use visual aids, images, graphs, etc., to help you remember data. Other methods are by denoting information with colors or icons and then using the denotations. Thus every time you need to recall what you learned, all you need to do is think of the denotations, and it will remind you of the details.

2. Base your Learning on context

Learning something is more comfortable when it makes sense to you, and you know why you are learning it. This allows you to retain information for a long time. As soon as you understand a concept, think about a scenario where you can apply the concept and get feedback if you have learned it correctly. Keep repeating the process till the time you feel you have memorized the concept.

3. Accountability

Learning can be tedious, and you may not be able to pour your interest into it if you have no one to hold you accountable. Find a tutor or a friend who would track your progress and keep a frequent eye on you to encourage your weak points—having someone to track your progress can significantly improve your learning.

4. Naturalistic Learning

It is believed that nature is the best teacher, and you can find learning motivation out of doors. A lot of scientists prefer to take inspiration while observing how nature works. To improve your learning skills, take a walk outside, and create a journal to keep track of everything you learn and speak to an audience about it.  

5. Train your Brain

Brain works better when trained well. Perform aptitude exercises and indulge in meditation to activate your logical thinking. With logical thinking, you can devise methods to learn everything efficiently. This allows your brain to retain information using logical reasoning, and it is very helpful for learning patterns, categories, and data containing numbers. 


Better learning skills allow you to boost the learning process and help you retain information for a longer time. Find a tutor, prepare a methodology to train you, and work on it alongside a tutor. It is only with sheer determination and perseverance that you can excel in learning, and these skills also help you walk through the path of life.

10 Best Cell Phone Location Trackers in 2020

In this day and age, smartphones are a necessity with people taking them everywhere they go. This makes it easy for anyone with the right tool to track someone’s whereabouts through a cell phone. 


Today, there are phone surveillance apps that make tracking the whereabouts of a cell phone easy. However, phone surveillance apps are not made the same. Some are more reliable and have a reputation while others are scams. 

In this post, we share the 10 best cell phone trackers. These are trusted in the phone surveillance industry and provide a reliable service. 

#1 Minspy – Recommended phone tracking app 

With Minspy, users get the most trusted reputable phone tracking app. The app comes with over 30 phone tracking features. To get a grasp of what Minspy offers its users, check its website

With over a million users globally, Minspy attracts a lot of media attention. For instance, it has been featured in Forbes and CNET. What’s more, the app has a very high customer approval rating. 

With Minspy, you can track someone’s cell phone location secretly and remotely. The app works on both iOS and Android devices. Besides, Minsoy doesn’t require technical skills to use it on your target. 

Why do users trust Minspy? 

Apart from having dozens of features, Minspy comes with other remarkable characteristics. Here are some of them: 

  1. 100% undetectable 

All the location tracking activities in Minspy works in the background. This way, the app doesn’t interfere with the performance of the target cell phone. So, your tracking activities will be undetectable by the phone user. 

What’s more, on iOS devices, the app doesn’t require installation. Rather, Minspy uses the iCloud backup to spy on the target iPhone. For Android devices, you need one-time access to install the app. 

After the installation of the Android app, Minspy automatically deletes its icon to hide its presence. 

  1. Safe 

Minspy doesn’t capture data from third-party apps. This guarantees data privacy for the target device user. Also, your Minspy dashboard is password-protected to ensure you are the only one who can access it. 

  1. No rooting or jailbreaking 

With Minspy, you won’t have to root or jailbreak the target cell phone to track its whereabouts. Besides, rooting Android smartphones or iPhone compromises the security of the target cell phone. 

To avoid these measures, Minspy relies on the latest technology in phone surveillance. 


#2 Spyine 

Another reputable and reliable phone tracking app is Spyine. This app is equipped with over 30 tracking features. Besides, it supports both Android phones and iPhones. 

