5 Best Teamfight Junglers In League Of Legends,

5 Best Teamfight Junglers In League Of Legends

5 Best Teamfight Junglers In League Of Legends

Junglers are the ones that usually roam the entire map as they don’t have a lane and need to move from jungle camp to jungle camp, this means that they do not stay in one place and is always moving. 

Because of this, jungle players have the option to gank or help the other lanes anytime they want. Some jungle champions have the ability to one-shot squishy champions while some have the ability to hard CC multiple champions giving their team a huge advantage in a team fight. You should also know that some of these are one of the best carry champions in the game right now! There is one simple thing to consider when picking a champion that can team fight hard for your team and that is having hard CC abilities that can affect multiple champions at once. IN this article, I will show you 5 of the best team fight junglers.

5. Zac

Zac has been a staple pick for teams who want to have a really tanky jungler and has hard CC abilities that can affect multiple champions at once. He also has a great sustain making him really great during team fights. He can stand on his own and engage 5 enemy team embers at once, he can initiate and fight until he dies simply because he has his passive that allows him to be revived. Once Zac engages the enemy team, he can CC them all and his team can just follow up. 

Best item for Zac


Zac can quickly proc the effects of even shroud once he uses his E to engage enemies, once he immobilizes one member of the opposing team, he can increase the damage the entire team of that champion receives. Once Zac’s allies collapse on the enemies thanks to his engagement, they will all proc the bonus damage effect of this item.

Different Playstyle For Each Phase

Early Game Playstyle

During the early game, use Zac’s E to navigate your way around the jungle, it is also a great ability to have during the early levels along with his W to deal AoE damage and have fast clear speeds. Zac can immediately gank his allies once he learns his E. He doesn’t have great damage and works great when he plays well with others. Ask your laners to coordinate whenever you try to gank to secure kills. Zac does a good job of keeping enemies immobilized for a few seconds and he can also perform tower dives thanks to his passive, just make sure one of your teammates has a teleport to save you from turret shots once you become a blob.

Mid Game Playstyle

Mid-game Zac is a very fast ganking champion thanks to his E that has a very long casting range. Zac can channel his E from blind spots to prevent enemies from spotting him. Make sure to secure major objectives every time you have the advantage over your enemy jungler.

Late Game Playstyle

Zac is a great initiator during the late game so take advantage of that. Zac’s team becomes really aggressive during the late game because of his engagement, he also becomes really tanky so there is no need to worry about dying when you initiate a team fight for your team. 

4. Jarvan IV

One of the oldest champions and one of the champions used by the first world champions of the league of legends. Jarvan IV has always been a team-fighting jungle that can shut the mobility of most units down. He can completely cage his enemies with his ultimate which is really great during team fights. Jarvan denies the positioning of his enemies and can deal tons of damage all at the same time. He can also knock enemies airborne with his quick combo and follow it up with a stun. 

Best item for Jarvan IV

Gore drinker

Jarvan will face enemies head-on most of the time especially when he uses his ultimate to initiate for his team. This means that multiple champions will try to kill him altogether, the only way to mitigate this is to be really tank or have a huge heal from Gore Drinker’s active effect.

Different Playstyle For Each Phase

Early Game Playstyle

Start with your basic jungle camp clears, start with the buff that will most likely benefit you, consider looking at the enemy jungler and determine which buff he will take first, knowing this will give you a better idea on how to track them. If you are able to track them, Jarvan can invade his enemy’s jungler and take their buff, this is easy for him because he can jump through walls and save time walking around the baron or dragon pit. 

Mid Game Playstyle

Mid game is the start of securing major objectives, to deny the enemy jungler from smiting the dragon or the rift herald, Jarvan can use his ultimate while the enemy jungler is still out of range of the objective and just use his E + Q combo to get out of the pit he makes. This way, your smite will be uncontested and it will be easier to stack up on dragon buffs. 

Late Game Playstyle

During the late game, you can just simply do your combo of E + Q and use your ult whenever the enemy team is grouped together, the more champions you catch the better.

3. Sejuani

Sejuani has plenty of CC abilities she can use to disable enemies from time to time, her ultimate is also one of the best CC initiate abilities in the game. It can stun an enemy champion for a very long time and it has a very long range. Once Sejuani initiate with her ultimate, she can stun one enemy champion and slow their nearby allies down.

Best item for Sejuani

Sunfire Aegis

Being able to cc multiple enemies all the time, Sejuani will be able to procc the effects of this item frequently. 

Different Playstyle For Each Phase

Early Game Playstyle

Start just like any other jungler, determine which buff you should take, and work your way until you clear all the jungle camps including your first Scuttler. 

