9 Easy Vehicle Maintenance And Repairs You Can Do Yourself,

9 Easy Vehicle Maintenance And Repairs You Can Do Yourself

9 Easy Vehicle Maintenance And Repairs You Can Do Yourself

Maintaining a car takes a lot of effort, time, and money. But you can save your money by doing your car repairs yourself. Though car maintenance and some repairs seem challenging at first, if you start with basic repairs and small workups, you can be a mechanic of your car. Doing DIY car repairs can be a huge help for your pocket and all you need is to learn some things about your car, have some tools at hand, and do some search. Here are 9 tips you can use for car owner manuals at home. Let’s have a look.

Replacing wiper blades

Wiper blades are essential parts as they help you drive safely in bad weather. If they are broken or not working properly, it could put you in a dangerous situation. It is easy to tell when your car’s windshield wipers need to be changed. Replacing them is not a difficult task. All you need to do is to unfasten the old blades, have a strong grip on the wiper arm, and then secure the new blade in place without using any specific tool.

Changing air filters

Engine air filters keep debris out of your engine, while cabin air filters prevent your air conditioning system from accumulating filth. If you don’t change your engine’s air filter, it will become clogged, causing your engine to get hot and run inefficiently. And if the situation gets worse, the motor of your car could get burnt. After every 30,000 miles of running, you must replace the air filter. It is simple to change the air filter. It entails unscrewing the filter box, taking out the old filter, and putting in the new one. Changing the cabin filter of your car also undergoes a similar procedure.

Touching up the paint

For minor scratches and chipping in automotive paint, there is a simple DIY cure. The few small areas of chipped paint produced by road rocks can be touched up. If there is no major damage, you can fix the coat of paint at home without paying the cost to a professional. Do-it-yourself kits for fixing car paints are available at any automotive supply store.  It’s simple to fix cracked car paint. All you need to have is touch-up paint, a fine tip paint applicator, and a wax and grease eraser. Leave the chip to dry after cleaning it with the wax and grease solution. Then apply the paint with the applicator onto the chip. And don’t apply again and again.

Fixing dents

There are several ways to remove a minor dent or knock from a vehicle at home without damaging the paint or spending a high price on a professional. All you have to do first is to sand the dent until the metal shows through. Then use wax and grease remover to clean the dents. Then, to cover in the sandpaper scrapes, prepare the body filler and apply a very thin coat. Let the filling set before adding additional layers of no more than 1/4-inch thickness per layer. let it sit and dry completely before applying paint onto it.

Fixing torn leather

Although leather vehicle seat repair may appear to be a job best left to the professionals, don’t overlook the DIY choices available to you. If you tear a hole in your car’s leather seat, don’t be startled. With a leather repair kit, you can fix it yourself at home. The repair takes approximately an hour. All you have to do is match the color of your car leather seat to the proper color mix. Begin by attaching the leather fabric to the ripped leather. Then, to match your fabric color, mix the filler and paste it to the tear. Next, apply a textured sheet on top of the wet filler that resembles the texture of leather. Press it with a cloth iron and leave it to set and dry.

Cleaning your car

Cleaning your car is the best solution to prevent damage. If you don’t want to spend extra on regular car service, you can leave it for DIY cleaning at home. Wash your car once every month, and use a toothbrush for cleaning the holes for cleaning the narrow opening inside your car, other cleaning tasks you can do is to:


  • Vacuum the inside of your car properly
  • Clean the carpets inside your car
  • Clean the seats properly and condition them using a condition solution
  • Wash the windows

Take care of each part of your car while cleaning.

Changing engine coolant

Engine coolant keeps your engine from burning.  Approximately every 20,000 miles, you should replace your coolant. You’ll only need an air compressor and hose, a 4-in-1 screwdriver, and a spanner to complete this task. Check the temperature levels before refilling your coolant. Make sure the engine is cool before proceeding, check the coolant levels, and make sure the coolant liquid is clean.  If you notice rust floating in the liquid, or if the liquid appears to be extremely dark, it’s time to call a professional for fixing it.

Battery replacement

The procedure for replacing the battery is straightforward. If you don’t replace your battery after a certain amount of time, it may cease working, leaving you stranded on the road or forcing you to drag your car home. Simply remove the cables, connect the replacement battery, then reconnect the connections correctly to replace the battery.

