10 Essential Tips to Shield Your Car from Thieves,

10 Essential Tips to Shield Your Car from Thieves

10 Essential Tips to Shield Your Car from Thieves

Car theft is an unfortunate reality, and with new car models integrating advanced security features, thieves are becoming more creative than ever. Protecting your vehicle goes beyond locking the doors or setting the alarm—it requires a comprehensive approach to safeguard against any potential vulnerabilities. Here are ten essential tips to shield your car from thieves.

1. Invest in a Steering Wheel Lock

One of the simplest and most effective ways to deter car thieves is by using a visible anti-theft device such as a steering wheel lock. These devices are robust and can be a significant obstacle for any thief looking to make a quick getaway. Always ensure that the steering wheel lock is engaged, even if you’re only leaving your car for a few minutes.

2. Secure Your Garage

If you have a garage, use it. A car is much safer when stored in a locked garage than when left on the street or in a driveway. Install proper lighting and a security camera to increase visibility and deter potential intruders. Make it a habit to keep your garage door closed and locked, and never leave the garage door opener in your car, even if it’s parked inside.

3. Use a Vehicle Tracking System

In the unfortunate event that your car is stolen, a vehicle tracking system can be invaluable for recovery. These sophisticated GPS-based systems can provide real-time tracking of your vehicle’s location, making it easier for law enforcement to recover your car and apprehend the thieves.

4. Park in Well-Lit and Populated Areas

Location is key. Always park your car in well-lit areas and avoid secluded spots. Parking in visible locations – especially near CCTV cameras or where there’s pedestrian traffic – reduces the likelihood of a break-in. Thieves are less likely to act when they know they can be seen.

5. Hide Valuables and Detachable Items

Keeping your valuables out of sight is a no-brainer, but it’s surprising how many car owners leave items like laptops, smartphones, and even car accessories in plain view. Stow away any valuables in the trunk before you’ve reached your destination, and if your car has detachable faceplates for audio systems, remove and conceal them when you’re away.

6. Have Your VIN Etched on Windows and Parts

Visible Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) etching on car windows and engine parts can not only add a layer of theft deterrence but also facilitate recovery. VIN etching makes sorting stolen vehicles and parts far more complex for thieves. Many auto shops and law enforcement agencies offer this service at low or no cost.

7. Be Mindful of Key Fobs and Spare Keys

Never leave your key fob in or around your car, including hidden spots like the magnetic key box under the chassis. Thieves are attuned to these methods and have sophisticated tools to detect and clone fob signals. If using an extra key to hide, make sure it’s in a secure location inside your home.

8. Consider Window Tinting for Added Privacy

Window tinting not only provides a sleek look for your vehicle but also adds an element of privacy and can shield your belongings from prying eyes. Tinted windows make it more difficult for thieves to see inside and take stock of your car’s contents, making it a less tempting target. In Utah, window tinting is allowed up to 43% light transmittance on the front side windows.

9. Install a Car Alarm or Immobilizer

A high-quality car alarm system is essential. Thieves want to make a quick escape, and an alarm that draws attention can be enough to make them look elsewhere. Additionally, an immobilizer prevents the car from starting without the proper key or fob, making it virtually impossible for a thief to drive away.

10. Keep Your Keys in a Signal-Blocking Pouch

With the rise of keyless entry and start systems, thieves can relay the signal from your key fob, even if it’s inside your home, and use it to unlock and start your car. Investing in a signal-blocking pouch for your keys is a simple and effective way to block these signals and keep your car safe. While no prevention method is foolproof, a combination of these measures makes your vehicle a much less viable target for thieves and offers peace of mind for you as a car owner. Remember, the goal is to make your car less attractive and more difficult to steal than the next one.

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How To Better Protect A Valuable Vehicle?

How To Better Protect A Valuable Vehicle?

We all want to keep our valuable belongings safe, and one of those things for many people is their vehicle. No one wants their car damaged, broken into or stolen, so what can be done to better protect a vehicle? Here are some tips on how to keep your car safe and secure. Follow these suggestions and you can rest assured knowing your vehicle is as protected as it can be.

Invest in a good alarm system or GPS tracker

One of the most important steps to protecting your car is to invest in a good alarm system or GPS tracker. Alarm systems will alert you when someone attempts to break into your vehicle, and GPS trackers can help law enforcement locate it if it’s stolen. Both of these are great investments for any car owner who wants extra security for their vehicle.

