Top 9 Factors that Lead to Severe Hair Loss

Top 9 Factors that Lead to Severe Hair Loss

Hair loss, also known as alopecia, might have raised concerns in your mind. You might lose 50 to 100 hairs a day which is not a common concern but a severe one. Losing so much hair every day may lead to baldness in the future. This excessive hair loss can be due to hormonal imbalance, and it can be hereditary or because of aging. You need to understand the exact cause of hair loss so that you can take treatment for it accordingly. This article is especially for those who are experiencing excessive hair loss, and today we will go through the most common factor that causes the problem. Here we will give you insight into how lifestyle habits, stress, medications, and many more leads to hair loss.

9 factors that cause hair loss

Hair loss can become a serious issue as it affects not only your scalp but also your overall body hair. It is essential for you to know the factors that could be contributing to this issue. Nowadays, there are many alternative techniques for growing hair, and many opt for hair transplantation. Make sure you find Hair Transplant Cost in Los Angeles where you can find the best hair transplant clinics.  But it is important to understand these 9 factors that contribute towards your hair loss.

1. Stress

Stress is the major factor when it comes to hair loss and hair thinning. Many studies have shown that when a person goes through physical or mental stress, it increases hair fall, which leads to severe hair loss. When you are facing a certain breakdown, your body releases a hormone called cortisol that can seriously affect the health of your hair. It slows down the process of your hair growth, weakens your follicles, and creates hair breakage. To let you know the hair loss symptoms, you will see gradual hair thinning, circular bald spots, and patchy bald spots.

2. Genetics

Genetics plays a key role in many cases of hair loss. You might be losing your hair because of your genes from your family, who have a risk of developing severe hair loss. Hair loss caused by heredity or genes is termed androgenic alopecia, which includes male-pattern baldness and female-pattern baldness. A protein called Prostaglandin D2 synthase commonly plays a role in controlling the growth of your hair follicles. When this protein level rises, it leads to excessive hair fall. You will notice circular bald spots where you get an itchy or painful experience before hair fall.

3. Medications

Many of you might be suffering from diabetes, thyroid, blood pressure, arthritis, stress, and many other conditions. To treat them, you might take certain medications to control them. These medication side effects can lead to severe hair loss. You should talk to a doctor for an alternative that won’t significantly affect your body and hair.

4. Hormonal changes

Hormones like testosterone, androgen, thyroid, estrogen, and progesterone play a critical role in developing hair loss. When these hormones are out of balance, it affects hair’s health by leading to hair thinning or even baldness. When testosterone is high, males experience severe hair loss over their scalp. In females, when their estrogen hormone gets imbalanced, they experience thinning above the forehead. Sometimes you will see patchy bald spots over the scalp, which include broken hair, redness, and swelling that can be a sign of ringworms.

5. Thyroid Imbalance

Another factor is thyroid imbalances which can lead to severe hair loss. It is essential for you to understand the function of the thyroid gland as it plays a vital role in hair growth. There are two types of thyroid glands: the overactive thyroid gland and the underactive thyroid gland. An overactive thyroid gland, known as hyperthyroidism, causes hair loss of hair while an underactive thyroid gland, known as hypothyroidism, leads to inadequate production of new hairs. When your body is not producing enough thyroxine, it leads to less hair growth and more hair thinning. It is important to take the right treatment from the doctor and eat healthy food to maintain proper thyroid balance and rescue hair loss

6. Nutritional Deficiencies

Nutritional deficiencies are the most common factor that can lead to hair loss. For proper functioning of the body and to ensure hair growth, it is essential to intake the right vitamins and minerals. When your body lacks essential nutrients, it can lead to hair loss. You should maintain a properly balanced diet, eat protein-rich foods, and green leafy vegetables that are valuable for maintaining your hair’s health. To find out exactly what deficiency you are lacking, you will need to concern a doctor to get a perfect idea and to start intaking that absent vitamins.

7. Environmental factors

It is important to consider environmental causes as this factor plays a crucial role in hair loss. These factors may lead to unfiltered polluted air, which makes your scalp damaged and dirty. You should always cover your hair with a scarf to protect your hair from dust. Wearing a scarf can also protect you from harsh radiations and UV rays that make your hair dry. This environmental factor may cause temporary and permanent hair loss if you do not take the right measure.