Mid Game Playstyle

Roam the lanes of your allies as Sejuani as you can easily set a kill for them with your ultimate, it has a really long range and Sejuani also has a dash she can use to quickly follow up on your initiation. She also has other slow and stun abilities to keep an enemy immobilized for your teammates to finish.

Late Game Playstyle

Sejuani is extremely durable during the late game because of her passive that synergizes with the items she can build. Be at the frontline of your team and take most of the damage, once the team fight erupts, look to use your ultimate on the enemy’s strongest member and focus your CC on that champion. Sejuani can keep champions completely immobilized for a very long time. 

2. Malphite

Of course, there should be no articles out there that don’t feature Malphite in team fights, he is a very tanky champion that can stack up on armor and tank tower shots for days. His ultimate is the best initiating ability that is really fast and easy to land. Once Malphite lands his ultimate on multiple enemies, he can quickly follow it up with his E slowing the attack speeds of the enemies hit with it. His Q is also a great way to slow disengaging enemies down. The only downside and reason why he is number 4 on the list is that despite his ultimate being the best initiating ability, it can only be used once and you have to wait for a very long cooldown.

Best item for Malphite

Sunfire Aegis

Once he knocks enemies up, he can trigger the effects of Sunfire Aegis and cause an explosion. This is also a great item for him when he is trying to clear jungle camps.

Different Playstyle For Each Phase

Early Game Playstyle

As a jungler, you will need to start with your W as it will empower your basic attacks and make it deal AoE damage. Malphite has a really slow jungle camp clear but once he reaches level 6, he can instead farm the lanes for kills or assists. 

Mid Game Playstyle

Gank lanes as often as you can or once your ultimate is off cooldown. If your ultimate is down, using your Q to slow enemies down will be enough to help your teammate to score a kill. Offer tower dive opportunities for your allies as you can take tower shots easily. 

Late Game Playstyle

Basically, just use your ultimate to knock multiple enemies airborne and you’re good to go. Tank objectives everytime you can as Late game Malphite is extremely tanky because of the bonus armor he gets from his W’s passive.

1. Amumu

When looking for teamfight junglers, you need to look at tanks that can CC multiple champions with their AoE CC abilities. Amumu is similar to Zac in some ways because they can engage enemies from far away. Amumu has his Q similar to Zac’s E which can CC and close the gap between him and an enemy. Their ultimate is quite the same, as well as Amumu, can stun multiple enemies as well. The only reason why Amumu is down here is that he is similar to Zac but his abilities are mostly underwhelming compared to Zac’s.

Best item for Amumu


Amumu has two charges on his Q now and he can keep enemies stunned for a very long time by playing the cooldowns of these two spells. Once amumu engages with his Q, he can immediately use Everfrost on that enemy and wait for the cooldown of his 2nd Q. If he manages to do all these, he can follow it up with his ultimate as well completely locking an enemy down for 5 seconds or more. 

Different Playstyle For Each Phase

Early Game Playstyle

Start with your W which lets you deal continuous damage to enemies, this is great for epic monsters as it allows you to deal more damage to monsters with high HP. It is also great for clearing grouped monsters like the wolves and the raptors. 

Mid Game Playstyle

Keep on abusing your gank potential and help your allies achieve kills in their lanes.

Late Game Playstyle

Be on the front line and engage enemies with your Q anytime you can, after you engage them with your Q you can use Everfrost to stun and slow them all down. Follow it up with your ultimate to lock them all down.

Final Thoughts

Tank junglers are the best team fighting junglers as these tank champions mostly are the ones with AoE CC abilities.

Check Next >https://www.neoadviser.com/guide-on-starting-a-company-in-the-tech-age/

Tips for Beginners to Make Good Returns Using Bitcoin Robots

Tips for Beginners to Make Good Returns Using Bitcoin Robots

Bitcoin markets can move quickly. Traders hoping to profit often find it difficult to process price movements and other information in real-time. Emotional reactions to sudden wins or losses can make decision-making even more difficult.  Bitcoin robots are trading programs that can help you master cryptocurrency markets. These tools use algorithms to measure variables and find profitable trades. A bitcoin system review will go into the different advantages of particular programs, but every good bitcoin robot takes care of two main problems that crypto traders encounter.


  • A trading robot instantly analyzes charts and data. It decides about a potential trade much faster than a human, so you will not miss opportunities that require immediate analysis and action.
  • A trading robot makes decisions based solely on available data. It is unaffected by frustration, stress, and other emotions that can cloud the judgment of human traders. Because of this, it will always make the best decision based on available information.

A bitcoin robot can scan and analyze data, but the trader still needs the skill to configure and monitor the program. Some software works better on specific trading platforms or with particular cryptocurrencies. You should always look for these performance details and specifications when reading a bitcoin system review to find the best option for your crypto investing plans.