Keep your vehicle in a garage or carport whenever possible

It’s important to keep your vehicle in a safe, covered area like a garage or carport as much as possible. Not only does protecting your car from the elements help maintain its value, but it also prevents damage that can occur from things like hail or excessive exposure to sun and heat. In addition, vehicles stored in garages or carports are less likely to be tampered with, adding additional layers of protection for your expensive car. Therefore, protecting your vehicle by keeping it in a garage or carport whenever possible is highly recommended.

Keep it shiny – protect the paint

Keeping your expensive car looking as glossy and new as possible is an important priority for any car owner. Taking care to protect the paint of your vehicle can help to prevent it from becoming damaged by environmental elements or everyday wear and tear. For protecting the paint, you can use protection films. As these experts for paint protection film Phoenix explain, this type of protection can be applied to keep your car’s finish looking fresh and shiny for years longer than you thought possible. Furthermore, regularly waxing the exterior adds a protective layer on the surface to prevent dirt and grime from sticking to it. 

Install security accessories

Installing additional security accessories such as window locks, steering wheel locks, and car alarms can also help protect your vehicle. Window locks prevent thieves from breaking into your car by smashing the window and making off with any valuable items inside. Steering wheel locks are an effective deterrent that makes it a lot harder for someone to steal your car. And of course, as already mentioned above, investing in a good car alarm is essential for alerting you and the authorities when someone attempts to break into your vehicle. Follow these tips on how to better protect a valuable vehicle, and you can rest assured knowing that all the measures have been taken to ensure its safety and security. Invest in a good alarm system or GPS tracker, park in a garage or carport whenever possible, keep the paint looking shiny and new, and install security accessories for added protection. With these steps in place, you can have peace of mind that your vehicle is as secure as it can be.

Check Next >https://www.neoadviser.com/locked-your-keys-in-the-car-heres-what-to-do/

Why Telematics Manufacturer?

Why Telematics Manufacturer?

Telematics provides businesses with the opportunity to track vehicles and their location in real-time. These facilities make the tracking of vehicles easier, resulting in increased efficiency, fuel savings, and lower costs. In addition to these benefits, telematics manufacturers also provide businesses with access to a range of services. Telematics suppliers provide businesses with several solutions, including real-time tracking, location services, connected car solutions, and device management. This article will explore the top 3 reasons why a telematics manufacturer is beneficial to your business.

Real-Time Tracking

Real-time tracking means that the data generated by a vehicle is accessible to the person who owns the vehicle at a specific point in time. Because of this, it’s possible to track vehicle location in real-time and know where the vehicle is. Real-time tracking is useful for a range of different applications, including: – Vehicle Telematics: This is the tracking of vehicles’ locations, speed, and direction. It allows for a great deal of fuel savings and improved efficiency. – Fleet Management: This is the ability to track trucks, trains, planes, and other large groups of vehicles.

Location-Based Services

Location-based services are a type of service that uses GPS technology, along with other sensors, to provide information on the location of a vehicle. This includes: – Real-Time Parking: This is the ability to find, reserve, and pay for parking spaces in real-time. This makes it easier to manage to park, making it easier for drivers to park near their destinations. – Real-Time Rental Car Diversion: This is the ability to automatically divert drivers who are searching for a rental car to the nearest suitable one.

Connected Car Solutions

In most vehicles today, there are built-in sensors that allow for information to be collected about the vehicle. This is especially true for newer models of vehicles. The collected information can be used to provide a number of connected car solutions, including: – Remote Diagnosis: This is the ability to remotely diagnose problems with a car. This allows for faster repairs and improved customer satisfaction.

Device Management

Device management is the ability to track, manage and control devices that are connected to vehicles. This includes: – Remote Services: This is the ability to access remote services on your cars, such as remote unlocking, remote starting, and remote diagnosing – Vehicle Health Monitoring: This is the ability to monitor your car’s health and receive alerts if something is wrong – Seat G-force Monitoring: This tracks the speed at which you’re driving, so you can be prevented from driving if you’re unsafe. Device management is an important feature that can help you use your keyboard across multiple devices. However, it’s not available on all keyboards. If you need a keyboard that can manage multiple devices, you’ll want to keep this in mind.

Telematics manufacturer is a great way to get real-time tracking, location-based services, connected car solutions, and device management. If you own a fleet or manage assets, it’s important to track the locations of vehicles. It’s also beneficial to know when vehicles are broken down or where they are located. Real-time tracking, location-based services, connected car solutions, and device management are all made possible with a telematics manufacturer.

CHeck Next >https://www.neoadviser.com/how-to-protect-your-car-interior/


What Is the Future of Transportation Management Software?

What Is the Future of Transportation Management Software?

