Keenethics.Com Experts Named Top 5 Global Companies Using NodeJS,

Keenethics.Com Experts Named Top 5 Global Companies Using NodeJS

Keenethics.Com Experts Named Top 5 Global Companies Using NodeJS

One essential sign of a product’s or technology’s reliability is that well-known brands choose it. The same can be stated about development tools. And among the most popular programming environments, analysts note NodeJS. By using the link, you may get more details about this runtime. Also, Keenethics experts came up with a list of famous brands that actively apply the described environment to create corporate software. So, let’s look closer at those enterprises.

What Five Companies Employ NodeJS the Most Today in the Keenethics.Com Experts’ Opinion?

First, it’s worth noting LinkedIn. This platform serves over 690 mln users worldwide. And it’s one of the largest applications with NodeJS-based features. Keenethics experts say that LinkedIn’s programmers use the mentioned runtime because it brings the following benefits:

  • simplifying the process of handling the client-server interaction;
  • reducing the amount of equipment employed to host the application by ten times;
  • facilitating the code by making it less state-dependent and modular.

LinkedIn was able to essentially speed up its interface operations using the JS runtime.

Medium Also Uses NodeJS

This blogging site is attended by nearly 25 mln unique visitors monthly. The platform employs the described development environment from the very beginning. The runtime helps Medium’s coders keep short load time of web pages, even if they contain big images, large article audio versions, etc. Nowadays, the platform’s pages open in only up to 2.7 sec.

Yahoo Is on It, Too

Numerous company’s products are based on NodeJS. This, for example, includes Life, Answers, and Food by Yahoo. Keenethics.Com experts claim that the enterprise’s coders decided on the specified runtime because it allows for the following:

  • improving product performance;
  • simplifying big data processing;
  • accelerating the making of new features.

Additionally, NodeJS enables Yahoo to involve fewer employees and use less infrastructure as a part of the development process.

Why GoDaddy Uses NodeJS

The enterprise is among the biggest domain name and hosting providers worldwide. Keenethics experts state that the company started employing the JS environment as a part of the corporate rebranding to achieve the purposes as follows:

  • lowering server load caused by quite a powerful platform, Website Builder;
  • reducing corporate spending;
  • providing clients with better performance.

Using Node JS, GoDaddy was able to launch the site rebranding in only one hour.

Capital One Employs NodeJS as Well

The US bank holding enterprise delivers financial services across the USA, the UK, and Canada. Capital One decided to shift its priority to open-source technology usage. And the company’s developers included NodeJS in their list of preferred tools. The runtime provides the enterprise with the following:

  • optimizing front- and back-end operations by acting as an orchestration layer;
  • no-lag and real-time data to corporate dashboards;
  • simplifying the formatting of the data in Java APIs.

Finally, Capital One highly praises the described runtime for its microservices feature.

Why Famous Companies Use NodeJS?

This is due to the following benefits of this programming environment:

  • ability to create apps with great scalability possibilities;
  • cost-effectiveness and extensibility;
  • ease of learning as well as use;
  • availability of a vibrant community.

One can get further info on this theme at topical websites like

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Powerful Summary: LinkedIn About Sectio,

Powerful Summary: LinkedIn About Section

Powerful Summary: LinkedIn About Section

The LinkedIn summary is the right way to tell prospective employers that you are the right fit. It is the best section to include skills, motivations, and the touch of personality which headlines and work history fail to provide. By keeping these tips in mind, you will write an eye-catching summary that will help you get the dream job without spending money on LinkedIn makeover services.

1. Make your story simple

While writing your summary, make it like a simple story than a dull resume. Don’t retell your job history, but make your narrative entertaining. Use active voice and specific verbs to describe your accomplishments.

2.  Keep a conversational tone

It’s important to use a conversational style from your everyday life. The goal is to make your writing easy to understand and at the same time engaging. This can be tricky, but there are a few things you can do to help nail the tone:

  1. Try to use short, simple sentences.
  2. Use contractions wherever possible.

3. Engage the audience at once

The beginning of your story contains three lines, available for readers before they click the “read more”option. That is why these lines are the core of the summary. You should make them eye-catching to make people want to learn more about you. You can do this by conveying which combinations of skills set you apart from everyone else or help you achieve results, what outstanding accomplishments you have or why you love your work.

4. Keep it short

Yeah, headhunters are busy people, who are short of time for reading boring 3-page writings. Make your summary laconic and sweet. Fixate on meaningful details, leaving the fluff out.