Here are tips for choosing, configuring, and operating bitcoin robots:

Test Your Bitcoin Robot before Trading Real Money 

Before you trade using a robot, you need to ensure that the program and your setup work in different market conditions. You can start by backtesting using historical data. If it is profitable after this initial run, you can run it forward for several weeks without real money to see how it performs in a live market.  You should also check performance over different timeframes. For example, you can see how the bot performs using one-minute, five-minute, fifteen-minute, one-hour, or one-day charts. A good bitcoin system will allow you to perform these tests without having to use real money.

 Choose a Bitcoin Robot that Fits Your Trading Style 

When you read bitcoin system review articles, you should look for information about the type of trading strategies the robot uses.


  • If you are a swing trader, you will want a system that successfully identifies when the market breaks out of a trend.
  • On the other hand, if you want to make frequent small trades to take advantage of pricing differences, you will be better off with an arbitrage robot.

Set the Bitcoin Robot to Handle the Worst Scenarios 

Cryptocurrency markets can experience flash crashes with severe and almost-instant price drops. A bitcoin robot should be able to protect your money if such an event occurs while it is operating. The system needs built-in stop-loss orders that will exit a position if the trade moves against you and your losses reach a specific amount.  You may also want a feature that will cease trading when your account balance reaches a certain amount of loss. Losses could happen if the robot isn’t functioning correctly or is unable to process market data because of unpredictable conditions. The automatic shutdown will give you time to check your program and reassess its configuration before you restart trading.

 Set the Necessary Alerts 

Your bitcoin robot will function on its own, but you will want to customize its alerts so that you can follow the progress. The program you use should have different alert settings. If, for example, you have an arbitrage trading bot, it will perform hundreds of trades per day. You certainly do not want an alert for each trade. However, if your bot engages in swing trading, you might want a signal when it enters a position and one when it exits.  The ability to customize alerts is an important consideration. You want the power to set the notifications that you need without overwhelming your phone or inbox with messages.

 How to Choose the Best Bitcoin Robot for Your Requirements 

When you look at a bitcoin system review, you should see whether or not the robot includes the controls, features, and traits that you need to carry out your strategy on your chosen platform.  Check out our bitcoin system review articles to find the best cryptocurrency robot for your trading strategy.

Check Next >https://www.neoadviser.com/mini-guide-to-buying-bitcoins/


Want To Hire an Animation Studio? Here’s How To Choose the Right One

Want To Hire an Animation Studio? Here’s How To Choose the Right One

If you’re looking to produce an animated video, you’ll need to find the right animation studio to help you bring your vision to life. There are a lot of animation studios out there, and they all claim to be the best. How can you make sure that you’re hiring the right one for your project? In this blog post, we’ll discuss some tips for choosing an animation studio.


When you’re looking for an animation studio, be sure to check out their portfolio. This will give you a good idea of their style and what they’re capable of. If you like what you see, then that’s a good sign. But if you don’t, then it might be time to keep looking. For instance, animation studios in Singapore tend to have a different style than those in the United States. So if you’re looking for a specific style, be sure to check out studios in that country.


Another good way to gauge whether or not an animation studio is right for you is to read reviews. See what other people are saying about them. Are they happy with the results? Were they easy to work with? These are all important factors to consider.


Of course, you’ll also need to consider the price when choosing an animation studio. But be careful not to make price your only criterion. Just because a studio is expensive doesn’t mean that they’re the best. And just because a studio is cheap doesn’t mean that they’re not good. Be sure to consider all of the factors we’ve discussed before making your final decision.


Another important factor to consider is experience. Do they have experience with the type of animation you’re looking for? The more experience a studio has, the better. They’ll be able to offer insights and suggestions that you might not have thought of.

Who Have They Worked With?

You should also take a look at the studio’s past clients. Have they worked with big brands? Or are they mostly working with small businesses? This can give you an idea of their experience and what type of projects they’re used to working on.


Finally, you’ll want to make sure that the studio you choose is capable of creating original content. After all, you don’t want your video to look like everyone else’s. You want it to be unique and stand out from the rest. Make sure to ask the studio about their process for coming up with new ideas. Additionally, you can ask to see some of their previous work to get an idea of their style. Furthermore,  you can read reviews to see what other people are saying about the studio’s originality. Last but not least, take a look at their portfolio to see if their style is something you’re looking for. Choosing the right animation studio is an important decision. Be sure to do your research and consider all of the factors we’ve discussed. With a little effort, you’re sure to find the perfect studio for your project. We hope you found these tips helpful. Good luck in your search for the perfect animation studio!