Tire puncture repair

Tire maintenance is an important aspect of keeping your car free from defects and improper functioning. Maintained tires ensure your vehicle’s safety, fuel efficiency, and overall functioning of your car. It is critical to check the tire pressure after every 2 to 3 days. Checking your car’s tire pressure does not demand any professional skills. All you need to have is a gauge. If you see any fluctuation in the pressure, it means your tire may be punctured. You can fix that puncture with the help of a small puncture kit. With these easy car repairs at home, you can save your money and long and time-consuming trips to the mechanic.

Check Next >https://www.neoadviser.com/4-most-common-types-of-car-accidents/

How to Choose Your Next Laptop

How to Choose Your Next Laptop

For many of us, the laptop, which was a luxury just a couple of decades ago, is now a necessity. If you are like many people, you need one for work or school. Even if it’s not an absolute necessity, your quality of life may suffer a great deal without it if you rely on for games, movies, and communicating with others. If your laptop dies unexpectedly, is starting to look like it’s on its last leg, or just is no longer able to perform the functions you need it for, it’s time to go shopping again, but here you’re faced with another dilemma. Which one should you get?


These days, you can get a cheap laptop that will allow you to do basic tasks, and that will perform reliably for a year or so, but if you want to do gaming or other things that take more resources, you will need to spend more money. It’s important to keep in mind as well that spending more money upfront could actually save you money in the long run. Not only might you need to replace a cheaper model sooner, but operating system updates and additional software might soon outgrow the laptop’s capacity. If you want a more expensive machine and don’t have the money for one, some manufacturers and stores offer a payment plan, but you may be better off taking out a personal loan and make financing repayments over time since the monthly payments can fit within your budget.


There are two things you’ll need to consider when it comes to portability: size and battery. If you’re going to be on the move with your laptop and working in a variety of different locations, you’ll want something that is light and that has long battery life.  You can typically find a laptop for every user and budget level but you just need to do some research. You may need to balance the size with the computer’s capacity. With a small laptop, you may not have the quality of graphics card that you need or the right number of ports, or the screen on the lightest models may simply not be big enough for your purposes. In these cases, you might need to get something larger and heavier even if that means it’s a little less convenient to carry around.

Other Considerations

There are a number of other considerations before buying a new laptop that range from the technical to the aesthetic. As far as the former goes, unless you already know enough about computers to navigate it, don’t get too overwhelmed in reading about things such as CPUs, RAM, and storage drives. It’s not that these elements aren’t important, but that you may find it easier to think about what you need your computer to be able to do and to look for models that can do that rather than getting bogged down in technical specs. Talking to friends and colleagues and reading reviews online can help you with this aspect. Other things you may want to consider include quality of build and ergonomics. A good quality build means that your laptop can survive some rough treatment, such as being dropped, while the latter can help ensure that it is easy and comfortable to use.


Ideal Tablets for Students Going Back to School

Ideal Tablets for Students Going Back to School

Have you ever found yourself pondering on, which tablet to buy? Ever needed a guide to help you weed out the fancies of technology from the necessities? Want an overview of some tablets on the market and their qualities? Then look no further, this article aims to answer your doubts and put your mind at ease. Whether you are going back to school, entering your freshman year of high school, or plunging head-on into the workforce- there is something for everyone.

Samsung Galaxy Tab S6

A Samsung tablet is easy on the wallet. It is not only user-friendly and has plenty of Android apps that you will find useful but also has longer battery life. The tablet also consists of a headphone jack and a USB cable, so you do not have to worry about listening to music or having to charge it halfway during class.

However, proceed with caution if you are the type to run multiple tabs at once and have a heavy research workload- the Samsung S6 tablet is not so great at multitasking, but it still has great general use.

iPad 2021

Getting an iPad is a worthwhile investment especially if you are in school, college, or even going to medical school. The Apple iPad offers versatility, portability, and top-notch aesthetics. The slim-built structure of the iPad allows you to carry it on the go to your favorite café or go-to restaurant with your friends.

