How to Make Friends with Teens

How to Make Friends with Teens

As an adult, it can be challenging to connect with teenagers. They have their own unique culture and language that can feel foreign to older generations. However, building a relationship with a teenager can be rewarding and enriching. In this article, we’ll give some useful tips for making friends with teens.

What You Can Do to Make Friends with Teens

1. Show Genuine Interest

The key to building any relationship is to show genuine interest in the other person. Teenagers are no different. Ask them about their interests and hobbies, and listen actively to their responses. Even if their interests are different from yours, showing curiosity and openness will help build a connection.

2. Be Open-Minded

As mentioned, teenagers have their own culture and language, which can feel foreign to older generations. It’s essential to be open-minded and willing to learn from them. Avoid being judgmental or dismissive of their interests, even if they seem trivial or silly to you. Remember, what seems important to a teenager might not be the same as what is important to you, and that’s okay.

3. Respect Boundaries

It’s important to respect the boundaries of teenagers. They are at an age where they are trying to assert their independence, and pushing too hard can make them feel uncomfortable. Make sure to give them space and let them lead the conversation and interactions. If they seem uninterested or disengaged, don’t take it personally and give them time to warm up to you.

4. Find Common Ground

Finding common ground is a great way to build a connection with a teenager. Look for things that you both enjoy and use them as a starting point for conversations. It could be a shared love of music, sports, a particular TV show, or even a mobile game. Once you find a common interest, you can build on it. For example, if your teens like mobile gaming, you can also look for an HONOR Magic 5 buy or other gaming phones and try playing together for more understanding meanwhile exploring other areas of overlap.

5. Be Authentic

Teenagers are experts at detecting insincerity, so it’s essential to be authentic in your interactions with them. Avoid trying to act like a different person or showing false interest in things that do not naturally attract you. If you show that you are genuine, teenagers are more likely to trust you and open up to you.

6. Don’t Lecture

It can be tempting to lecture teenagers about the mistakes they made at their age or the things they should be doing differently. However, this approach is unlikely to be effective and can cause them to shut down. Instead, try to offer guidance and advice in a way that is non-judgmental and supportive. Remember, they are at an age where they are trying to assert their independence, and they may not be receptive to being told what to do.

7. Be Patient

Building a relationship with a teenager takes time, so it’s important to be patient. Don’t expect to become best friends overnight. It may take several interactions before they feel comfortable around you. Remember that every person is different, and some may be more guarded or shy than others. Keep trying and be persistent, and eventually, you’ll start to build a rapport.


Connecting with teenagers can be a challenge, but it’s not impossible. By showing genuine interest, being open-minded, respecting boundaries, finding common ground, being authentic, avoiding lecturing, and being patient, you can build a meaningful relationship with a teenager. Remember, the rewards of making a connection with a teenager can be great, so don’t give up too easily.

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3 Tips For Talking About Hot Button Issues With Someone You Don’t Agree With

3 Tips For Talking About Hot Button Issues With Someone You Don’t Agree With

In today’s world, it’s nearly impossible to find someone who agrees with your opinion on every important topic. So when something polarizing comes up, like conversations about guns or borders or bodies, it’s important that we can find a way to have these tough conversations without leaving with a lot of tough feelings, too. Only by having these types of interactions can we come to understand and respect one another, despite the actual issues we’re talking about.To help you have more of these types of respectful interactions, here are three tips for talking about hot button issues with someone you don’t agree with. 

1.Try To Find Some Common Ground

With many issues, there is a place of common ground that people can eventually get to. Usually, the best way to do this is to get down to the root or reasoning of why you feel the way you do about an issue and why someone else feels the opposite. Many times, your desires will be very similar. For example, while you might think that people should be allowed to have whatever guns they want and to support those who produce these products, someone you’re speaking with might be on the other side of the aisle. However, the reasoning you both might have your particular opinion could be out of a desire to feel safe. So while you might not agree on the best way to feel safe, having a desire to feel safe is something you can agree on. And this, according to Sarah DiGiulio, a contributor to NBC News, is what you should be looking for in these types of conversations. 

2.Don’t Allow The Conversation To Get Loud

When you feel passionate about something, it’s only natural that you want to defend that thing. However, Marlo Thomas, a contributor to, shares that when many people start feeling defensive, they also tend to get loud in their voices. And when this happens, it’s easy for tempers to rise, too.To keep this from happening when you’re speaking with someone, try not to allow the conversation to get loud. If you start to feel yourself getting heated, remove yourself from the situation. And if the person you’re talking to starts to get loud, try to remain even in your tone to help calm things down. 

3.Seek For Understanding, Not Persuasion

People usually won’t change their opinion after having just one conversation with someone who thinks differently than them. Knowing this, Kathy Gurchiek, a contributor to, shares that when you’re talking to someone with a different opinion than you, don’t seek to persuade them to think as you do. Rather, seek to understand them and to have them understand you. This will help you both to leave this interaction feeling respected and respectful. If you frequently find yourself getting into arguments rather than discussions when talking about hot button issues, consider using the tips mentioned above to learn how to more effectively communicate in these situations.