Check Next >https://www.neoadviser.com/what-makes-a-good-video-commercial/


What Makes A Good Video Commercial? Find Out Here

What Makes A Good Video Commercial? Find Out Here

To make a good video commercial, you need to capture your audience’s attention within the first few seconds. You also need to keep in mind what the product is and what you want the viewer to do after watching the commercial. Whether you’re selling a product or trying to get people to visit your website, here are some things that will make a good video commercial.

High-Quality Production

The first and most important thing you need for a good video commercial is a high-quality production. This means that the video should be well-shot, with clear audio and visuals. If your commercial looks and sounds amateurish, it’s not going to be effective. For this part of the process, hiring a Singapore video production house might be the right choice because a professional can deliver high-quality material. Additionally, a video production company will also have a team of editors who can further improve the quality of your commercial.

Tell A Story

Your commercial should tell a story that engages the viewer and makes them want to watch more. The story doesn’t have to be lengthy or complicated, but it should be interesting enough to keep people hooked. A good way to do this is to focus on emotions and use customer testimonials. You can also use humor, but be careful not to make your commercial too cheesy or over-the-top. However, your commercial should be short and to the point. People have short attention spans, so you need to make sure that your commercial doesn’t drag on. The ideal length for a video commercial is 30 seconds, but you can also go for 15 seconds if you’re selling a simple product.

Use Persuasive Techniques

To get people to take action after watching your commercial, you need to use persuasive techniques. This means making sure that your call to action is clear and concise. You also need to use persuasive language to convince people to buy your product or visit your website. For example, you might say something like “Our product is the best on the market” or “Visit our website for exclusive deals.” Additionally, These types of phrases make people more likely to take action.

Good Editing and Visual Effects Are Key

Even if you have a high-quality video, it won’t be effective if it’s not edited well. This is where a video production company can help because they will have experienced editors who can put your commercial together in the most effective way possible. Additionally, good visual effects are also important for making a commercial that stands out. If you’re selling a product, you might want to use animation or graphics to highlight its features. Visual effects can help make your commercial more eye-catching and memorable. However, you need to use them sparingly and make sure that they don’t take away from the product itself.

So, the key factors that determine a good commercial include high-quality production, telling a story, using persuasive techniques, and having effective editing and visual effects. If you want to create an effective commercial for your product or website, it’s important to consider all of these elements when planning and producing your video.

Check Next >https://www.neoadviser.com/guide-on-starting-a-company-in-the-tech-age/

A Full Guide on Starting a Company in the Tech Age

A Full Guide on Starting a Company in the Tech Age

Starting a company in the tech age comes with its opportunities. With new technology making it easier to build and scale a business, there are endless possibilities for those who know how to take advantage of them. In this guide, we will walk you through the entire process of starting a company in the tech age. Whether you are an entrepreneur looking to launch your first venture or an established business looking to switch to digital technology, this guide has everything you need.

Be Compliant With the Law

Before starting a company in the tech age, it is vital to ensure that you are fully compliant with all relevant laws and regulations. Depending on your business’s industry, this will likely involve registering with specific state or federal agencies and obtaining any necessary licenses or permits. For instance, if you are looking to start a company in Singapore, you can outsource business services to help you with company name registration Singapore

There are a few different options to choose from for company registration which can be done online. The most common is to register as a sole proprietorship, which can be done easily and inexpensively through your state’s secretary of state office. If you are looking for more protection, you may consider registering as an LLC or corporation. Once you have registered your business, the next step is to obtain any necessary licenses or permits. Depending on the nature of your business, this could include everything from a food handling license to an occupancy certificate. Once again, the requirements will vary depending on the industry you are in and the location of your business. Once you have all the necessary paperwork in order, you are ready to start building your company.

Developing a Strong Online Presence

One of the most important aspects of starting a company is developing a strong online presence in the tech age. This means having a website that is easy to navigate and provides visitors with all the information they need about your products or services. It also means being active on social media and using other digital marketing channels to reach your target audience. Luckily, there are several resources available to help you get started.

If you are not sure where to start, consider hiring a web developer to create a professional website for your business. Once your site is up and running, be sure to populate it with engaging content that will appeal to your target audience. In addition to your website, you should also create profiles on popular social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. These will allow you to engage with your customers and build your brand awareness online.

Create a Customer Acquisition Strategy

You will not be able to start a company in the tech age without customers. To succeed, you will need to develop an effective customer acquisition strategy that allows you to reach your target audience and convert them into loyal customers. One of the best ways to do this is by using targeted digital marketing campaigns. Depending on your budget, you can use several different strategies, including search engine optimization (SEO) and pay-per-click marketing (PPC). No matter what methods you choose for customer acquisition, testing and refining your approach over time is essential. This will allow you to identify any areas where changes may need to be made to achieve optimal results. By following these tips and working hard to create a successful company, you will be well to achieve success in the tech age.