Spyine is a web-based tracking app that allows you to track and monitor the whereabouts of the target remotely. With Spyine, you only need to log in to your Spyine dashboard to start tracking the whereabouts of a cell phone. 

Also, you won’t have to root or jailbreak the target cell phone to start tracking it. 


#3 Neatspy 

Neatspy is another popular and reliable phone tracking app. It is trusted by users across more than 190 countries across the world. With Neatspy, users get over 30 tracking features. 

One of the popular tracking features in this app is the location tracking feature. This provides details such as GPS coordinates and street address where the target cell phone is. Neatspy works on iPhones and Android phones. 

To avoid detection, Neatspy works in the background. What’s more, Neatspy doesn’t require rooting or jailbreaking the target cell phone. 


#4 Spyier

As one of the latest phone tracking apps, Spyier delivers amazing features. The app supports iPhones and Android smartphones. Best of all, no rooting or jailbreaking necessary for the app to start tracking your target. 

Spyier is available across the world. It comes with more than 30 phone tracking features besides the ability to monitor a cell phone’s location. Also, it works in stealth to avoid detection. 


#5 Spyic 

Spyic is a pioneer in the phone tracking industry. The app comes with over 35 phone tracking features that let you track anything from location to installed apps. With Spyic, users have access to a trusted phone tracking app. 

It boasts of more than a million users across the world. Besides, it can track any iOS or Android device. Spyic is also a web-based phone tracking app that makes it possible to track a cell phone remotely and discreetly. 


#6 ClickFree

Another reputable phone tracking app is ClickFree. The app is among the latest so it provides a sleek user interface. Besides, it delivers more than 30 phone tracking features. 

Spyic like other reputable apps supports tracking of iPhones and Android smartphones. Remarkably, the app doesn’t require rooting or jailbreaking the target device to start tracking it. 


#7 Spyzie 

Spyzie is another phone tracking app that supports the monitoring of iPhones and Android cell phones. Also, the app works in the background to avoid interfering with the target cell phone performance. 

The location tracking feature in Spyzie provides details like GPS coordinates, street addresses, and location history. Spyzie provides more than 30 phone tracking features besides the location tracking feature. 


#8 FoneMonitor

With FoneMonitor, users have access to a comprehensive phone tracking app. It is equipped with more than 30 features. Besides, over a million users globally trust and use FoneMonitor for their tracking needs. 

FoneMonitor is a web-based tracking app that lets you track the whereabouts of a phone remotely. You only need to log in to your FoneMonitor dashboard to start tracking your target. 


#9 TeenSafe

As one of the latest surveillance apps, TeenSafe provides users with virtually unlimited tracking features. Besides tracking the whereabouts of the target cell phone, it can track virtually any other aspect. 

The app tracking of both iOS and Android devices. With TeenSafe, the app includes a geofence feature that allows users to define a virtual boundary. This allows you to receive notifications when the target cell phone crosses it. 


#10 Cocospy 

Cocospy is another pioneer in the phone tracking industry. The app comes with more than 35 phone tracking features. With Cocospy, users can easily track the whereabouts of iPhones and Android smartphones. 

Cocospy is also a web-based phone surveillance app that lets you track the whereabouts of a phone remotely. 



With so many phone tracking apps available today, find the best can be a challenge. In this post, we shared the 10 best cell phone location trackers. Feel free to use Minspy or any other app for your cell phone tracking needs.

10 Best Spy Apps in 2020 (100% Working)

Spying on others’ phone is no longer a thing to be feared. It is very much easy, risk-free, and un-hassled provided you have the right tool. With the help of the right and feature-rich spy app, life would be a lot easier. But, the over-crowded market has made the life of the buyer a bit hectic. They are confused and perplexed. In this post, we have listed down some of the best and quality-rich spy apps that you can use in 2020. So, let’s get started.  


#1 – Spyic 


The best spy app, Spyic has to be in first place in our or any other list. This spy app is packed with an ultra-modern feature that is needed for risk-free and hassle-free spying. At present, millions of people across the globe are taking benefit of its impeccable and cut-above spying facility. 