Apple also offers the Apple Pencil, which is ideal for personalized handwritten notes minus the paper and the impending potential to lose your notes. If you are the type to handwrite your lecturers’ slides, then getting an iPad would be just the tablet you need.

iPad Mini 6

This iPad is ideal for those wanting a compact type of tablet. It not only offers excellent battery life but has a brilliant design to it. iPad Mini 6 is also useful for sketching and note-taking. However, it is important to bear in mind this is suitable for easy daily tasks not drastic research work. On the other hand, if you are looking for a relatively useful tablet that is budget-friendly, then these options may be suitable for you.

Microsoft Surface Pro 7

This Microsoft tablet is great for anyone who is used to running Windows 10 and prefers to continue doing so. This is great for Microsoft office and its useful functions especially when you need to type up that dissertation. It is not only portable but has a 10-hour battery life span, ideal for college students who are always on the go.

Besides, you would not want to miss important notes just because your tablet died. Also, the Microsoft Surface Pro 7 has a kickstand, which makes it easier to research important work- the sharp display couldn’t hurt either.

Google Pixel Slate

If you are looking for a tablet that takes wonderful photos and does the job of storing your notes as well as gives you the ease of jotting notes down- Google Pixel Slate would be the way to go. It is not only featherweight but is also highly portable. It looks rather stylish and sleek, so if you are all about aesthetics, this tablet should be your go-to.

The only downside to this sleek tech is that it is expensive. So, if you are on a budget, you might want to save up a little extra on this one. The lightweight keyboard also enables you to type out faster with this Google Pixel tablet. There you have it, a guide to choosing your preferred tablet. In a world filled with modern technology being used as a primary medium for exchange, it is imperative to purchase a tablet suited to your tech needs. The compilation of different techs and their uses will hopefully serve as a guide to your purchasing. Happy tech shopping!

Useful Tricks That Every Car Owner Must Know About

Useful Tricks That Every Car Owner Must Know About

Here’s an article about how car owners can save time and money by mastering a few handy tricks. One of the best things you can do is to learn how to fill up your own tires, or at least know what to do if they go flat on you! That way, you’ll never have to pay for expensive repairs again. There are also some other things that all car owners should know about things like how to change power steering fluids, change a tire, or jump-start your battery. With all these tips, you’ll be well prepared for any emergency.

1) Know How To Remove Frost From Your Windshield

Did you know that scraping ice, snow, and frost from your windshield can actually cause small cracks in the glass? Then, over time, the cracks will only get worse. A better thing to do is use a spray bottle filled with warm water and a little soap. Just apply it carefully onto the windscreen, wait a few minutes for it to melt away all of the frost or ice, and then scrape it clean. If there’s still some leftover dirt on your car after you’ve done this-just wipe it off with a paper towel!

2) How To Tell If You Have Road Flares In The Car

If you ever find yourself stranded on the side of the road because of a flat tire or an accident, then you might need road flares. Of course, it’s important that you have these things in your car at all times just to be safe and ready for any emergency! However, not everyone knows how to tell if they’re there or not. That’s one useful trick that every car owner must know about: just look under the driver’s side seat next to where you would put a spare tire. If there are some of those orange cones marked with reflective stripes, then you’ve got what you need! But if there aren’t any-it’s probably time to pick up some of your own so that your family stays safe on the road.

3) What To Do If The Car Overheats

Sometimes cars can overheat during the summer because of all the heat that’s trapped inside. This is especially true if you’re stuck in traffic with no air conditioning! If your car starts to overheat, then just pull over somewhere safe and stop driving immediately. Find a spot where it’s cool outside, open up the hood, and let it sit there for about thirty minutes so that it can cool down on its own. Meanwhile, search around the engine for any leaks or tell-tale signs of leaking fluids. If you find some oil or water-you’ll want to have them checked out by a mechanic as soon as possible!

4) How To Jumpstart A Battery

You may know how important having jumper cables is when it comes to jumping another car, but what about your own battery? Of course, you’ll want to make sure that it’s always in good condition-otherwise you’ll be stranded on the side of the road with no one to help! But there are two common problems that can cause a battery to die: leaving lights on overnight and overcharging. In order to jumpstart your car, you need to follow a few simple steps. First, attach the positive cables to your battery terminals and then do the same with the negative ones. Then you need to connect one of your jumper cables’ clamps to the positive terminal on the dead battery, and then use that same clamp on another car’s positive terminal. 

