Snow Problem: 5 Ways to Handle an Unexpected Car Repair in Winter,

Snow Problem: 5 Ways to Handle an Unexpected Car Repair in Winter

Winter’s reduced visibility and icy conditions are the perfect recipes for an accident on the road. Whether you blow a tire or wind up in the ditch after hitting a patch of black ice, these issues can be costly to repair. Below, find some ideas on how to handle an unexpected wintertime fix.

1. Tap into Your Emergency Fund

According to the AAA, you should aim to save $50 every month for unexpected repairs. That adds up to $600 by the end of the year, plus more if you squirrel it all away in a high-interest savings account.

If nothing breaks down one year, these savings carry over into the next one. They’ll keep on growing with each monthly contribution.

2. Apply for a Loan

If the well of your emergency fund runs dry, you can look into an online loan to bridge the gap between your savings and repairs.

The rates and terms you secure depend on your lender and credit score, so shop around to see what kinds of online loans you qualify for and how much they cost.

Although good credit makes it easier to qualify for some online loans, you still have options if your credit is poor. Check out online loans for bad credit to learn more about borrowing with less-than-perfect credit.

3. Tap into Your AAA Benefits

You may not need an online loan if your AAA benefits cover the issue. Basic membership provides 24-hour emergency road service, which can save you the cost and frustration of finding a tow truck.

It also comes with the following services for free:

  • Battery jumpstart and replacement
  • Flat tire replacement
  • Fuel delivery
  • Locksmith
  • Winching or extraction

4. Negotiate with Your Mechanic

A free extraction from a ditch is nice, but what do you do if your vehicle won’t start once it’s back on the road? For that, you’ll have to take your car for air con servicing.

If you can’t afford the bill upfront, you can inquire about a possible financing option. Some mechanics let you pay off a big repair bill in several smaller chunks spread out over time.

Alternatively, you can ask your mechanic to do the bare minimum work to make your vehicle road-worthy again. These patch jobs are just enough to get you back home, where you can regroup and come up with a game plan for how you’ll pay for the rest of the repairs later.

5. Insurance

For the road’s biggest collisions, there’s nothing better than your insurance. If you’ve been involved in an accident resulting in major property damage or injuries, get in touch with your insurance provider for assistance.

Can You Prevent Unexpected Repairs in the Winter?

Avoiding an accident is the easiest way to save money. Here are some winter driving safety tips that can help your budget.

  • Install winter tires: Winter tires stop shorter in cold, icy, or snowy conditions, which may help you avoid a nasty fender bender.
  • Drive according to conditions: Adjusting your speed and the space you leave between vehicles can help you drive safer in inclement weather.
  • Avoid storms: Stay home when bad weather is in the forecast.
  • Give your car a tune-up: Routine car maintenance helps you catch minor problems before they escalate into bigger repairs or cause problems on the road.

Turn these tips into habits you follow all season long. They can help you drive safely and avoid costly repair.

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The Importance Of Fleet Safety For The Success Of Your Business

The Importance Of Fleet Safety For The Success Of Your Business

Fleet safety is one of the most important areas for your business. It affects every other area, including customer service, employee satisfaction, and risk management. Managing the fleet safety of your business carefully can determine whether or not your business gets off to a good start, and if it has the potential to be successful in the future. As a matter of fact, it affects all parts of your company. The costs are high but so are the rewards if you make fleet safety a priority in your organization. Now, here’s why they’re important.

It Improves The Driver’s Behavior and Efficiency

Drivers who adhere to a safe driving policy are better, more productive drivers. They’re not rushing around and speeding because they need to meet an unreasonable schedule that’s been forced on them by managers who just want to squeeze as much work out of them as possible. They’re not trying to do too many things at once and they’re not driving while distracted.

All of these things lead to better driving behavior, which in turn means fewer accidents, less wear and tear on the vehicles, and less fuel wasted. Your drivers aren’t going to take as many risks if they know that you’ll hold them accountable for their actions. Instead, your drivers will feel less stress and be more focused on the road, which will make it much less likely for them to make mistakes or become distracted.

Managers Can Keep Track of Productivity

When drivers are following a safe driving policy, it’s much easier for managers to track their productivity. Using accurate data from the fleet tracking system with a camera, you can make better decisions about where to allocate resources and how to improve your business operations. You’ll also be able to identify drivers who are slacking off or not meeting your expectations so that you can take corrective action.