Transportation, shipping, and logistics management is one of the most critical activities in the supply chain, should always be regarded as a top priority. At the same time, this can be one of the most costly, complicated, and time-consuming projects for the company.

Some of the main reasons why people are interested in and want good transportation management systems (TMS) now are because of this.

The following are some of the things we may expect from the TMS market:

TMS in the Cloud

The high implementation and maintenance expenses were the main reasons why most small and mid-level logistics organizations were so slow to implement a TMS solution. Today, however, we are seeing a shift toward cloud-based TMS systems, which are much less expensive to set up and keep.

Those in the logistics industry will no longer need to invest in costly architecture, servers, or dedicated staff thanks to these types of solutions. A TMS solution can be used from any place that has an internet connection, making it easier to get real-time data and make quick decisions.

Enterprise Service-Oriented Architecture (ESOA) is a type of architecture that focuses on

Office systems such as word processors, spreadsheets, and presentations began as separate applications that were later integrated to form a single office system. The Enterprise Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) will also be used to build next-generation TMS systems. This will make it easier and more efficient to share and split all resources.

Other technologies are fully integrated.

Many TMS comes with advanced freight, route, and network optimization features out of the box. People in the logistics business are using GPS satellites, 3D printers, big data, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and mobile technology, as well as other TMS systems and technologies, in new and better ways than ever before.

Similarly, Internet of Things (IoT) devices and sensors are making real-time fleet monitoring a routine event, such as in-transit visibility of routes, driving conditions, and assets. Companies that transport freight can save money on maintenance and gasoline, minimize delays, and improve driver safety.

The use of digital assistants (chatbots) allows for quick conversational responses to any shipping information, which leads to better customer service and satisfaction for the customer.

Artificial intelligence (AI)

By applying machine learning to trends and historical data, TMS systems can anticipate transit times with a significantly higher degree of accuracy. They can also better plan capacity, identify any at-risk shipments, such as commodities due to expiration, and so on. In addition, logistics professionals will be able to make better decisions about alternative routes during times when there is a lot of traffic.

Complex interfaces between freight brokers, freight forwarders, shippers, customers, and carriers are built using blockchain technology. Several applications, such as intelligent track and trace, improve transparency and shipment visibility throughout the supply chain. A TMS is required for any company that is directly responsible for the transportation of a large number of items or the recruiting of service providers. The complexity of today’s supply chains, transportation modalities, and regulations makes employment unfeasible without computerization.

According to the ARC Advisory Group, automating these complex procedures guarantees that transportation services are provided at the lowest possible cost while maintaining quality and efficiency. According to the research conducted by the analytical firm, 2/3 of respondents saved money on freight, and 3/100 or more saved.

To sum it up,

While pandemic supply chain disruptions and short-term breakdowns occur on a global scale, long-term trends continue to point to growing globalization. Because of the rise of SaaS and Internet-based devices, TMS technology will become more important for SCM.

Check Next >https://www.neoadviser.com/moving-your-vehicle-across-provinces/

Is it legal to track automobiles with GPS?

Is it legal to track automobiles with GPS?

GPS tracking gadgets are legal and can aid your company’s fleet management. While using a car monitoring system might help your company perform better, it can also land you in trouble if you don’t obey the rules. Take a few steps to confirm that the company is operating lawfully using fleet tracking. Learn about the GPS Tracking Laws in UK  and where you can purchase the necessary equipment for your company.


What is vehicle tracking?

The monitoring of cars or other moving assets is known as vehicle tracking. A car tracking system employs a transmitter in the vehicle, as well as a website or app and other data, to show you where the automobile is on a live map in real-time. GPS Tracking Laws in the UK rely heavily on GPS technology. A GPS device gets installed in a car and connected to satellite receivers, which provide the vehicle’s location to a tracking service. It sends the data to the gadget, which shows the vehicle’s place for you.


Is GPS tracking legal?

In the United Kingdom, GPS tracking is lawful. Any company vehicle used by a fleet firm may get tracked, so you know where they are at all times. The essential thing to remember is that all of the data you collect must get used for fleet management purposes. It implies you need to make sure the tracking devices aren’t getting utilized to monitor your staff at work. Because GPS monitoring is lawful as long as it gets done appropriately, you should be aware of the following legal difficulties that may arise as a result of its use:


Keeping track of your employees

The information gathered can only be used to track corporate cars for management purposes.


Trackers in private vehicles

You can only track employees during working hours; you can’t follow them during their time.


GPS tracking in the dark

Employees must be aware that their car gets equipped with a tracking device.


How to manage personal data?