Develop a Marketing Strategy

Having a well-developed marketing strategy is critical for businesses in the tech age. With so many different channels to choose from, it can be challenging to know where to start. One of the most important things is identifying your target audience and developing a strategy for reaching them. Once you have done this, you can start creating content, running advertising campaigns, and using social media to reach new customers. If you are not sure how to develop a marketing strategy, plenty of resources are available online to help you get started. The tech age has changed how businesses operate, and it is more important than ever to use technology to your advantage to be successful. To start a company in the tech age, you need to ensure that you have all the necessary paperwork. You should also develop a strong online presence by creating a customer-friendly website and utilizing social media. Additionally, it would help focus on using technology to automate repetitive tasks and improve communication with customers and employees alike. With these steps in mind, you can build a thriving business in the tech age.

Check Next >https://www.neoadviser.com/things-you-should-know-when-choosing-a-lawyer/

Find Your Authentic Writing Voice and Let It Shine: A 4-Step Guide

Find Your Authentic Writing Voice and Let It Shine: A 4-Step Guide

Some authors like Jane Austen, James Joyce, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Ernest Hemingway have such distinct and original voices that you can recognize their writing from a single line. But how exactly do you develop a unique voice as a writer? This question is a number one concern for many beginners. In this article, experts from writing services, which help write my essay with native writers, who work with essays, academic papers, and different kinds of creative writing assignments, share four tips on how you can find your authentic voice. 

What Is the Author’s Voice?

Before we move on to the steps that can help you find your voice, let’s clarify the definition of voice in writing and identify its benefits. Voice in writing is a complex combination of an author’s word choice, language register, point of view, syntax, and tone. In a nutshell, this is every detail that makes a literary work unique. With time, an original mix of choices that an author makes in their work becomes more and more consistent and thus recognizable. 

Why do you need to work on your voice? As a writer, you have your voice as your main tool that communicates ideas and helps you to connect with your readers. It gives your work consistency and makes it recognizable among people who will return again and again for your content. 

4 Steps to Finding Your Voice

Here are four practical ways to unlock and develop your unique voice. 

1. Find Inspiration

Your voice evolves as you expose yourself to various literary influences that build your background and taste. So our first and fundamental advice is to read as much as possible. It doesn’t mean that you should read works in the genre you work in. On the contrary, you never know where you’ll find inspiration. So don’t limit yourself to one niche, and make sure you consume different types of written content daily.

You should also learn from masters. Analyze the work of renowned writers and try to figure out what makes it unique. You can also get professionally-written drafts to learn from if you ask a writing service PaperWritingService to write your papers for you. This option is perfect for new writers and students who need academic help with their homework. 

2. Practice

You already have your voice. You only have to amplify it. To make this possible, you need to practice and pay attention to the elements of writing that make up your voice. Here is how:

  • Practice freewriting for half an hour to write everything that comes to mind. Then, go back and try to identify some of the recurring features of your writing in terms of word choice, rhythm, imagery, etc. This helps to determine the strong points of your natural voice and build on them in your next works. 
  • Read aloud. When you read your writing aloud, it refreshes your perspective and allows you to get an impression of how your writing voice actually sounds. It will reveal errors and places where your writing sounds unnatural or stiff. 
  • Journaling is a useful practice for learning to write how you speak. It may give you some insights you never expected about yourself and your voice. 

Combine these exercises with some self-reflection and learning. Practice including strong words, imagery, and sensory language. You can also experiment with point of view and rhythm to find what feels natural and forms your unique voice. 

3. Line Edit

Although line editing is also a writing practice, it’s so crucial to your success that we want to highlight it as a separate step. It is a practice that aims to improve the style and readability of your writing. To line edit, as the name itself suggests, you need to go through your writing line by line and pay attention to every word and every little detail. It’s all about nuances like word choice and sentence structure. If you feel like your writing gets repetitive or you tend to overuse certain clichés, this is a life-saving skill. By learning how to line edit, you hone your writing voice by cutting out all the excess that doesn’t let your voice develop in full. You can either self-edit or get some editing assistance.

4. Trust Yourself

While it is important to reflect on your work and try to refine your voice, you should approach the process with the right mindset. First, this journey is not something finite. Your voice evolves together with your interests, artistic influences, and your own writing skills that never stop growing. Second, it may never seem like you’ve got everything figured out. That is why the best thing you can do is to learn to trust your voice and let it evolve naturally. It’s an adventure with a great deal of try and error, but this is what allows your personality to shine through your writing. 