The Driver’s Will Drive More Productively

Drivers who feel safe behind the wheel are more productive drivers. Not only do they drive with a sense of greater security, but they’re able to concentrate more on the task at hand instead of worrying about the risks. This can lead to increased efficiency on the road, which will save your business both time and money in the long run. 

In addition, they will drive more cautiously around other vehicles, which improves safety for everyone on the road. This means they’re more likely to drive at a safe but efficient speed, and they’ll be less likely to make silly mistakes that could cause an accident. When they feel safe, their skills are not put to waste and instead used to their full potential while driving, which ultimately affects everyone around them.

Safety Ensures The Quality of Products Being Delivered by Fleets

Businesses that have fleets of vehicles transporting their products have a duty to ensure that these products arrive in good condition. The last thing you want is for your company’s reputation to be damaged by a defective product being delivered, especially if it hurts someone. Of course, there are many things that can affect the quality of the product being delivered, like the practices of your suppliers, the quality of the materials used for making the products themselves, or even environmental conditions. However, if you don’t have fleet safety under control then your drivers are also likely to lose focus on their driving and accidentally cause damage to an expensive shipment.

Maintain Compliance in Their Vehicle Fleets

If your drivers are not complying with the regulations in their vehicle fleets then they’re definitely going to become careless and ultimately end up breaking even more rules. Not only that but if you don’t set a good example for compliance within your business, then you can expect your employees to be less concerned about it. This means that accidents will occur more frequently, and your business will be at a higher risk of being fined or even shut down.

This is especially true if you have vehicles that are violating laws regarding how heavy they are, the types of loads being transported, or any other regulations that could lead to an accident. If your drivers are not driving safely then it can be difficult to know what’s going on.  On the other hand, if you have a good compliance policy in place then your drivers will be more likely to follow the rules, which will ultimately lead to a safer work environment for everyone.

Helps You Control Cost

One of the main benefits of having a safe fleet is that it helps you to control your costs. When your drivers are driving safely and following all the rules, there is less risk for accidents and vehicle damage. This means that you’re going to be spending less on repairs, replacements, and even insurance. In addition, if your company is transporting hazardous materials then it’s essential to have a safe fleet in order to avoid any costly fines.

There are many reasons why fleet safety is important for the success of your business. By ensuring that your drivers are adhering to safe driving policies, you’re not only improving the safety of everyone on the road but you’re also ensuring that your products are being delivered in good condition.

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Are You Currently Learning How To Drive? Here Are Some Useful Tips

Are you currently learning how to drive? If so, congratulations! Driving is one of the most important skills that you will need to live your life. However, some things can make driving easier and more enjoyable for you. This blog post will discuss some tips for new drivers or people who are looking to improve their driving skills.

Familiarize yourself with driving rules and regulations

One of the primary things that you need to do is familiarize yourself with the rules and regulations of driving. This will help you to avoid any potential fines or other negative consequences that can come from breaking a law while you are behind the wheel. When it comes to learning about these laws, there is no better way than through reading a book or taking a class on it. Just make sure to review thoroughly for you to be able to pass your learner’s permit test PA or in the state that you are in. When you do acquire your learner’s permit, make sure you review all of the driving rules and regulations again to ensure that you are always in compliance with them.

Be a defensive driver

Being a defensive driver is one of the most important things that any person can do while they are behind the wheel. There will be many different types of drivers on roads when you are driving, and it is important to be mindful of them at all times. You will need to know how to deal with other types of drivers in different situations so that you can avoid danger or accidents when they occur on the road. Some examples include when another driver tries to speed up next to you and threatens your safety by creating a dangerous situation for you or when another driver tries to cut you off and get in front of you, potentially leading to road rage or other safety issues. However, it will be impossible to deal with these situations if you don’t know how your car works. Make sure that you just perceive all of the controls on your vehicle before obtaining behind the wheel. Then, you should practice using them so that it becomes second nature to use the controls when necessary while you are driving. This will help prevent any accidents or injuries from occurring because of your lack of control over your car’s features.