8. Styling and coloring hair

Styling and coloring your hair may cause pigtails or cornrows types of hair loss. Using excessive hair stylings tools like straighteners and blowers can remove the natural oils that coat and protect the outer layer of our scalp. It makes your hair rough and fragile, which can lead to hair breakage and excessive shedding. Also, gels, mousse, and hair dyes, which are made from harsh chemicals, lead to major hair loss problems, such as permanent hair loss. Using these things can damage your strands leading to breakage over time.

9. Age

Age is another factor you need to consider that can lead to major hair loss. As you age, the number of hair follicles gradually decreases. The ability to produce new follicles decreases as you age more, and this eventually leads to hair shedding and baldness. Your hair starts to look thinner and thinner over a period of time, and you might face dryness, inflammation, and irritation over your scalp.


Hair loss can be a major issue, and you must take proper treatment at the right time. But before taking any treatment and prevention, it is necessary for you to know the factors that lead to severe hair loss. Depending on those factors, you can consider proper treatment and necessary prevention that will be effective and will prevent excessive hair loss. Considering the factors like stress, genetics, intake of medications, hormonal changes, environmental factors, and age helps you to make the necessary changes in your lifestyle to prevent further hair loss and restore some of the hair you have already lost. Remember, your health should always come first when trying to tackle any medical condition. Paying attention to your body, eating vitamin-rich food, and seeking the right professional can help you take proactive steps toward regrowing your hair and restoring its health.

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How To Avoid Hair Loss

How To Avoid Hair Loss

Hair loss is a common problem that affects both men and women. While there are many causes of hair loss, including genetics, medical conditions, and medications, there are also some simple lifestyle changes you can make to prevent hair loss. In this blog post, we’ll share tips on avoiding hair loss.

Eat extra protein

Losing hair can be frustrating and embarrassing, but it doesn’t have to be permanent. You can do many things to prevent hair loss, and one of the most important is to eat a healthy diet. Protein is essential for healthy hair, so include plenty of protein-rich foods in your diet. Eggs, fish, and chicken are excellent protein sources, so try to eat them at least once a week. If you’re not a fan of animal protein, you can also get your protein from plants. Beans, nuts, and tofu are excellent protein sources, so try to include them in your diet.

Losing your hair can be a worrying experience, but there are things you can do to help prevention. One way to help avoid hair loss is to ensure you’re eating enough protein. Protein is essential for healthy hair growth, so if you’re not getting enough from your diet, it can lead to hair loss. Help your hair care regime by adding new and quality products mentioned by some Jonsson Protein Review

Take vitamins

There are a variety of vitamins that can help improve the health of your hair. Vitamin A, for example, helps to produce sebum, an oily substance that helps keep your hair healthy and moisturized. Vitamin E is another vitamin that can help improve your hair’s health. Vitamin E helps to shield your hair from injury caused by free radicals. . Free radicals are unstable molecules that can damage your hair and cause it to break.

Follow the Mediterranean diet

The Mediterranean diet is documented for its health edges. One of its lesser-known benefits is that it can help to prevent hair loss. Hair loss is a common problem, affecting both men and women. There are many causes of hair loss, but one of the most common is a dietary deficiency. The Mediterranean diet is rich in nutrients essential for healthy hair, including zinc, iron, vitamin C, and omega-3 fatty acids. Following this diet can help to prevent hair loss and keep your hair looking its best.

Use over-the-counter hair loss medication

Hair loss can be an embarrassing and frustrating issue for both men and women. While several prescription medications can be effective in treating hair loss, they can also be expensive and have potential side effects. Over-the-counter hair loss medication may be a good choice for those looking for a more affordable and less risky option.

Several over-the-counter hair loss medications are available, including minoxidil and finasteride. Minoxidil is a topical solution applied to the scalp and is thought to stimulate hair growth. Finasteride is a pill taken orally and is thought to block the production of a hormone linked to hair loss.

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How to Stop Hair Loss

How to Stop Hair Loss

Having nice hair boosts one’s appearance and confidence to face the public. You will notice that when you have nice hair people will show you a level of admiration. This is because your hair is one of the things that catch people’s attention when you are having a conversation with them, or when you walk past. While having nice hair may be an easy thing to achieve for many, there are people who experience hair loss, and this can be a huge source of concern to them.