Many leading media houses have praised it for its flawless and amazing spying capabilities. 

To know why the whole world is considering Spyic as the best spy app, read this post


Spyic goes the extra mile to make the entire process risk-free by using a technology that is 100% risk-free. Risky activities like rooting and jailbreak are nowhere involved in Spyic’s processing. 



Here are a few more highlights of Spyic that you must know:


  • As long as Spyic is at your service, no cyber-risks will bother you or harm your data. 


  • Spyic doesn’t judge you on the basis of your qualifications and never forces you to do something which is beyond your capabilities. It offers a very straightforward and simplified interface that anyone can use. 


  • Spyic’s assistance is very extensive. This single tool can keep tabs on around 35 phone activities. Yes, that’s true. From calls history to web-browsing history, everything can be monitored. 


  • Spyic captures data in real-time and demands no third-person’s or party’s involvement. This means data would be the highest kind and quality. 


  • Considering the price, Spyic is very cost-effective. Only $10 per month are your expenses with this tool. 

#2 – Spyier  


Spyier is what we would suggest to you after Spyic as it is very much similar to Spyic when it comes to features and feasibility. Just as Spyic, Spyier also doesn’t follow rooting/jailbreak. 


It uses a novel and inventive hacking technology has made phone spying a lot more simplified. As it works perfectly fine on iOS and Android platforms, anyone can use it without any worries. 


  • Phone spying with Spyier is a cakewalk. It comes with a very interactive dashboard that you can access from any device/browser. 


  • With the help of Spyier, any end-user can keep tabs on 35 phone activities from a remote location. You don’t have to be around that person all the time. 


#3 – Minspy 


Having a 100% discreet spying app at a pocket-friendly price is only possible if you’re using

Minspy. It’s more than just a phone-hacking app. It is a means of ultimate peace of mind as entire phone usage can be monitored closely. 


It has 100% risk-free operation which is why it is famed all across the globe. When used to its full potential, phone spying with Minspy is very much simplified.


#4 – Spyine 


Who says phone hacking has to be complex? They should try Spyine. We are sure that they will figure out the truth. 


For both the iOS and Android platforms, it has a separate and feature-rich phone spying solution. Each solution is best-in-class and knows ways to hide your movements.  


#5 – Neatspy 


Neatspy and its feature-suite is the best thing one can ever have as this spy app makes rooting and jailbreak free hacking possible.  


  • With the least possible prerequisites, this tool is going to help in secret spying of Android and iOS-based phones. Not to mention, all the leading versions are supported by it. 


  • Neatspy provides live demo and constant support. So, all your queries would be resolved on a priority basis. 


#6 – ClickFree 


ClickFree is nothing less than a blessing for all those people who never tried their hands on WhatsApp spying.


  • As it comes with a user-friendly interface, it takes no time to turn a novice into an app hacker. Not to forget; there are minimum possible risks in spying if you’re using ClickFree. 


  • Instagram messages, calls, contacts, calendar, notes, apps, and any other important details can be easily fetched out with its help. There are the least possible hassle and hurdles in spying. 


 #7 – TeenSafe 


TeenSafe is a blessing in disguise for all those who fear facing troubles in the phone spying task just because of not having any prior experience.   


  • This single tool is capable to keep tabs on around 35+ phone activities from a remote location. 
  • Phone spying data will be delivered to you without a third-person’s involvement. 


#8 – Spyzie 


Spyzie is here in our list because of endless reasons. But, we will bring your attention to only the key one for you. 


  • It knows how to keep your motives a secret affair with the help of stealth mode and web-based interface. 
  • Its impressive security encryption ensures data safety of the highest kind. 


#9 – Fonemonitor 


Fonemonitor is capable of rendering real-time data at zero hassle. People who have used it for phone spying experience best-in-class features and facilities. 