Stay away from distractions

You need to be fully present and aware at all times while you are behind the wheel. This will help you to avoid accidents and other types of situations that can be dangerous for both yourself and others around you on the road. When it comes to not being distracted by different things while driving, this means that you need to stay away from cell phones or any other electronic devices when they are in your car with you. Even if you are not the person who is driving, you should make sure that nobody else in your car is using their cell phone or another electronic device when they get behind the wheel.

Make sure to have a spare tire for emergencies

One of the most important things to do while learning how to drive is understanding all of the different features of your vehicle that can help you to avoid an accident or other safety issues. One of these things is making sure that your car has a spare tire with it at all times. This will allow you to change a flat tire if necessary so that the tires on your vehicle always remain fully functional and able to be used while driving. In this case, you should also learn how to change a tire on your own so that you are prepared in the event of an emergency with one.

Stay calm at all times

One thing to keep in mind when learning how to drive is knowing what it means to be calm while behind the wheel. You need to stay relaxed and avoid any aggressive or angry behavior towards other drivers whenever possible, as this will only cause problems for you and the other drivers around you on the road. For example, if another driver is making it difficult to drive because of their reckless behavior or they are driving too slow, learn how to politely communicate with them so that they can understand what needs to be done better for both of your safety.

Be patient with yourself

One of the most important things to keep in mind when you are learning how to drive is not letting your mistakes get on top of you. You will make many different types of errors while behind the wheel, and it is inevitable that some accidents may occur as well no matter what steps you take beforehand. However, this does not mean that you should give up on your learning because of these mistakes. Instead, take a step back from the situation and learn from what went wrong so that it does not happen again in the future.

  • You can do this!

When you are first learning how to drive, there will be many different situations where you feel nervous or unsure about what you should do. However, this is a normal part of the learning process and it will eventually pass as you become more experienced with driving on your own. Just remember that each time you get behind the wheel after making a mistake or having an accident while learning how to drive, these things are simply opportunities for improvement that can help make you into a better driver in the future.

Some drivers are nervous about driving for the first time, but with a little bit of practice, it will become second nature. Practicing on empty roads before you try on active streets can help take some of that anxiety away. And remember, always signal your intent by turning on your blinker light and be courteous at intersections by obeying stop signs or traffic lights when they’re present. By following these simple steps, you’ll make driving more enjoyable for you and everyone involved.

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6 Ways To Improve Your Safety While Riding A Bicycle 

6 Ways To Improve Your Safety While Riding A Bicycle 

In addition to being an excellent exercise, riding a bike is lots of fun. If you get really good at it, you can even become a professional cyclist and participate in competitive cycling. You could even start pulling some of those incredible bike stunts you see from experienced riders out there. However, in the event of the unexpected, bike injuries can cause grave injuries. Especially in traffic, some of these accidents actually result in death on the spot. This is why you should always be extra careful when riding a bike. Fortunately, the following nuggets can help you maximize your safety on the road riding a bicycle.

1. Obey Traffic Rules

Obeying the traffic rules is the number one dictum to keeping safe on the road. Make sure to adhere to all traffic rules, including flowing with the traffic instead of riding against it. Look out for lane markings to ensure you stick to your designated position. 

For instance, if there is a stop sign, ensure you stop even if there are no oncoming cars or pedestrians to check whether the road is clear before proceeding.

2. Know What to Do After an Accident

Nonetheless, you may get into a bike accident even after observing all the rules in the book, where the other road user is often to blame for the accident. In this case, it pays to know what to do after such an accident. If you click here, you will learn how a bicycle accident lawyer can help you as a victim of a bike crash. They can help determine whether you have a case and guide you in pursuing compensation if so.

Apart from consulting an attorney, here are a few things you need to do after a bike accident:


  • Get to safety away from the road
  • Call nine-one-one
  • Seek medical attention
  • Notify the police
  • Collect witness statements if possible
  • Collect the other road user’s details (plate number, insurance, contacts, etc.)
  • File your compensation case with the help of your attorney

3. Avoid Night Rides

Myriads of people visit the emergency room because of bicycle accidents every year. Bicycle accidents have been increasing in recent years. The majority of these accidents are caused by carelessness. Riding your bicycle at night is the riskiest affair you can ever involve yourself in. It’s a recipe for disaster. Daytime is always the safest time to ride a bike. You can see other people and motorists on the road, and they can see you. If you have to ride at night, ensure your bike has fixed reflectors. It should be in the front and rear.  