Lastly, you’ll want to attach one final clamp onto an unpainted metal surface inside your engine bay-like the strut tower or something similar! You don’t want it touching anything that conducts electricity-like bare wires or anything else that looks dangerous. And now just start up your car like normal; it’ll charge itself back up!

5) How To Change Power Steering  Fluid

Power steering fluid is important for keeping all the moving parts in the steering system lubricated and working properly. Additionally, comparing power steering fluids will help you decide which is best for your car. So if it starts to run low, then you’ll be at risk for your power steering being out during times of increased strain-like when you have to park on a hill! 

The first thing that you need to do is check what kind of power steering fluid your car needs, which should be listed in your owner’s manual. Then open up the hood of your car, find where the reservoir tank is, remove it with a wrench or pliers, clean it out with water and soap, dry it thoroughly, refill with new fluid using a funnel or turkey baster, replace the cap securely back into place-and voila! You saved yourself some money by doing it yourself. You’ll also want to make sure that you keep up with changing your power steering fluid at least once every two years. Otherwise, you could be at risk for severe damage in the long run especially if it’s never been changed before… 

6) How To Change Your Own Tires

It doesn’t matter how new or expensive your car is-if one of its tires has a puncture, then you’re going to need to get it fixed right away! Tire blowouts can cause all sorts of accidents and injuries that cost lives. That’s why every driver should know how to change their own tires, just in case they ever get caught out on the road when something goes wrong… First off, you’ll need to carefully remove the tire’s hubcap. You can do this by prying it off with a flathead screwdriver or removing some screws if there are any. Next, you want to track down the car’s lug nuts-usually four of them, but sometimes more depending on how many wheels your car has.

You’ll also want to find some wood blocks that are somehow secured into place on either side of the tires so that they don’t roll away when you’re jacking up the vehicle. Now just use whatever tools you have available to loosen up each lug nut, raise your car using a jack if there isn’t already one in place under it, take off the bad tire and put on its replacement, lower the car back down again, and finally tighten the lug nuts by hand on each wheel. Then you’re all set!

Changing a tire can seem daunting, but it’s actually not too difficult if you know what to do. All drivers should be familiar with how to change their own tires, just in case they ever get caught out on the road with a flat. With these simple tips, you’ll be able to replace your own tire, fluids, and more in no time and you’ll save yourself some money by doing so!

Check Next >https://www.neoadviser.com/why-is-my-car-not-accelerating-properly/

8 Super-Cool Things You Can Do with Your Smartphone

8 Super-Cool Things You Can Do with Your Smartphone

In the past, people had to buy TVs for entertainment, cameras for photography, and computers to access the Internet. Now, all that happens on smartphones. Smartphones have replaced countless devices by offering thousands of ingenious features. Some of the most ardent users aren’t even aware of all the cool things their smartphones can do.

Here are eight surprisingly cool things you can do with your smartphone –

Measure Height, Length, and Distance

People who want to redecorate their rooms or practice DIY maintenance can now use supercomputers for assistance. Modern-day smartphones are akin to supercomputers. They can even be used to measure heights, distances, or lengths in the real world. A top-quality smartphone camera can estimate the distance/height of an object.

Homeowners no longer need tape measures. They simply need to have the right smartphone and use the right apps. Point the camera at whatever you’re trying to measure, and the phone will give highly accurate results. Use the readings you collect from your smartphone to redecorate your house with precision.

See in the Dark

With smartphones, people can now have thermal vision. Many cameras allow people to see in the dark. Users simply need to buy high-resolution thermal cameras and attach them to their smartphones. Smartphones will display the detected heat signatures on the screen. People can use this feature while camping to scout and track wildlife.

Teach Deaf Children Sign Language

Smartphones are incredible educational tools. The smartphone brand Huawei proved this by helping deaf children learn how to read. The company launched a special AI-powered app called “Story Sign.” This app scanned countless children’s books and instantaneously translated them into sign language. Deaf illiteracy is an international issue.

With apps like Story Sign, deaf children have a better chance of learning more concepts from a very young age. For example, parents that don’t know sign language can use the app to share bedtime stories with their children. The Huawei p50 Pro has various other features that help parents teach their children more effectively.