  • Fonemonitor never compromises on the data security during phone spying. This is why it is a safe option. 


  • It is available for all the platforms and versions. So, nothing to worry about. 


#10 – Cocospy  


Cocospy is the last option that we would suggest. It has managed to impress us with its impeccable services and facilities. Cost is very affordable so you won’t have any worries and hassles to give it a try. 


Final words 


Phone spying is the need of the hour and one must not ignore it or try to maintain distance from it. When done with the help of the right tool, it’s not at all risky. All the ten options that we discussed here are worthy of your trust.  


But, Spyic is indeed the best of the pack. It has got an edge over other options. Try using it and you will experience its power in full swing. 

Create A Bootable Windows 10 USB Flash drive (Step By Step Guide)

Here we will go through another tutorial on how to Create a Bootable Windows 10 USB Flash drive. If for any reason you can’t use CD to boot, then go through these steps to make a bootable Windows 10 USB. Booting From a USB drive allows you to perform various diagnostics on your computer which may have trouble booting from its own hard drive. So instead of the Windows 10 CD, you can use a bootable Windows 10 USB flash drive to install Windows.

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> Check Out: How to Turn Your Windows 10 PC into a WiFi Hotspot

How To Create Bootable Windows 10 USB Flash drive (Step By Step Guide)

Firstly, you have to make sure that the computer you want to boot Windows 10 supports the USB drive as a boot device. Probably any computer which uses Windows Vista or above is likely to support this feature. Also, make sure your PC meets the Windows 10 system requirements:

  • CPU: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster compatible processor or System on a Chip (SoC)
  • RAM: 1 gigabyte (GB) for 32-bit or 2 GB for 64-bit
  • HDD (SSD): 32GB of storage
  • Graphics card: Compatible with DirectX 9 or later with WDDM 1.0 driver
  • Display: 800×600

Before you start just make sure that the USB flash drive has at least 8GB of free space. You will have the option to create either a 64-bit or 32-bit version of Windows 10. For PC-s with more than 4GB of RAM, we advise installing the 64-bit version to use the full RAM. Saying this now follow the steps below to make a bootable Windows 10 USB flash drive.

Steps To Create Bootable Windows 10 USB Flash drive

  • Step #1. First Go Download Windows 10 Tool through this link:
  • Step #2. Once downloaded launch the tool, you will need to be an administrator. Accept the terms and you will face a screen like below:
Windows 10 Media Tool (Start)
  • Step #3. From the “What do you want to do” page Choose the option “Create installation media for another PC” and click the Next button.
Create installation media for another PC
  • Step #4. Choose the language, the edition, and the architecture (64-bit or 32-bit) for Windows 10, then click Next.
Windows 10 Media Tool (Select Language, architecture, edition)

> Check Out: 5+ Best Live Wallpapers for Windows 10 Desktop PC (2020 Edition)

  • Step #5. Now it will check if you have enough space on your hard drive. If you don’t then you have to restart the process. Any content on the USB flash drive will be deleted. At least 8GB of space is needed.
Windows 10 Media Tool (Choose USB flash drive)
  • Step #6. Now choose “USB flash drive“, insert your USB drive and click “Next“.
Windows 10 Media Tool (Select a USB flash drive)
  • Step #7. From the list select your USB drive. Before you click “Next” be warned that all the data available on your USB drive will be deleted and you can’t recover them anymore. Knowing this hit “Next“.
Windows 10 Media Tool (Downloading Windows)
  • Step #8. Now your Windows 10 is downloading, this may take some time so be patient. When finished downloading the ‘Your USB flash drive is ready’ will be displayed:
Windows 10 Media Too (Your USB flash drive is ready)

That’s it! You have just created a bootable Windows 10 USB flash drive. Now easily you can install Windows 10 from the current installation by booting from the USB you just created.