4. Helmet and Reflective Gear

One of the significant culprits for cycling crashes is the lack of safety gear while on the road. Unfortunately, most bicyclists tend to ignore them. If you are not visible on the road, how then can you evade an accident? Always wear reflective gear with neon material before hopping onto your bike. It will increase your visibility on the road, during day or night time, and reduce your chances of suffering an accident.  

Don’t forget to grab a helmet. It will keep you from sustaining fatal injuries on the head in case of an accident. Avoid second hand or hand-me-down helmets. They are mostly cracked or broken. They can’t provide the needed protection.

5. The Bike Should Be In Good Shape

Riding on malfunctioning equipment can be a tragedy on the road. Make it a habit to check your bike’s functionality before hitting the road. It will not cost you a dime to carry out a basic safety check on your bike once a week or so. Make sure to have a maintenance checklist for your bike. This means ensuring the tires and wheel are inflated well, the brakes are working perfectly, lights and reflectors are good, side mirrors check, and that the chain is well lubricated.

6. Watch Out For Any Hazards

Riding a bike is one thrilling experience. You not only keep your body fit but also get to enjoy some fresh breath of air. To maximally enjoy the ride, it’s always prudent to remain on high alert at all times for any red flags. The roads are always full of surprises from obstacles and distractions.

To be on the safe side, never ride blindly no matter how clear the road may look. An animal might just cross in front of you. You could also hit an unexpected porthole or huge cracks on the road, which could easily make you lose balance and push you into an accident. Be on the lookout for intersections, weather hazards, crosswalks, and so forth. Don’t forget to keep your hands firmly on the bike. Your life and wellness are your greatest wealth. As a bicyclist, you must take time to familiarize yourself and understand the different safety standards to ensure you are secure on the road. The above safety measures will help you navigate through the roads more confidently and give you a safer, enjoyable ride.

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For Saving Our Infrastructure, Make Every Road a TollRoad

For Saving Our Infrastructure, Make Every Road a TollRoad

It’s called the tolling of roads. It’s real simple, folks. You don’t want to pay for public infrastructure? Then you shouldn’t be using it. If you own a car and drive on public roads, then you should be paying tolls when you do so. Btw, you can do it with this awesome app – Uproad that works on iPhone and Android. Save your time and money. You’d buy a transponder and stick it on your windshield, and it would track how many miles you drive on a given road. You’d pay however much the state does for every mile you drive, so if the tax is $0.25 a gallon of gas, then you’d have to pay that same rate.

Of course, there are problems with this plan – one of which is that it isn’t fair to poor people – but the biggest is that every state doesn’t have its system of HOV lanes and such so that those interstate highways would be free. That’s okay. Toll all the roads, and you’ll see how much they need fixing in a hurry when nobody drives on them anymore, and it’ll encourage people to get out of their cars. If they need to work fine – but they have to pay for it. It’s a win-win situation any way you look at it. Toll the roads, fix the infrastructure, save money for governments all across America who are watching tax dollars drain right into potholes. So let’s get tough on people who complain about high taxes but don’t want to pay for roads: toll the roads, folks – every one of them.

 …or something like that. I am not sure whether or not it would work, but it seems more logical than what they are doing now.

– Tolling is a method of charging fees on-road usage, either to pay for their construction or upkeep.

– Toll roads are a type of road for which toll (“usage” or “entry”) fees are assessed when traversing the highway, usually in the form of electronic toll collection gantries on specific lanes.

– Toll roads have reduced traffic congestion by allowing automated toll collection, which speeds up traffic. As a result, toll roads benefit road users by reducing the time they would otherwise be stuck in traffic and increasing their travel speed.

– Toll roads reduce air pollution and fuel consumption by decreasing the amount of idling at intersections and traffic lights and encouraging vehicle occupants to use public transportation or carpools instead.

– Toll roads are often less safe than free ones, but they are usually better lit. Toll roads require drivers to pay at least monthly fees for road upkeep, leading them to complain that tolls are an unfair tax on their vehicles.

– Toll roads became more common in the 1980s and 1990s as local, state, and federal highway budgets dwindled, and politicians sought more funds to build roadways. Toll highways increased mass transit usage and helped protect the environment by reducing air pollution caused by traffic congestion. Toll roads are designed as “managed lanes” that encourage people to use public transportation or carpools instead.