5. Use personal prepositions and write in the first person

Who doesn’t love reading about someone else’s life with a personal touch? You use your own words to make a powerful summary of you’ve got a unique career or inspiring achievements. Don’t be afraid to show some personality. A boring summary is likely to turn off potential employers, so inject a little bit of your individuality into your writing.

6. Utilize effective keywords

LinkedIn is a great way to connect with recruiters and employers. To make your profile come up for recruiters just use the right keywords. Job titles, skills, and industry jargon are all fair game. You can find the right keywords by reading job descriptions. The words appearing most frequently are just what you need.

7. Put stress on your professional background

Are there initiatives that you’ve taken charge of? Is there anything to be proud of in your work history? State the outstanding facts to stand out. Sharing your accomplishments will show others why they should choose you. Plus, talking about your strengths will let people know how you can help them.

8. Highlight your accomplishments

Your About section is your chance to sell yourself to potential employers or networking contacts. And just like with any sales pitch, you want to make sure you’re putting your best foot forward. That means no boring lists of your accomplishments – save that for the “Experience” section. Instead, use your Summary as an opportunity to tell a story about your professional life. Highlight the experiences and accomplishments that are most relevant to the field you are good at and do your best to make it engaging to read.

9. Include numbers and statistics

Whenever possible, try and include some numbers and data in your summary. It not only looks great to future employers, but it also gives them a more concrete understanding of your skills and experience. This information should be relevant and engaging not to bore your reader!

10. Highlight relevant skills and talents

One of the best things you can do is to focus on adding skills and talents relevant to the position you’re interested in. This is important because recruiters often use keywords to search for candidates, and the more keywords you have on your resume, the more likely you are to be found. However, it’s also important to keep your resume interesting and readable, so be sure to strike a balance between adding too many keywords and making your summary sound like a list. With a bit of careful planning, you can ensure that your resume has the right mix of skills and talents to help you land the job you want.

11. State your long-term goals

Ambitions are a great way to show off what you’re looking to achieve in your career, and LinkedIn is the perfect place to do it. By goal stating recruiters know what you’re looking for and whether you’d be a good fit for the company. Your goals should sound realistic, and your writing about them should be clear and concise. Try to connect career strategy to your ambitions.

12. Make sure to include a call to action at the end of your text

So you’re finished with your LinkedIn summary, congrats! Now it’s time to consider your CTA or call to action. The final part of your About section, where you tell readers what you want them to do next, is perfect for getting a call from a hiring manager. Maybe you want them to see your accomplishments in practice or get in touch for more detail. Whatever it is, make sure it’s something that will help you achieve your goals. CTA is an effective way of encouraging readers to act according to your objectives. So don’t be shy, go for it!

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Easy Upgrades: 5 Simple Habits That Will Improve Your Employability,

Easy Upgrades: 5 Simple Habits That Will Improve Your Employability

Easy Upgrades: 5 Simple Habits That Will Improve Your Employability


Employers want to hire those who have the right mix of education and attitude to succeed in the workplace. That can mean showing your eagerness to learn by getting mathematics tutoring online or demonstrating your sense of responsibility by owning your mistakes. Let’s take a look at five simple ways to radically improve your employability. 

1. Be around smart people

Being the smartest person in the room isn’t the key to success. Instead, it’s being in a room full of smart people because, as the saying goes, you’re the sum total of those around you. Not everyone is lucky enough to be surrounded by brilliant folks, though, so it might take some active searching. Professional networking sites such as LinkedIn are helpful for online connections. In-person connections can be facilitated by joining competitions or workshops. Either way, the end goal is not only to make you smarter but to push you further by turbocharging your ambition

2. Be punctual

If you have a choice between arriving early or staying late, the former leaves a stronger impression. Management tends to view those who come early as better performers, so it’s important to be punctual. Although it’s not always easy, try to leave home a few minutes early in case the morning commute takes a bit longer than expected. Of course, punctuality isn’t simply about showing up at the right time. It’s also about being dependable in a broader sense – finishing work by the agreed-upon deadlines, going to required meetings, and keeping your word. 

3. Be open to new ideas and skills

This habit is similar to that of surrounding yourself with smart people. Instead of assuming you know everything and have all the answers, assume your co-workers are full of great ideas. This will create a mindset that’s open and eager to hear new ideas. Alongside new ideas to consider, keep your mind open for new skills to learn. Identify knowledge gaps within a business and bridge those gaps by picking up new skills. This level of ambition and dedication demonstrates that you’re a team player focused on making the business as successful as possible. 

