All You Need to Know about Altcoins

All You Need to Know about Altcoins

When everything is going digital, currencies will too. In recent times, cryptocurrency has become a hot topic for everyone. Almost everyone has heard about Bitcoin, which is a cryptocurrency. There are cryptocurrencies in the market other than Bitcoin are called Altcoin. Any cryptocurrency other than Bitcoin is known as Altcoin. Therefore, any crypto such as Polkadot, Solana, Cardio, and Uniswap can be called Altcoin. The most popular altcoin is Ethereum.

You can guess it from its name. “Alt” stands for an alternative to Bitcoin. Therefore, it is called Altcoin. If you want to trade in Bitcoin, you must have a safe Bitcoin wallet. Although Bitcoins are attracting all the limelight, Altcoins are getting there fast. Most of the Altcoins are made using the concept of Bitcoin itself. Therefore, you could find many basic similarities of Bitcoin with Altcoins.

Why is Altcoin important?

As per the record, 16,500 types of cryptocurrencies have been created till January 2022. Half of the market is occupied by Bitcoin. The other half is occupied by altcoin whereas, and only Ethereum occupies a quarter part of it.

How it works

Just like bitcoin, Altcoins also operate using the same technology, which is blockchain technology. If you do not know about blockchain, then to put it in simple words, it is a hugely distributed database. The blockchain database is being maintained by thousands of computers all across the world. Once a transaction is made, there is no way to reverse it as it will be broadcast and verified by the blockchain. It will be recorded on the database.

Why do some Altcoins have special features?

There are various altcoin creators who uniquely feature their altcoin to make it stand apart from the crowd or to make it a bit different from bitcoin.

For example, Dogecoin was created in 2013. It was launched as a meme coin. However, it gained huge popularity after it got praise from Elon Musk. Apart from that, there is also Steller. Its operators wanted it to be more energy-efficient along with being faster and cheaper than its competitors

What are some of the popular Altcoins available?







Bitcoin cash







Difference between bitcoin and altcoin

Bitcoin is the first crypto in the world. Therefore, it has created a road map of cryptocurrencies. All the Altcoins generally are built using the same technology. Bitcoin can be called the benchmark in the world of digital currency. Everything else more or less follows it. However, bitcoin and altcoin still have some differences, no matter they use the same blockchain technology.

  • 84 millions of Litecoin will ever be produced, which is also an altcoin. On the other hand, there will only be 21 millions of Bitcoin production. Ever.
  • The functionality is also a bit different. Litecoin takes only 2.5 minutes, whereas Bitcoin takes 10 minutes in the mining process. Therefore, the payment becomes faster in the case of Altcoins.
  • You can find a ton of substitutes to Bitcoin in the world of digital currency. However, it is really hard to reach where Bitcoin is today.  It has a market value of USD 1.07 trillion as of now.

What are the Pros and Cons of altcoin?

The pros of Altcoins are:

  • Altcoins are created using the same technology as Bitcoin. Moreover, while being created, the main focus was on its improvements. Therefore, it comes with more facilities.
  • The other most prominent advantage of altcoin is, it does not cost as much fee as Bitcoin. Therefore, it provides cheaper transactions.
  • Some of the Altcoins are even created to be faster as well. Therefore, transactions can be made in less amount time.
  • The competitors get much scope to compete as the mining method is quite similar.
  • To mine Bitcoin, you only need common hardware; whereas, you would need expensive hardware systems in the process of bitcoin mining.

The Cons of Altcoins:

  • The altcoin market is new. Therefore, it is highly volatile.
  • There are similar chances of altcoin becoming prey to many scammers.

Final thoughts

Altcoins are an alternative to bitcoin and doing really well. Although, you should always ask some questions and have your concepts clear before investing in the crypto market.

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Top 5 Crypto Performers Overview: Litecoin, Binance Coin, EOS, Dash, Monero

Top 5 Crypto Performers Overview: Litecoin, Binance Coin, EOS, Dash, Monero

Cryptocurrencies have been very popular recently. With a sudden spark of interest in Bitcoin that took place in the previous couple of months, crypto enthusiasts started exploring alternatives to digital gold. 

Some of the cryptos that have been on many lists of crypto investors are Litecoin, EOS, DASH, Monero, and even Binance Coin. Let’s check out how each of these cryptocurrencies has performed lately. Read on.


Charlie Lee’s brainchild is still considered digital silver, despite many other cryptocurrencies pretending to its throne.


During the last couple of weeks, the price ranged from $144 to $185, which is also the 52-week maximum at the moment. Still, LTC failed to meet its all-time high set on December 19, 2017, when a single unit of this crypto was trading at $375.


The current circulating supply is more than 66 million LTC, with the maximum supply being 84 million LTC.


One of the cryptocurrencies that Litecoin is traded against most often is Bitcoin. That’s why there are so many easy ways to exchange LTC to BTC and vice versa nowadays. 

Binance Coin

The popularity of Binance Coin skyrocketed recently, and the cryptocurrency has shown steady improvement over time.


In the last 30 days, the price varied from $35.17 to $59.39, the latter also being the all-time high for the cryptocurrency. If you take a look at the 52-week high/low, you’ll notice that the lowest BNB price was just $6.96 during that period. In other words, those who invested in it while it was still low saw a huge ROI.


There are currently 154 million BNB circulating, with the total supply being 170 million BNB.


Unlike many other cryptocurrencies, EOS didn’t experience a boom lately. Still, its price consistency makes it worth taking into account. The 30-day low was $2.41 and the high was $3.92. The lowest that cryptocurrency got in the past year was $1.46, and the highest was $5.48. Still, that is no match for the all-time high which the cryptocurrency reached on April 29, 2018, when a single EOS was $22.89.


However, when you take a look at the trading volume, you’ll notice that crypto is now traded more than ever, meaning it’s still very popular among traders. 


Dash is another crypto that’s still popular among traders, even though it experienced its heyday in 2018. The trading volume may not be as high compared to other cryptocurrencies, but it still has some room for some short-term profit.


The price of Dash fluctuated between $92.63 and $156.67 for the past 30 days. The 52-week low was just $34,91, and the $156.67 is the highest that the cryptocurrency reached during the past year. Still, compared to December 20, 2017, when DASH peaked, that’s still pretty low. On that day, a single unit of Dash was $1,642.22.


Monero has shown huge potential lately, as it was a part of the second wave of crypto-craze that started in 2020. 


Monero’s 30-day low was $122.95 and it peaked at $189.28, which also happened to be the 52-week high. On the other hand, the lowest Monero dropped in the past year was $26.70. The all-time high for this cryptocurrency was $495.84 on January 7, 2018.

Final Thoughts: What Does the Future Bring?

As you can see, the crypto market is currently heavily invested in, especially in Bitcoin. However, other cryptocurrencies followed this trend more or less. It’s difficult to predict where things will go from here, but it’s safe to assume that some cryptos are close to hitting the ceiling.

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Top 5 Crypto Performers Overview: Litecoin, Binance Coin, EOS, Dash, Monero