Final Thoughts

Your writing voice is not something that comes to you overnight. This is a process of learning and growing that never stops. You’ll probably see your writing voice evolve throughout your life. So be patient, trust yourself, and never stop learning!

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4 Tips To Help You Stay Safe While Driving Your Car

4 Tips To Help You Stay Safe While Driving Your Car

According to the 2019 Driver Safety Risk Report released by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), human error is responsible for 94% of all motor vehicle crashes. These accidents affect everything from medical bills to car insurance rates. While there is no way to eliminate human error and the possibility of getting into a car accident, you can take some simple steps to help reduce your risk and stay safe while driving. 

1. Pay Attention to Other Drivers

Often, accidents are caused by other drivers who make mistakes or fail to follow traffic rules. In such a scenario, you can contact a Car Accident Lawyer in Woodstock to help you with the process. That’s why it’s essential to always be aware of your surroundings and pay attention to other drivers on the road, even if they seem to be driving safely. Don’t attempt to engage in high-risk behavior like speeding, tailgating, or weaving in and out of traffic lanes – this can lead to accidents and even fatalities. Follow the speed limit, use your turn signals, and give yourself plenty of time to come to a stop.

2. Avoid Distracted Driving

Texting, talking on the phone, eating, drinking, and fiddling with the radio are common distractions that can take your attention away from the road. Even a momentary lapse in focus can lead to an accident. So, it’s essential to avoid anything that takes your hands off the wheel. A good rule of thumb is to treat your car as a weapon. This means never driving while tired, drunk, or under the influence of drugs. 

3. Drive Defensively

Defensive driving is all about being prepared for anything on the road. Always be on the lookout for potential hazards and have a plan in mind to avoid them. For example, if you see a car coming towards you in your lane, know what you will do to avoid getting hit. This could mean swerving into another lane or pulling over to the side of the road. In addition to paying attention to other drivers, be especially cautious when driving in bad weather conditions like rain, snow, or ice. Slow down and give yourself plenty of time to brake.

4. Maintain Your Vehicle Regularly

It is vital to watch out for other drivers, but you should also watch your vehicle. Ensure your tires are properly inflated, and the treads are in good shape. Check that all of your lights and signals are working correctly, and be sure to replace any worn brake pads or other parts that could cause a problem when driving. You should also have your car professionally inspected at least once a year to help catch minor problems before they become big ones.

If you follow these tips, you’ll be well on your way to driving safely. Remember always to stay alert and focused while behind the wheel, and never engage in any risky behaviors. Your safety and other drivers’ safety are essential, so take precautions and drive defensively. Contact a lawyer if you have been in an accident to get more information about your legal rights and options.

Check Next >https://www.neoadviser.com/how-to-easily-sell-your-old-car/

Exam Prep Made Simple: 7 Helpful Apps Students Should Try

Exam Prep Made Simple: 7 Helpful Apps Students Should Try

What can be more stressful than a week before exams? We bet that many students will confirm that it’s the worst. There is no secret that getting ready for tests always takes plenty of time and work. At the same time, it is incredibly stressful because students feel that the stakes during every exam are pretty high. To complicate matters, it is important to note that students are not being freed from other schoolwork for the time of their exam prep, which makes it even more challenging. But there is some good news too! These days, there are plenty of tools and apps that make test prep simple. In this article, we will tell you about the top seven such apps!

1. EssayService

The first tool on our list is a professional and trusted essay writing service EssayService. We have to mention that this service doesn’t directly assist you in studying for exams. Yet, it is one of the best test prep tools students should use because it lets them save enough time for exam preparation. By hiring an essay helper from essayservice.com, students can ease the tension and get a chance to spend as much time as they need to study for important exams. At the same time, they will be able to rest assured that all their current academic tasks are getting done right on time and at the highest level.

2. Exam Countdown

We bet that many of you have felt it – you are living your life and minding your own business when you suddenly realize that a big test is just around the corner, and you literally have no time to prepare for it. Unfortunately, such situations can add up even more stress and get in the way of your success. But Exam Countdown is an app that can help you avoid this. This app is available for free for Android and iOS devices. It is designed to help students keep track of their test and exam dates. So with its help, you will never forget about day X.

3. My Study Life

One of the biggest test prep issues facing students is their inability to keep their study sessions well-organized and effective. Needless to say, this can make the process of preparation even more time-consuming. But not if you have My Study Life. This app is available for the majority of mobile platforms, and there is also a version for Windows and Mac computers. In a nutshell, this application helps you organize and track your everyday study efforts, assignments, grades, and your exams. My Study Life will keep you on the right track in your studies and test prep by keeping you updated on everything.