4. Be positive and master soft skills 

Although negativity is hardwired into the human experience, positivity has plenty of benefits as well, especially when it comes to working with others. Everyday acts as simple as smiling, being courteous, and giving compliments can go a long way toward creating a positive atmosphere that people appreciate. Not only will they appreciate it, but they will get healthier from it. Bringing positivity to the workplace is a “soft skill” that many people overlook. Alongside proper education and training, soft skills are essential to career success. These skills range from keeping people updated on milestones to being aware of social cues and tailoring your communication style to fit the audience you’re addressing.

5. Own your mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes, but not everyone owns up to their mistakes. This can create unnecessary conflict and resentment at work. One of the easiest ways to avoid that is to admit to yourself that you made a mistake. From here, reflect on why it happened and come up with a plan to avoid it in the future. Then, inform those who need to know, but don’t dwell on it too much. Dwelling on mistakes is a great way to bring yourself down. It also shows a lack of confidence, and if you’re constantly bringing up the past, it can get frustrating for colleagues and loved ones.  Alongside the right education and training, practice the five simple habits above to land your dream job. 

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Best Databases Management Systems,

Best Databases Management Systems

Best Databases Management Systems

Our modern world is filled with different information. The one who owns the information owns the world. It is really difficult to work with information. You basically have to pay attention to all details. After the hard work, the best choice is to take a rest. If you enjoy gambling test your luck at online Blackjack.

A database management system (DBMS) is a complex consisting of software and tools for linguistic purposes, used to create databases and manipulate them. The main task of the systems is to manage the data located in the operating and external memory. In addition, using the DBMS, you can restore and copy fragments of information from the database, even after a failure.


MySQL is the most commonly used DBMS. It is chosen by such large companies as LinkedIn, Wikipedia, Twitter, Alibaba, Facebook, etc. The main features of the system are based on the client-server model and have an open-source code. Designed to interact with databases organized on a relational model.


  • high speed and productivity;
  • suitable for small and small projects;
  • at one time you can bind a large data stream;
  • a large number of tables to choose from, which is constantly growing;
  • you can replace the source code depending on the needs of the project;
  • convenience and ease of use;
  • simultaneous opening of access to an unlimited number of users;
  • high level of database security.

MySQL is constantly being improved and developed. It is ideal for projects that are maintained in spreadsheets. Due to the small number of available functions, the system is easier to interact with. Even a beginner can understand how to work with this DBMS. You can manage the database without using programs, just open a browser.


PostgreSQL is a system designed to interact with databases based on the object-relational model. Many use it as a backend for applications. The system is based on the structured query language SQL. She is constantly improving, which allows her to remain at the top for several years. It is used by such giants as Apple, Fujitsu Juniper Network, and others.


  • no restrictions on the size of the database;
  • you can add any amount of information to tables;
  • has an open-source code;
  • official documents describe all the possibilities of the system;
  • multitasking and high performance;
  • extensive functionality;
  • works on all operating systems;
  • suitable for beginners;
  • integrates with any programming language.

For storage in PostgreSQL, you can use not only text but also audio, images, video, and graphic data.


SQLite is a single file DBMS based on the C programming language that does not have a server. The database based on the relational model will be stored on one device. Even if there are several of them, they will easily fit in one file and will not take up much space. No additional applications are required to work with the system. It even works on mobile devices, cameras, set-top boxes, etc.


  • any amount of data is stored in one file;
  • high speed of work;
  • the minimum number of functions with the possibility of their expansion through additional applications;
  • does not require a long and complex setup before work;
  • fast data exchange;
  • Even with all the settings, an empty system weighs up to 400 KB.

Unfortunately, SQLite does not allow you to increase performance, but this does not prevent it from doing an excellent job with informational databases. There are multiple different database management systems that would help you to lead your business in the right way.

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Linkedin launches similar feedback buttons like Facebook

Linkedin launches similar feedback buttons like Facebook

Sometimes a “Like” on social networks does not show what you feel or does not have enough inspiration to write a full comment.

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Today, Linkedin addressed this problem by introducing four new responses that people can use in response to posts on the social network.

In addition to the “Like” button you can already choose between “Celebrate,” “Love,” “Insightful,” and “Curious.”

The fact that a ” Haha ” reaction is missing is enough to say that Linkedin is not a social network where you can have fun.

Reactions are globally available for nearly 600 million today’s users on desktop and mobile applications.

Facebook launched the feedback three years ago and Linkedin has never been quick in adopting new trends. However, it shows that the company is showing responsiveness by providing users with a more dynamic platform and in the hope that it will generate more feedback.

Reactions not only are an incentive to increase engagement but also a company’s attempt to stay competitive with other social platforms.

For Linkedin to continue attracting more users, even smaller add-ons like the latter can make the difference for the social network.

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