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How to Win Back Your Ex After Cheating

How to Win Back Your Ex After Cheating

Cheating never helps any relationship; instead, it devastates your partner’s emotions and breaks the trust you once shared. In some instances, infidelity is not enough reason to quit the relationship. If you have cheated on your loved one, you need to put in the effort to save your relationship. But there’s no assurance that you can save it after being unfaithful.

If you are still in love with your partner, you should be ready to work things out. It will require sacrifice and time to show that you regret your actions and your readiness to build a better partnership moving forward.

Steps to Winning Back Your Partner’s Love After Cheating

Here’s how to win back your partner’s love after cheating:

1. End the External Affair

If you truly want to get back your partner, you must end the external affair; cut off every contact you have with that person. They need to know that you’re no longer interested in communicating any further with them. You also need to delete their phone number, social media contact, email, and anything else that may make you reach out to them again.

Doing this helps to rebuild the trust you once shared with your loved one. You may involve your partner as he or she needs to know that you are ending things with the outsider. If you do not get rid of the other affair, you will probably lose your main relationship. You will be unable to maintain the relationship because you can’t love both of them equally.

2. Discuss with Your Partner

If you cheat, you will betray your partner’s trust. As a result, you need to show that you are willing to gain back that trust. You have to honestly and openly admit your mistake. Tell your partner why you were unfaithful, then give him or her time to ask you questions or process the shocking information.

But before you start this conversation, you need to think through all you will tell your partner. Get a clear picture of what you did, what you are sorry for, as well as how you will break the news to your partner. He or she will be upset with the news; just allow them to process it in any helpful way. It may take some days or even weeks.

Also, your partner may ask some personal questions concerning the kind of affair you had. You may feel embarrassed, ashamed, or frustrated, but you have to answer the questions honestly.

3. Apologize Sincerely

After confessing to your partner, admit that it was your fault. Your partner did not do anything that warranted your infidelity, so you must inform him or her that it’s your fault. You can say something like this, “I’ve hurt you deeply and will do anything to rebuild this relationship. I’m sincerely sorry, and I need us to discuss how to move forward.”

You must apologize sincerely. Do not say what you do not mean because your partner can sense it when you are insincere. Let the apology come from the innermost part of your being, not from the point of guilt. You may want to visit to know how to properly apologize for cheating.

4. Seek for Forgiveness

It won’t be easy for your partner to forgive you. If at all they do, it may take some time. But if you want to win them back, you must let them know in time that you need forgiveness. You should also be ready to work to earn it.

At this point, you need to allow your partner to express how they feel and their expectations. Most people like giving conditions for forgiveness and you need to respect that because they are hurt. And if your partner is not ready to discuss the issue, give them time.

5. Give Him or Her Some Space

Not everyone can process the information on infidelity within a short time frame. Some people need about a week or more after the confession to understand everything that happened. The cheating partner needs to give the other person some space.

This doesn’t imply that they do not want you anywhere around them. But they just need to be left alone for a while to facilitate healing. So if your partner says they want space, you can arrange to move in with a family member, friend, or in a hotel.

On the other hand, if your partner wants to leave, allow them. Don’t pressure them to come back or allow you to come back. Show them that you respect their decisions. If you were both physically intimate, do not expect it to return so fast. Allow your partner to come to you when they choose.

6. Start Therapy

If you were unfaithful, you will likely return to it. Therefore, seeking the help of a counselor is necessary. Get a counselor who has a reputation for helping unfaithful couples. You can attend sessions with your partner to find ways of healing the relationship and move forward.

Ensure you involve your partner in your decision to see a counselor. Convince him or her that you are willing to seek help from a professional to mend the relationship. Also, inform them that you want them to equally and actively decide the counselor that is good for you.

Additionally, the schedule with the counselor should work for you both. Make sure you find time each week to visit together and consider your partner’s work schedule when making appointments. Inform the counselor that you want to get over your infidelity. It may take time for you to recover, so a long-term solution will be helpful.

You will find help resources online on how to find a couple’s counselor.

7. Expect Confrontations

It is normal if you and your partner fight while trying to move on. But you must learn to get over it. Suppress the urge to revive old arguments, as this could upset both of you. Place more focus on issues at hand instead of other unrelated matters.

Also, ensure that you both reach a concrete agreement. Do not assume that you have resolved a fight because you are tired of talking. Even when both of you do not share similar thoughts on an issue, you must agree on a point and forge ahead.


Infidelity can wreck your relationship forever. So if you are cheating, ensure you stop immediately. You are breaking your partner’s trust and the love they had for you. Follow the steps we shared to work your way back into the relationship and vow to remain faithful.

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