4. Quizlet

When it gets to actual practice, there is no better app to train yourself for tests and exams than Quizlet. This application is very versatile. It is also available for free for a variety of devices and platforms. And it can make studying for exams a piece of cake. What is in it for you? Quizlet brings together some of the most effective test prep techniques, including flashcards, quizzes, practice questions, and games. With its help, students can study for exams in a fun and engaging manner. 

5. StudyBlue

The next app on our list is somewhat similar to Quizlet. StudyBlue also was designed to make test practice seamless, effective, and engaging at the same time. And it is also available for free for iOS and Android users. StudyBlue lets you create a digital version of your notes and study materials. It enables you to create your own quizzes, flashcards, and more based on the specific materials provided by your teacher. You can even create and store your own essay services reviews. Best part? You can share all your test prep files as well as reviews with friends and classmates to organize group studies.

6. Todait

If you are not too good at planning your own time, it can get in the way of effective exam prep. To make the most of the preparation process, you must devote enough time to each subject and topic. Luckily, Todait can do this for you. Todait is an exam planner. The app enables students to plan their exam prep wiser by automatically dividing their time and ensuring that they spend enough time on every subject. In addition, the application lets you create helpful daily, weekly, and even monthly timetables to keep you on the right track. Also, it allows you to track the progress, set alarms, and even receive real-time feedback from the application.

7. Forest

If getting focused during the study sessions is your biggest pain point, the last app on our list is perfect for you! Forest is a free and incredibly helpful focus app available for Android and iOS. When you open the app, you can plant a tree and set a timer. Once you do this, you won’t be able to use any other distracting features on your phone because this will kill your tree. As a result, you will be more focused during your exam prep and, thus, will be able to retain more information.

To Sum Up

These are the top seven exam prep apps that students can make the best use of. Be sure to try them all to reach academic success and prepare for your tests easier and quicker than ever!

Check Next >https://www.neoadviser.com/8-amazing-apps-for-planning-your-studies/


8 Amazing Apps For Planning Your Studies

8 Amazing Apps For Planning Your Studies

Contrary to standard belief, being a student isn’t simple. In addition to attending lectures that can leave you feeling mentally drained, you also need to put in extra work to get good grades. For a lot of students, this includes staying up late (sometimes the whole night) and forming study groups with their classmates.

From a medical standpoint, pulling frequent all-nighters is one of the worst things a student can do to their body and mind. Sleep deprivation causes memory loss and fatigue and reduces problem-solving skills – all of which is the complete opposite of what you’d need to pass your classes. And while study groups can be helpful, they can also be distracting and disorganized. Fortunately, there’s a better way to study and get coursework done. For one, you can enlist the help of an essay service by typing the words ‘EssayHub help write my essay’ in your browser’s search bar. Secondly, there are many different study apps available online for free. 

Here are 8 study apps that are guaranteed to make your life easier and more productive.

Exam Countdown

Exam Countdown is exactly what it sounds like. In a nutshell, it reminds you of upcoming exams by letting you set a daily countdown timer. It allows you to add as many subjects and deadlines as needed, making this a great app for people who are taking multiple classes and have trouble keeping track of test dates.

Now, you might find yourself in a tough spot when trying to finish tasks with tight deadlines and reading for exams. Luckily, you can browse through essay writing services reviews on EssayReviews.com to find professionals who will help you with your coursework. This way, you can focus on acing your exams. 


From its name alone, you can tell what kind of app GoConqr is. It’s used by both students and young professionals to create, save, share, and embed mind maps, quizzes, flashcards, and notes. On top of that, GoConqr provides a study planner. In short, it’s the perfect all-around app for students.

Simple Mind

Simple Mind is mind-mapping software that you can install on your phone, tablet, and laptop. In case you haven’t heard of mind mapping, it’s a visual tool that uses pictures and words to enhance learning. If used correctly, it can:

  • improve your memory;
  • help you identify the relationships between different topics;
  • organize your thoughts;
  • structure your assignments.

It has a free version that offers 4 out of its 11 features. Its Pro version is a one-time purchase of $29.99.


Evernote is a note-taking app but also so much more. It lets you collect and organize information easily with its web extension. Then, you can organize your clipped information with tags. It has a free version, and premium plans start from $7.99 per month.


Quizlet is one of the more well-known study apps. It makes learning fun and easy by giving its users a variety of ways to study. There are flashcards, quizzes, and games too. It’s thus easy that anyone will use it. As you’re forming your flashcards, Quizlet also allows you to see commonly used definitions or explanations for the term you’re defining. 