– Toll roads have been created partly to fund the cost of construction and maintenance and somewhat to keep non-toll users away from what are seen as “congested” or “overused” thoroughfares. However, toll roads have been criticized for pricing poor people off the road to ease congestion, resulting in able drivers alone paying for all upkeep costs.

– Toll roads require fewer stops and starts, reducing traffic congestion, and increasing roadway capacity by providing a non-dedicated lane in the highway for paying users. Toll roads have been criticized as being elitist or regressive taxation that diminishes traffic from lower-income citizens who cannot pay tolls on more extensive main roadways where they can be used. Toll roads also require significant initial investments of capital areas. Toll roads make it possible to work in one city while commuting from another city, thus reducing the number of people driving into cities for work every morning.

Where Has All the Money invested? 


The American Society of Civil Engineers offered US street organization a D level, glancing that one out of each five interstate miles is in helpless condition—potholed, pitted, inadequately painted lines, and the entire calamity. The reason is there’s no cash to fix them. Government gas charges should keep the Highway Trust Fund above water; however, lawmakers have not raised them since approximately 1990. Subsidizing for interstates has essentially deteriorated from that point forward,” says Robert Atkinson, a long-lasting transportation strategy wonk and current leader of the Data Innovation and Advancement Establishment. In contrast to government officials, swelling doesn’t stress over re-appointment, and the 70% increment starting around 1990 methods the 18.4 pennies Americans pay per gallon is worth not precisely ever. Moreover, as vehicles get more proficient, drivers are siphoning less gas, worsening the issue. Things are excessively awful to the point that, starting around 2008, Congress has needed to cover the Interstate Asset’s setback through occasionally (possibly unlawful) moves from the overall asset—that is, charge cash paid by everybody, regardless of how much (or how less) they drive.


A Reasonable and Adjusted Cure 


Over 10 years prior, Congress understood the subsidizing issue was becoming unmanageable, so they selected a bipartisan, free commission of specialists to discover arrangements. A Vehicle Miles Voyaged charge is the thing that it seems like: a cost that applies to any place you will go. Drivers tend to pay as per the mile at a rate that mirrors the actual expense of driving. The thought is well known. The more significant part of states has investigated burdening VMT. The most conspicuous has been Oregon. In 2006 the state enlisted 300 drivers for an experimental run program and equipped their vehicles with GPS. For every mile, they pay 1.5 pennies. 


Such restricted preliminaries have been genuinely effective; however, a direct cost for every mile doesn’t verge on tapping the VMT duty’s maximum capacity. A VMT expense could pack down on blockage by adding a couple of pennies to the per-mile charge during busy times or when drivers enter downtown areas. To control emanations, clunkers could pay a higher per-mile rate. 

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Which Vehicle has the most Comfortable Seats have a look

Which Vehicle has the most Comfortable Seats have a look

If you are someone who likes to spend their time outdoors, you know how hectic travel can be. Even if you are going for a quick grocery run or on a long road trip, the comfort level of your vehicle is a very important part. Often you end up losing all your energy while traveling because you are constantly uneasy or at least unconsciously not at your best. This is why the interior of a car, specifically the seating situation is something you should not compromise on.

Here we will have a few suggestions for the most comfortable car seats for long trips. Initially we will start with a few features that make a car’s seating comfortable and satisfactory, especially for longer travel. This will help you find options on your own as well, apart from the suggestions you find here. When and if you are out in a showroom looking at vehicles, you can go back to what counts as comfortable seating to pick your own choice. 


What makes a car’s seats comfortable




We know flexibility is not the common issue in all seating, but it is for the driver and passenger sides. You need to be able to recline and move back your seat according to your comfort level. This also includes a difference in height that sometimes makes it highly confining and unbearable to sit in the front without cramping up. On top of that, if your headrest is immovable you really have no option to adjust it according to your height. 


Whenever there’s a need for a restful experience, whether, for a short time or long, it is important to consider that you cannot use a one-mold-fits-all ideology. The reason flexibility is important for car seats is to account for the different needs of people. Whether that’s for differences in sizes, or abilities, including people with disabilities, etc. The reclining and movement of the seat back and forward all, therefore, account for how comfortable you are in your travels. 