Hair loss happens when one does not grow new hair to replace the ones that fall off. It is usually attributed to a number of factors which may include heredity, medical conditions, and hormonal changes. It could also be a result of aging as most people react differently to aging. When one is experiencing this condition, you can try out a number of natural remedies. You can also see if vitamins will work for hair loss as it is one of the recommended natural remedies.

In this article, we will look at some measures you can take to stop hair loss. Please read on as we explain more.

How to Stop Hair Loss

The following are some steps you can take to prevent this condition:

Use the Right Shampoo

Understanding your scalp type will help you select the best shampoo for your condition. Therefore, it is necessary to take note of the type of scalp you have before choosing the type of shampoo to use for washing your hair. For example, if you have a dry scalp, washing it excessively can make it fall. Furthermore, ensure that the shampoo is not filled with chemicals like paraben, sulfate, and silicon that are capable of making your tresses fragile and prone to falling.


Using a good conditioner is effective for locks because it is made of amino acids that aid in the repair of damaged hair as well as helping in maintaining a smooth and beautiful look.

Exercise and Diet

The hair needs to be fed with all the required nutrients especially iron and protein. However, you also need to follow it up with regular exercise. You can start having meditation and Yoga sessions as they also help with managing this condition.

Chemical Treatment

Going through rigorous treatment procedures like perming, straightening, and coloring can be detrimental to your tresses. It is recommended that you avoid the use of curling rods, and blow dryers as they boil the liquid in the shaft and also make them fragile. If you have to utilize a blow dryer, it is only appropriate that you keep the heat setting at the lowest level. If you are using other heating products, you can commence with a strong leave-in conditioner before concluding with a good protective spray.


Oiling the hair nourishes the root and also improves blood circulation. Ensure that you massage the tresses at least once every week with a good oil that is suitable for your scalp. Also, cover it with a bonnet and wash it with a soft shampoo after an hour or two. If you need recommendations on the best oil to use, you can check here.

To try out some other natural remedies, you can check out the following:

Egg Mask

It is common knowledge that eggs have rich supplies of protein, phosphorous, sulfur, iodine, and zinc which are very effective in promoting the growth of hair in humans. To prepare an egg mask, mix an egg, a teaspoon of essential oil, and another teaspoon of olive oil in a bowl.   Beat very well to make a paste. When your pasta is ready, apply it from the root up to the tips. Finally, rinse with a soft shampoo after twenty minutes.

Licorice Root

Licorice root is an herb that helps in the prevention of hair loss or any other kind of damages. It helps in soothing the scalp and getting rid of dandruff/ dry flakes. To make this, add a tablespoon of the properly ground root of licorice and a quarter spoon of saffron into a cup of milk. After making the paste, apply it to your scalp at night and leave it till the next morning. Wash it off when you wake up; you can repeat this procedure twice a week.

Coconut Milk

Coconut milk contains essential fats and protein that are effective in preventing hair loss. Preparing the milk will involve the following steps:

  1. Grate a small-sized coconut and cook it for 5 minutes.
  2. Sift out the liquid and leave it to cool.
  3. Add one spoon of fenugreek seeds and ground black pepper to the milk.
  4. Apply to your hair.
  5. Rinse with a shampoo after 20 minutes.

Diets for Maintaining Healthy Hair

Here are some diets that may be of help to you:


One of the main reasons why you may experience hair loss is iron deficiency. Spinach does not just provide the body with iron, but it also supplies proteins and vitamins A, and C. You can also find sebum which is responsible for natural conditioning with its provision of omega-3 acid, potassium, magnesium as well as calcium. All these contribute to keeping your scalp healthy.


Carrots are effective in maintaining proper eyesight. They contain vitamin A which improves the growth of human hair. Lack of vitamin A leads to a number of issues like itchy or dry scalp. Carrots improve blood circulation while also strengthening the skin.


Wearing a nice look in public has a way of boosting one’s self-esteem. While you may not appear completely perfect, there are certain areas you are expected to take good care of. One of the features that give one’s face a boost is the hair. Damaged hair or hair loss, on the other hand, diminishes one’s overall appearance and can affect your self-esteem. We have outlined some tips to help you if you find yourself in this situation. Feel free to check them out.

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