> Check Next: Windows 10 Tips & Tricks: Top Best Most Useful Features in Windows 10 (2020)

Through the time, until now, Windows 10 has become really large so installing it from a DVD isn’t anymore an option cos you will probably need a dual-layer or double-sided DVD. We at neoAdviser recommend using a USB flash drive to create a bootable Windows 10.

So above, in this article, we have shared a step-by-step guide on how to create a bootable Windows 10 USB flash drive. Going through these steps you can easily manage to create your own Windows 10 USB. If you have any questions feel free to let us know in the comment section below, follow us on Twitter and Facebook for more news and updates.


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How to Protect Your Privacy on Public Wifi Hotspots?

Public Wi-Fi hotspots are honeypots for hackers as they can access users’ information without their realization. But unfortunately, people still prefer to use public Wi-Fi networks when it comes to browsing the web at public places or on the go.

Compared to personal or home Wi-Fi hotspots, public Wi-Fi hotspots are insecure and prone to various kinds of security risks such as hacking, identity theft, data loss, etc. Therefore, you should follow some essential tips that help you protect your privacy when using public Wi-Fi hotspots. 

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Select the correct network

You should always pick the legitimate network; otherwise, you can become a target of Man-in-the-middle-attack. For instance, you might have seen several network names that look similar when trying to connect to public Wi-Fi like Dreamnet Soho or Dreamnet Sofo. Surprisingly, this is a tested sign of Man-in-the-middle-attack. 

In this attack, hackers try to enforce or encourage users to sign-in into wrong networks. This way, they access your crucial information as most of the time, users do not check before connecting to public Wi-Fi and choose networks with strong signals. 

However, you must check whether you are connecting to any legitimate public Wi-Fi hotspot because it is a matter of your online safety, which you should not take lightly.   

Use a VPN

A VPN lets you remain safe and anonymous while using public Wi-Fi networks. When you install a VPN client on your device, it encrypts your data. Besides, it masks your actual IP address with another alternative IP address of your desired countries like the US, UK, Canada, Germany, Australia, etc. 

However, selecting a reliable VPN that secures your digital footprints on the web is no easy task. You have to consider so many factors like jurisdiction, logging policy, price, compatibility, and others before subscribing to any VPN service.   

There are numerous VPN providers available in the market that can keep you secure and anonymous over the web. However, ExpressVPN is one of the most famous VPN services since it has ticked all the boxes in terms of performance and value. 

But to be on a safer side, you can opt for the free trial of ExpressVPN to save your hard-earned money. This way, you will be in a better position to make the right decision about your privacy. Through its free trial, you can test the performance of its different features like server spread, speed when connected to various servers, unblocking ability if it unblocks the content you want to access, privacy and security features, etc for 30 days with full money back guarantee.  

Choose a secure network

Choosing a secure network is not as difficult as you think. When you try to connect to a Wi-Fi hotspot while using a Windows laptop, you will see networks available with a “secured” sign. It means you can connect to these Wi-Fi networks as they seem secure and will not compromise your privacy. 

On the contrary, if you connect to an unsecured network, you will receive a warning that says “Security Recommendation.” Hence, you had better connect to Wi-Fi networks that do not give you a prior security warning.     

Don’t provide too many information

When you sign up for public Wi-Fi access, you should remain cautious while providing personal information. You can contemplate such information in the form of an email address, cell phone number, etc. 

In these situations, you should provide your secondary email address and alternative cell phone number to complete the signup processes. Many restaurants and stores collect so much of their customers’ information when they use their Wi-Fi hotspots because they can use this data for marketing purposes later on. 

In reality, you have to decide if you are willing to pass on your sensitive information for the sake of enjoying free internet access; the choice is yours. However, it is not a viable thing to do so as local stores and restaurants may sell your personal data to third-party marketing companies.    