Even though we have come far in the vehicle/motor industry in terms of innovation, there are still some manufacturers who do not recognize good seat material to use. Some cars have really uncomfortable, and unbreathable fabric/material used in the seating. This makes longer sitting less than favorable for the passengers. 


Proper padding, that is not too hard or too soft makes up for a lot of your experience inside a car’s premise. The whole ergonomics, while staying in a sitting position for as long as you reach your destination, comes from either the material of your seat or/and its position. This does not mean doing the bare minimum for the seating situation is enough, rather manufacturers need to prioritize comfort in sitting. 


Spacing and dimensions 


Another important comfort consideration: how the seats are placed and their dimensions. You can look up uncomfortably positioned seats in cars, and you will find a list of cars that have interiors less comfortable than a park bench. But that’s excusable because there is a difference between sitting on a park bench and sitting in the comfort of your own car.


The point being, how the spacing between your car seats is executed, along with the overall layout says a lot about your car’s quality. Since the back seats don’t have reclining or moving options, if their seats are too close to the front, they have no option to sit in a cramped space. Similarly, if the seats are shaped weirdly, it takes away all the ease out of the experience. 


Other amenities


Lastly, the charging and storage console, including the cup holder space in the middle is also part of your seating arrangement. It adds to the experience. Some car manufacturers go as far as providing built-in heating and massage options for passengers to be able to sit back and relax while they are driven away to their destination. Whether or not this includes the driver’s seat depends on the manufacturer. But these amenities make the car what it is, adding to your experience as a whole. They are not necessary features obviously, but they can mean everything for those that can benefit from it. 


Cars that have the most comfortable seats


This list is not an exhaustive one or even cemented, these are just cars with more common features of comfort than their other counter options. You can have your own specifications for what you find comfortable. Especially in case of past injuries or for differently-abled people, you have your own preferences of comfort as well that these cars might not abide to. Therefore, this is to just give you an idea, not in any way a fixed or limited account. 


  1. Mercedes-Benz AMG GLE 63 S Coupe
  2. Kia Cadenza
  3. Toyota Avalon 2017
  4. Acura TLX 2021 
  5. Chrysler Pacifica Hybrid


Other than this, you can find common features, such as which car manufacturers make or consider features you prefer in a car’s interior. This can help you narrow down your search, for example, Nissan usually includes the zero gravity feature in its seats which is to help take your body’s fatigue away. 


Another thing regarding comfortable seating specifically for children is the option to get a convertible seat for your car. This is an entirely different option from choosing a comfortable car and can be accommodated in almost any vehicle. Except for a motorcycle, perhaps. Clek Foonf, Britax Marathon ClickTight, and Nuna Rava are some common yet very reliable names in the list you can choose from. They also heavily focus on all the significant points of a comfortable seat discussed above. 

This concludes our guide and list of options for the most comfortable car seats for long trips. To recap, there are a certain number of features that help you identify whether or not a car’s seating is the most comfortable and relaxing it can be. Nothing goes beyond experiencing it for sure, but there’s a lot you can learn from other’s experiences online. Make sure you do your own research to add to what you learn online before you make your buying decision. 

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4 Steps To Follow Immediately After An Open Road Accident

4 Steps To Follow Immediately After An Open Road Accident

As badly as you want to avoid accidents, the odds are that at some point in your driving life, you’ll have one. Most accidents are small, fender benders, broken tail lights, and the like. However, even a little accident on a heavily trafficked major roadway can result in a multi-car pile-up. If you have an accident, particularly on a major roadway, here are some steps you can follow to keep yourself and other motorists safe.

Ensure you are okay, then check on the other party

Your own safety is paramount. Take a minute to see if you have suffered any major injuries. If you are disoriented, take a while to catch your bearings.If you can walk and are relatively okay, check on anyone else involved in the accident.It may be a good idea to cordon off the accident area as best as you can to prevent further accidents.This is especially important at night where visibility is lower. Keep some flares in your trunk for this reason. You never know when you might need them.

Contact the police/medical aid

If your assessment of the situation believes it is warranted, call an ambulance. If you or anyone else is seriously injured, then this is definitely mandatory. Contact the police as well. They will take your report as well as survey and record the accident scene for evidence purposes. This may be used later to determine fault or liability. In some countries, it is illegal to leave the scene of an accident without talking to the police. If this is the case in your country, make sure you comply with the law.