Check Whether the Remote-Control Batteries are Dead

Despite the fact that we’re amazing at using advanced smartphones, most of us still struggle to use TV remote controls properly. The main problem? The remote controls run out of batteries all the time. Sometimes, these remote controls don’t even run out of batteries, and they still keep malfunctioning.

Users are forced to rush to the nearest supermarket whenever they suspect that their remote-control batteries are dead. Now, users can avoid this hassle by using their smartphone cameras. Capture the light coming from the tip of the remote control with the camera. If the light is red/pinkish, it means that the infrared signals are working properly.

That means the batteries do need replacing. If not, the remote-control batteries aren’t actually dead, and there must be some other problem with your remote control.

Control Your Smartphone Without Even Touching It

The latest gesture control apps allow users to use their smartphones without actually touching them. Users can kickstart music apps, answer calls, and complete several other functions without touching their smartphone screens. If you’re constantly worrying about getting dirt on your smartphone screens, use gesture control apps.

Drive Safely and Reach Destinations Quicker

There’s a critical difference between driving with the aid of a smartphone and driving without one. GPS technology allows us to know our exact locations all the time. Most drivers use the GPS technology in their smartphones to discover routes, find locations, and drive safely.

There are many apps that even inform drivers about their driving speed, traffic-related details, and other information. More impressively, these details are provided in real-time so drivers can make highly accurate decisions.

Boost Personal Safety

There are many apps that boost the safety of the users. Women can use emergency apps to send SOS signals to selected contacts whenever they feel unsafe. These apps also keep track of the users’ GPS locations. Hence, users feel much safer when they have access to smartphones and such safety-related apps.

Make Better Decisions

Lastly and most importantly, smartphones enable us to make better decisions. Be it selecting a restaurant or buying a new HVAC system – these devices give us instant access to important information. Use your smartphones to make better purchase decisions. Also, use them to do these eight super-cool things!

Check Next >https://www.neoadviser.com/top-ways-to-charge-your-smartphone-more-quickly/

Do You Still Have Your Old Phone? Here Are Some Useful Tips

Do You Still Have Your Old Phone? Here Are Some Useful Tips

Do you have an old phone sitting in your drawer? If so, don’t worry. There are plenty of things you can do with it to make some money or save time in your day-to-day life. Check out these tips below for some great ideas on what to do with that old phone.

Trade-in your old model for something newer

One of the primary things that you can do with an old phone is to trade it in for something newer. Major retailers like Best Buy, Walmart, and Target will allow you to bring your used device into their store location where they’ll give you a quote on how much money they can offer as a credit towards the purchase of a new phone. Some stores may even have special deals going on which might give you more value for your old phone. You can also opt to explore online sources to find sites where you will be able to trade in your phone seamlessly. Just make sure to compare known buyback stores for you to be able to get the best deal for your phone. In doing so, you not only get to make some money but you also get rid of an old item that’s cluttering up your space.

Sell it online or through a local buy-and-sell store

If trading in your phone doesn’t appeal much to you, the other option is to sell it on various online sources like Craigslist, eBay, and Amazon. You can also sell it to a local buy-and-sell store for cash. Just make sure to include all necessary accessories like the charger and cable, if it’s still in good condition. This way, you get to make a little more money from your old phone.

  • Or sell it to a reseller, refurbisher, or recycler

If you don’t want the hassle of trying to sell your phone online yourself, there are other options available that can be quite lucrative if done right. One option is to sell it directly to an organization that will pay cash on the spot. You can also find a reputable reseller who will buy your phone for cash and then sell it to an international refurbisher or recycler, providing you with more money in return while allowing the company to make some margin by reconditioning your old device at their facility before selling them on again internationally. This proves to be beneficial for you as well since they can provide a better price than sites like eBay or Amazon. Just make sure that you check out which companies are reputable and safe before committing to this choice as some may turn out to be fly-by-night operations that will just take your phone and run.

Use it as a spare backup

If you’re not interested in selling the phone, a good alternative is to keep it as an extra smartphone that’s just lying around at home or work. You can use this gadget when your primary one runs out of battery or if something goes wrong with it. However, this means that you’ll need to keep the phone in a good condition because it will be your backup device. Hence, take the time to clean the phone and maintain its battery life so that it’s always available to you.