Use Antivirus

You should install antivirus software on your mobile device as it can safeguard you against different kinds of malware while using public Wi-Fi hotspots. You will receive an alert indicating any potential virus or malware as soon as you connect to a malicious Wi-Fi network.  

Other tips to secure your privacy when using public Wi-Fi hotspots

Aside from following these recommendations, other simple tips allow you to protect your privacy and devices both at the time of using public Wi-Fi networks:

  • You should disable the automatic connection feature
  • Do not perform any financial transaction on your devices via public Wi-Fi connections
  • Once you have used a public Wi-Fi hotspot, always remember to check forget  
  • Consider using your smartphone as a hotspot instead of relying on insecure public networks for internet access
  • Always use two-factor authentication as it secures your personal data from the prying eyes of hackers, snoopers, and other cybercriminals

Wrapping Up

To sum up, securing your privacy while using public Wi-Fi networks is your responsibility. If you do not give importance to your privacy, the chances are that you may end up becoming a target of hacking, phishing, ransomware and other security risks. 

Therefore, you must follow the recommendations mentioned above when connecting to a public Wi-Fi hotspot on the go.

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How to use your Android smartphone as a webcam for your PC

Do you have a computer or laptop that you use to make calls on Skype but don’t have a quality webcam to use?

If you have an Android smartphone then you are lucky because you can use it as a webcam for your PC. All you need is an Android app, a program in Windows, and a few clicks. In this guide, we show you what steps you need to follow to transform your smartphone into a camera for a Windows computer.

If you are in the middle of a meeting doing a presentation, and at that time, you may need to share your screen but don’t have a webcam on your desktop or laptop, then you may use your Android phone as a webcam by following the steps below. It is better to use a phone as a webcam for your PC instead of buying a webcam.

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How to use your Android smartphone as a webcam for your PC

So if you are interested to turn your Android smartphone into a webcam for your Windows PC, follow the steps below on how to do so. Before going through the steps below, make sure first that your phone and Windows PC are connected at the same WIFI network.

Step 1: Download DroidCam Wireless Webcam on your smartphone

You must first download and install DroidCam Wireless Webcam on Android (you should have Android 5.0 or above). Just search the Play Store or click this link: DroidCam Wireless Webcam. On the Play Store page, click Install. Once the application is installed, switch to the Windows computer for the next step.

Step 2: Download DroidCam Client to Windows

On your Windows computer, open your favorite browser and visit this website: DroidCam Windows Client (You may download also on Linux, but not on macOS). Once opened you should see a large DroidCam Client v6.0 button. Click to download.

You will download a 1,525KB file in .exe format. A double-click will open a window with instructions for installing DroidCam Client on Windows. It’s simple and all you have to do with this guide is click Next. When the installation is complete, open the software in Windows.

Droidcam PC Interface

Step 3: Connect DroidCam Wireless Android Webcam with Windows DroidCam Client

  • Go to your Android smartphone and open the DroidCam Wireless Webcam app.
  • Click the “Next” button at the bottom of the screen.

The application will ask you for permission to use the camera and the application microphone. Normally you need them and you need to approve them. Now the app will open a new screen that shows the Wi-Fi network where you are connected and the IP address of the smartphone and the application gateway.

  • In this case, the IP is and the gateway is 4747.
  • Go to the Windows computer and open the program.
  • In the IP Device set the smartphone IP which in our case is and gate 4747.
  • Make sure you have checked the video option below and press Start.
  • And with that, your smartphone will behave like a webcam you can use in your Skype or Zoom calls.

Note: To choose between the front or the back camera, you must go to the Droidcam app then click the three-dot icon, then Settings > Camera and select it. We advise using the rear camera for better video quality.

If you followed the steps carefully, then start the video conference and choose Droidcam as your camera. The DroidCam client is only available for Windows and Linux and you cannot use it on macOS.

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That’s all! Hope you found this article useful on how to use your Android phone as a webcam for your Windows PC. Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below, follow us on Twitter and Facebook for more news and updates.


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