Call a tow truck

The last thing you want on a busy roadway is accident debris. It can result in further accidents, injury and potential loss of life. Once the police have finished their investigation of the scene, call a tow truck to remove your damaged vehicle. If your vehicle’s removal requires specialist equipment, call a  company that can handle that. One like Perth tow truck, for example, can remove extra large vehicles. Even if your vehicle doesn’t require this, you’ll feel better seeing it being towed away. Removal to an auto repair shop is the first step in getting your life back to normal.

Get the other party’s information

As far as possible, don’t leave the scene of the accident without the contact details and insurance information of the other party. Don’t wait until after the accident and depend on the police report to provide this information. You don’t want to find out that you may not have full access to the information after the fact. Tempers may be high after an accident, but try not to let this affect you as you exchange information. Avoid arguments about whose fault the accident was and do not admit liability. It is unfortunate, but you need to consider the possibility that you may have to go to court. Therefore, you should be careful of what you say and do on the scene. Accidents may be unavoidable. With careful handling of the immediate aftermath, there need not be permanent consequences.

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Germany takes the first step towards autonomous vehicles on public roads

Germany takes the first step towards autonomous vehicles on public roads

German lawmakers have agreed to allow some self-driving cars on public roads, as a first step towards the possibility of autonomous driving in Europe’s largest economy.

Lawmakers in the lower house of parliament passed a law enabling autonomous driving under certain conditions.

According to the scenarios, this includes small buses and freight vehicles, on short distances.

“This is that the 1st legal framework within the world for autonomous driving in regular operations,” aforementioned Ulrich photographer, Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Germany is expected to expand investment in autonomous driving technology.

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The greatest advances so far in this field have been made in the United States and China.

The legislation enables fourth-level autonomy – meaning that a car can drive without a driver under certain conditions. For a car to qualify as such, Germany requires that people nevertheless be inside the car, as in the side seat, or even accessed through other equipment.

The German government expects the first projects over the next year. The upper house must pass the law.

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American Muscle, On and Off the Road

American Muscle, On and Off the Road

Americans certainly love big, powerful automobiles and, with a wide range of performance cars from Dodge and Chevrolet, there are plenty produced locally. Many of these have evolved from classic muscle cars, tastefully modernized with sleeker curves, up-to-date tech, and even turbocharged engines. But it’s not just tarmac-eating pony cars that are winning hearts in the USA – pickup trucks and sport utility vehicles are just popular, if not more so. And these, too, can be sourced locally, with top brands including the likes of Ford and Jeep.


If you want to venture off the beaten path, you need a car you can rely on. An urbanite crossover simply won’t do. That’s where the bold, four-wheel-drive SUVs come in. These rugged adventurers are designed with one thing in mind – to challenge the unknown and come out on top. Sturdy construction, finely tuned off-road suspensions, and a selection of reliable engine options, which usually include a diesel powertrain or two, help seat these trailblazers apart from their milquetoast counterparts

Kings and Queens of the road

While there are plenty of high-performance vehicles to choose from, few exude the raw power of a traditionally-styled American muscle car. Sure, the performance of these machines can be matched, and often exceeded, by the Europeans, but there is a lot more to loving your ride than just going fast. Here are some of the top US speedsters and just a few salient points that will prove to you how special they are.

Dodge Challenger

It is quite literally impossible to talk American muscle without the conversation eventually revolving around the Dodge Challenger coupe. Though updated for the modern age, this gorgeous beast still boasts the charm of a classic pony car. And, though it may primarily be a performance machine, several of the variants are also offered in four-door configurations. This means that you can have your fun and still be a responsible adult and/or parent.


The entry point to this range of burly automobiles is the SXT. And while its Pentastar V6 is certainly not lacking with more than 300 horsepower and 268 lb-ft of torque, it is a far cry from what the top-tier models are sporting. It won’t be winning any drag races with a 0-60 mph time of around 6.5 seconds, but it is a good compromise between performance, practicality, and affordability. The base model will only set you back just upwards of $28,000.