My Study Life

The CEO of My Study Life created the app as a fresh college student in 2010. That said, the app was made with students in mind. It provides a timetable like other apps but also includes reminders for upcoming deadlines and a task manager. For storage, it syncs all your work to the cloud. You can even work on a paper offline, and it will be uploaded when you’re back online.


Pocket, formerly known as reading It Later, allows people to bookmark interesting content they find across the web and revisit it later. All your bookmarked pages will be in one location, but you can still organize them with labels. It also has a ‘discover’ page that points to pages other users have saved. You can use this app when researching for a term paper or an assignment. 

My Homework Student Planner

myHomework is one of the best study apps out there. The free version helps students track their assignments, tests, and classes and alerts them with due date reminders. For better coordination, it also syncs devices. The paid version, myHomework Premium, is only $4.99 per year. Along with the free plan features, it’s ad-free, allows file attachments, and lets you import homework, share your planner, and sync with external calendars.


It’s easy to get distracted and confused as a student between figuring out your schedule and organizing all the due dates for different classes. Luckily, there are various ways to study and stay on top of your coursework. Downloading a study app will help you organize your thoughts, class schedule, and assignments. 

Check Next >https://www.neoadviser.com/ideal-tablets-for-students-going-back-to-school/


Here Are The Top 6 Things You Should Know When Choosing A Lawyer

When you need to find a good lawyer, it’s important to do your research. Not all lawyers are created equal, and you want to make sure you choose the right one for your specific needs. Assuming you conclude that it’s a good idea to enlist a lawyer, what’s the most effective way to view the right one? Every mate will have their issues and needs, obviously, and every life partner will require a lawyer. Sorts of divorce lawyers and their charges can differ significantly. Be that as it may, it’s vital to comprehend the critical components of what divorce lawyer actually do, where to track down them, and what they can costIn this blog post, we will discuss six things you should keep in mind when choosing a lawyer. By following these tips, you can be sure that you are making the best decision for yourself and your family!

1) What Type Of Case Are You Dealing With?


The first thing you need to think about when choosing a lawyer is the type of case you are dealing with. Different lawyers specialize in different areas of law, so it’s important to find one who specializes in the area that your case falls under. As stated by Eisenberg, Rothweiler, Winkler, Eisenberg & Jeck law professionals you need to find an expert to whom your case is of the utmost importance. Additionally,  if you have been accused of a crime, you will want to find a criminal defense lawyer.


2) How Much Experience Does The Lawyer Have?


In addition to specializing in the right area of law, you also want to make sure that the lawyer you choose has experience. You don’t want to be one of a lawyer’s first cases – you want someone who has been through the process before and knows what to expect. Asking about their experience in handling a certain type of case will give you a good idea of whether or not they will be able to help you. 


3) Look for Recommendations


Additionally, you can look up reviews of lawyers online to get an idea of what other people have thought of their services. Google, Yelp, and other review sites are a great way to get an idea of what to expect from a lawyer. You can also ask your friends or family if they have any recommendations. This way you can get an idea of what to expect before you even step into the office.


4) The Size of a Firm


The size of the law firm can also be a factor in your decision. If you are dealing with a very complex case, you may want to choose a larger firm that has the resources to handle your case. On the other hand, if you have a simpler case, you may be better off choosing a smaller firm or even a solo practitioner. So,  it really depends on the specific needs of your case.


5) Cost and Billing Structure

Of course, you will also need to consider the cost of hiring a lawyer. Different lawyers charge different rates, so it’s important to find one that fits within your budget. In addition, you should ask about the billing structure – some lawyers charge by the hour while others charge a flat fee. Make sure you understand how the lawyer plans on billing you before making a decision. You should also be aware that some lawyers may require a retainer – this is a fee that is paid upfront and allows the lawyer to begin working on your case. 


6) The Way of Communication


Finally, you should also consider the way of communication. Some lawyers are very hands-on and will be available to answer your questions at any time. Others may be less available – you may only be able to reach them during business hours or through email. It’s important to find a lawyer who communicates in a way that works for you. Also, you need to feel comfortable when talking to your lawyer. This means that you should feel like you can ask them anything, no matter how small it may seem. It also means that the lawyer you choose should not be judgemental or make you feel like you are asking stupid questions. This is of paramount importance, especially if you are vulnerable and going through a situation that you are emotionally attached to. Additionally, your lawyer should be patient and understand that you are going through a difficult time. This is one of the most important steps, so make sure to make a thoughtful decision. 

Choosing the right lawyer is an important decision and one that should not be taken lightly. By following these tips, you can be sure that you are making the best choice for yourself and your family. With the right lawyer on your side, you can rest assured knowing that you have the best chance possible of achieving a favorable outcome in your case. 

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