Turn it into a security camera 

By downloading an app like Nest Cam, you can turn your old phone into a security camera. This means that you’ll be able to put the device in an area where it will record or detect motion and alert you of any suspicious activity taking place around it. If you’re not keen on using your old smartphone as a regular action cam, this is certainly one way to give new life to the device. Just make sure to position it in a place where it can capture everything while looking discreet and unnoticeable. 

  • Repurpose it in other ways

Some of the other ways to repurpose your old phone include using it as a dashboard or windshield mount for hands-free driving, turning it into an MP player with the use of some Bluetooth headphones, and even converting the device into an IP camera by setting up apps like IP Webcam. You can even use the old phone to create a GPS tracking device by downloading some apps like Log Your Trip or Phone Tracker. In this way, you can still use your old smart device even after getting a new one.

Give it to a family member or friend

Another good option is to give the phone away as a gift to your loved ones such as kids, spouse, and parents. There are lots of cool new phones out there that will make great gifts for anyone who loves technology and gadgets as you do. You can even save some money if you’re going to buy a new phone for someone who’s not tech-savvy. Just make sure that the recipient can handle having a smartphone because it will be their primary device at home or work.

  • Donate it to charity

If you’re not interested in getting money or credit towards a new device, another option is to donate the old model to an organization like Goodwill who accepts phones and other electronics as donations. This way you can get rid of that old phone while also helping out someone else in need. For sure they will put that phone to good use and appreciate your kind gesture.

Selling your old phone is a great way to make some money. If you want to get creative, there are plenty of other things that can be done with an old phone besides selling it. You could give it as a gift or trade-in the device for something newer. You can also clear out space on your phone for new apps. And if none of these options seem appealing to you, try selling abroad where networks may work differently. There’s no downside when all you’re doing is making someone else happy with their next purchase. Just make sure that your phone is still in its best condition for the next user to be able to enjoy it seamlessly.

Check Next >https://www.neoadviser.com/top-ways-to-charge-your-smartphone-more-quickly/

How Do OBB Starters and Alternators Work?

How Do OBB Starters and Alternators Work?

The present-day world is impossible without vehicles. Different transportation units and other automotive items simplify life and guarantee the unstoppable performance of various industrial sectors. The essential constituents of the vehicle are starters. Each of them has its own model of operation to take into consideration.

How Do Starters Work?

This is the part of the vehicle that is mounted down next to the back of the engine. Car starters provide the engine an opportunity to undertake to turn. While getting electric current from the battery, they provide enough power to force the shaft carrying a gear wheel and engaging the process of the engine starting.

If a poor quality of the starter takes place, the engine performance turns out to be at risk. The circuit won’t be completed, so the vehicle might not work. Additionally, a dangerous sparkling can take place and damage other car parts mounted next to the engine.

It is important to choose a high-grade starter to be sure that your car works well. Certified and licensed catalog items are sold on obbstartersandalternators.com. website. The warranty for all selling parts and free shipping throughout the continental US are available.

How Do Alternators Work?

Car alternators are used to power almost all the electronics in the vehicle. They work both when the auto is driven or is in the idling condition. Among electronic components that are empowered by the alternators are:

  • Seat heating option;
  • E-steering;
  • Window powering;
  • Powering of wipers;
  • Headlights;
  • Any electronic dashboard options.

To be able to switch on the radio, you need well-performing car alternators as well. One more essential responsibility is charging an auto battery while the engine works and a car is on the go.

The main concept of the alternators is to supply all the electronics in the automobile (or another vehicle) with a sufficient amount of DC power. With the help of direct current power, all the car electrical components work without fouling. The mode of alternators’ operation can be described the following way:

  1. The alternator turns mechanical energy into electrical one.
  2. The working engine powers a drive belt.
  3. The drive belt with a pulley attached to the alternator turns the rotor shaft.
  4. The magnets around the coil are spun.
  5. AC power is generated and converted into DC.
  6. DC power is supplied through the elements of the car’s electrical system.

OBB Starters and Alternators is an online store with high-quality parts for cars, trucks, marine, motorcycle vehicles, and other automotive equipment. A wide range of products including parts, repair kids, and DC motors are presented by the OBBStatersandAlternators company. This is a leading American distributor to count on when it comes to car repairs and replacement of worn vehicle constituents.

Check Next >https://www.neoadviser.com/the-best-used-cars-for-college-students/