While GPS tracking is lawful, there are legal considerations if you wish to employ trackers to assist fleet management.

The following indicators legal concerns and how to deal with them:

Employee management

To guarantee that the data gets used for corporate reasons, only track your employees to improve business performance.


System for tracking vehicles

When installing automobile tracking devices, make sure privacy controls are there and be aware of using them.


Tracking in the dark

Explain what tracking is, when it gets used, and how your company uses it for your employees.


GPS spoofing

Invest in a jammer detector to ensure that your data is safe. It will notify you if GPS jamming is detected.


GPS tracking laws

Using GPS tracking on your work vehicles is lawful. Vehicle monitoring regulations in the United Kingdom get governed by two pieces of legislation.

  • The Data Protection Act (DPA)
  • The Human Rights Act


The Data Protection Act (DPA)

  • Any information that has a direct/indirect impact on an employee is personal data.
  • All employee information must get completed appropriately.


Act on Human Rights

  • Article 8 ensures that your personal life, family life, home, and communication are respected.
  • Misusing personal data gathered through data such as vehicle monitoring is prohibited for your company.

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How To Use Technology To Improve Your Fleet Performance

How To Use Technology To Improve Your Fleet Performance

As fleet managers, you want to make sure the vehicles in your fleet are up to date and running smoothly. That means keeping track of mileage, maintenance schedules, fuel costs, and more. But with so many different tasks that need your attention every day, it’s easy for things to slip through the cracks. Fortunately, there is a solution: technology. Technology can help you automate repetitive tasks like vehicle tracking & reporting; identify potential issues before they turn into bigger problems, and even improve employee morale by giving them access to their work schedule from home or on the go. In this article, we’ll explore how technology can be used as an asset to help manage your fleet performance.

Control of The Route and Stops

One of the most important aspects of fleet management is ensuring that vehicles are being used for their intended purpose. That means making sure they are going to the right places and not taking unnecessary detours. With GPS tracking, you can see where your vehicles are at all times and ensure that they are staying on track. You can find such a solution over at SkyBitz.com, where they offer a custom-made fleet monitoring platform that suits your needs. You can also use GPS data to plan the most efficient route for your drivers. This can save you time and money since you won’t have to make unnecessary stops or send drivers out of their way. And if a driver needs to take a detour, you can easily adjust their route on the go.

Gain Insights through Big Data

Traditional fleet management solutions have a hard time analyzing data from a range of sources, including different databases and company tools. They also don’t provide the real-time information you need to make data-driven decisions about your fleet. This is where big data analytics comes in! Big data gives you actionable insights on topics like driver performance, fuel usage, and vehicle health. This information can help you identify areas where your fleet needs improvement, so you can make changes before they affect your bottom line.

For example, say you notice that a certain driver is consistently getting poor gas mileage. By using big data analytics, you can investigate further to see if this is because of the way they are driving, the type of vehicle they are using, or another factor. Armed with this information, you can then take corrective action to improve the driver’s performance.

Reduce Costs with Predictive Maintenance

One of the biggest benefits of using technology to manage your fleet is that it can help you reduce costs through predictive maintenance. Predictive maintenance is the practice of identifying potential issues before they happen, so you can fix them before they become big problems. This can save you money and time since you won’t have to deal with the cost of a breakdown and will reduce your risk of safety issues.

Predictive maintenance works by collecting data from many different sources, including trackers installed on vehicles, sensors in the vehicle itself, and even OBD2 Bluetooth adapters. This information is then analyzed by software that can predict when a component is likely to fail. By using this data, you can develop a preventive maintenance plan that will help keep your fleet running smoothly.

Monitor Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is a major issue for fleets of all sizes. Not only is it dangerous for the driver, but it can also lead to accidents and increased fuel costs. That’s why it’s important to monitor your drivers’ behavior and make sure they are staying safe while on the road.

Technology can help you do exactly that by creating a heat map of where drivers tend to speed and drive distracted. This can help you identify problem areas so your fleet managers know which routes they should avoid. If a driver tends to speed on a certain road, they may have trouble controlling their vehicle in inclement weather, for example.

Simplify Paperwork with E-logs

To keep up with federal regulations, you must keep track of hours on the road and miles were driven for each vehicle. While some companies choose to do this manually, there are many benefits of using technology to track your fleet. One is that e-logs can save you money by reducing the amount of paperwork you have to deal with. They can also help reduce the risk of human error, speeding up the process and preventing unauthorized hours from being logged. Finally, e-logs will ensure that your drivers are following federal regulations every time they get behind the wheel. This is crucial for maintaining compliance with state and federal laws, but it can also help improve safety on the road. By making these changes, you will be able to keep your fleet running like a well-oiled machine. And with all of the benefits that come with improved fleet management, you won’t mind making a few changes to your process. These tools can help you reduce costs, improve safety, and keep up with federal regulations.