But if your need for speed is unquenchable, then the SRT Hellcat is the only way to go. It certainly looks the part, with blocky dimensions, bold LED lighting, an aggressive grille, and a dual-scoop hood. Under this rests a truly monstrous HEMI 6.2L supercharged V8 that throws out up to 797 hp and 707 lb-ft in the Redeye variant, allowing the low-rider to sprint up to 60 mph in just 3.7 seconds. Unlike the more tame SXT, the Hellcat offers a choice between an automatic transmission or a manual, so that you can truly immerse yourself in the driving experience.

Chevrolet Camaro

Chevy has its finger in a lot of pies, from the ponderous Colorado pickup to the racetrack regular Corvette ZR1, and even an EV option in the form of the Bolt. However, it is the Camaro that most car aficionados will be most familiar with. Available in its standard, more affordable guise or as a more premium and higher-powered ZL1 model, it is the long-standing rival to the Dodge Challenger and the Ford Mustang.


The standard Camaro is very reasonably priced at just $25k, and you get a lot of bang for your buck. A choice of three different powertrains is offered, from a 275-hp four-cylinder through to a bullish 455-hp V8. Similarly, buyers can choose between the six-speed manual gearbox or one of two automatic options. The interior is a little low-budget, though, and cargo space is severely limited in comparison to what competitors like the Challenger supply.


Competing with the Hellcat, the Camaro ZL1 relies on a turbocharged V8 that directs 650 hp and 650 lb-ft to the rear wheels. This kick in the pants gets the sexy Chevy going from 0-60 mph in 3.5 seconds, just a smidge faster than the Dodge. But where it really shines is its handling. Most pony cars pride themselves on their straight-line performance but the Camaro is more playful. It handles corners with aplomb, though it may not be quite as graceful as sports cars from across the pond.


A few other worthy mentions include:

  • Dodge Charger
  • Cadillac CTS
  • Ford Mustang

A Different Kind of Muscle

It takes a certain kind of vehicle to venture off the beaten path with confidence, and it isn’t just about size or power – muscle also comes in the form of utility vehicles. And there are a lot of SUV models on the market right now, but the number of those with genuine off-roading capability is surprisingly limited. Most have been tamed by modern living to perform better around the city as practical family haulers or daily runabouts. But hope is not lost; there are still a few names you can count on to have your back out in the wild.

Jeep Wrangler

There is certainly no mistaking the rugged off-roading nature of a Jeep for a city slicker. Its blocky design and chunky bumpers practically scream machismo and ruggedness. It is not a particularly large vehicle though, with passengers in the back seat needing to squeeze in a little to fit. But this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Smaller dimensions mean less weight, and less burden on the powertrain, of which there are several options. Each are equally capable, though, but the best fuel economy comes from the turbo diesel engine, which returns 22/24/23 mpg.


An old-school body-on-frame design along with lockable differentials and its legendary Trail Rated capability ensure this compact SUV handle any terrain with ease. However, don’t expect too much in the way of modern tech or comfort features inside. The Wrangler feels about as old as it looks. Still, some amenities can be optioned if you are willing to spend more, but this increases the price quite a bit above the attractive starting MSRP of around $28,200.


Ford Bronco

A nameplate that many of us had forgotten completely, the Bronco has finally made a return to the US market, and quite a triumphant one at that. More than capable of overcoming anything mother nature can throw at it, the base model can be specced with loads of optional equipment to make it one of the most capable off-roaders currently available.


Despite being brand new for 2021, the Bronco looks surprisingly retro with its chunky aesthetic, jutting bumpers, and enormous wheel arches that can house gigantic 35-inch tires. It is presented in two- and four-door configurations, and boasts an impressive ground clearance of 11.6-inches. Other features that assist with off-roading include an advanced 4×4 drivetrain system and a two-speed electromechanical transfer case. There is also the patented Ford Terrain Management System with multiple different driving modes to choose from.


But, while the Bronco may look like a blast from the past, it is actually a very modern vehicle. Inside, it gets comfortable seats with a variety of upholstery options, as well as a large 12-inch touchscreen interface with all the latest applications from the Sync4 suite. A nifty extra feature is a dedicated off-road navigation function, which works alongside the standard app to keep you from getting too turned around while you’re out having fun.


A few other worthy mentions in this segment include:

  • Jeep Grand Cherokee
  • Ford Expedition
  • Chevrolet Tahoe