Check Next >https://www.neoadviser.com/improve-your-customer-interactions-in-business/

Do You Still Have Your Old Phone? Here Are Some Useful Tips

Do You Still Have Your Old Phone? Here Are Some Useful Tips

Do you have an old phone sitting in your drawer? If so, don’t worry. There are plenty of things you can do with it to make some money or save time in your day-to-day life. Check out these tips below for some great ideas on what to do with that old phone.

Trade-in your old model for something newer

One of the primary things that you can do with an old phone is to trade it in for something newer. Major retailers like Best Buy, Walmart, and Target will allow you to bring your used device into their store location where they’ll give you a quote on how much money they can offer as a credit towards the purchase of a new phone. Some stores may even have special deals going on which might give you more value for your old phone. You can also opt to explore online sources to find sites where you will be able to trade in your phone seamlessly. Just make sure to compare known buyback stores for you to be able to get the best deal for your phone. In doing so, you not only get to make some money but you also get rid of an old item that’s cluttering up your space.

Sell it online or through a local buy-and-sell store

If trading in your phone doesn’t appeal much to you, the other option is to sell it on various online sources like Craigslist, eBay, and Amazon. You can also sell it to a local buy-and-sell store for cash. Just make sure to include all necessary accessories like the charger and cable, if it’s still in good condition. This way, you get to make a little more money from your old phone.

  • Or sell it to a reseller, refurbisher, or recycler

If you don’t want the hassle of trying to sell your phone online yourself, there are other options available that can be quite lucrative if done right. One option is to sell it directly to an organization that will pay cash on the spot. You can also find a reputable reseller who will buy your phone for cash and then sell it to an international refurbisher or recycler, providing you with more money in return while allowing the company to make some margin by reconditioning your old device at their facility before selling them on again internationally. This proves to be beneficial for you as well since they can provide a better price than sites like eBay or Amazon. Just make sure that you check out which companies are reputable and safe before committing to this choice as some may turn out to be fly-by-night operations that will just take your phone and run.

Use it as a spare backup

If you’re not interested in selling the phone, a good alternative is to keep it as an extra smartphone that’s just lying around at home or work. You can use this gadget when your primary one runs out of battery or if something goes wrong with it. However, this means that you’ll need to keep the phone in a good condition because it will be your backup device. Hence, take the time to clean the phone and maintain its battery life so that it’s always available to you.

Turn it into a security camera 

By downloading an app like Nest Cam, you can turn your old phone into a security camera. This means that you’ll be able to put the device in an area where it will record or detect motion and alert you of any suspicious activity taking place around it. If you’re not keen on using your old smartphone as a regular action cam, this is certainly one way to give new life to the device. Just make sure to position it in a place where it can capture everything while looking discreet and unnoticeable. 

  • Repurpose it in other ways

Some of the other ways to repurpose your old phone include using it as a dashboard or windshield mount for hands-free driving, turning it into an MP player with the use of some Bluetooth headphones, and even converting the device into an IP camera by setting up apps like IP Webcam. You can even use the old phone to create a GPS tracking device by downloading some apps like Log Your Trip or Phone Tracker. In this way, you can still use your old smart device even after getting a new one.

Give it to a family member or friend

Another good option is to give the phone away as a gift to your loved ones such as kids, spouse, and parents. There are lots of cool new phones out there that will make great gifts for anyone who loves technology and gadgets as you do. You can even save some money if you’re going to buy a new phone for someone who’s not tech-savvy. Just make sure that the recipient can handle having a smartphone because it will be their primary device at home or work.

  • Donate it to charity

If you’re not interested in getting money or credit towards a new device, another option is to donate the old model to an organization like Goodwill who accepts phones and other electronics as donations. This way you can get rid of that old phone while also helping out someone else in need. For sure they will put that phone to good use and appreciate your kind gesture.

Selling your old phone is a great way to make some money. If you want to get creative, there are plenty of other things that can be done with an old phone besides selling it. You could give it as a gift or trade-in the device for something newer. You can also clear out space on your phone for new apps. And if none of these options seem appealing to you, try selling abroad where networks may work differently. There’s no downside when all you’re doing is making someone else happy with their next purchase. Just make sure that your phone is still in its best condition for the next user to be able to enjoy it seamlessly.

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