Build Your Brand - 5 Powerful Methods for Establishing a Positive Brand Presence,

Build Your Brand – 5 Powerful Methods for Establishing a Positive Brand Presence

Build Your Brand – 5 Powerful Methods for Establishing a Positive Brand Presence

The way you present your brand lets your audience know who you are, but only if you successfully establish a positive brand presence. To create the successful image you’re striving for, there are multiple factors at play. Today, we’re going to help you get a head start with powerful methods for establishing a positive brand presence. 

1. Reach Out 

Giving out custom promotional products is a great way to establish yourself in the community. When customers and clients receive branded giveaways, they remember who you are, sometimes for years. The only caveat to this is that the items you give out must be genuinely useful and of the highest possible quality. Giving out useless items (think plastic novelties and poor-quality pens) can have the opposite effect, leaving a lasting negative impression in people’s minds. 

2. Give Your Community Valuable Content

You can become a trusted source of information within your industry by putting out valuable content. If your audience trusts what you share, they will pass that information on to their network, further establishing your positive brand presence. Blogs are a great starting point, but statistics say that video could well be the way to go:


  • Social video creates over 1,000% more shares than images and text put together;
  • 86% of people want to see more videos from brands;
  • Audiences take in 95% of a message in video form compared to just 10% when they read the same message; 
  • Consumers who go to a website through video are nearly 200% more likely to buy (and they tend to spend nearly 50% more).


(Statistics Source

3.Use The Right Colors

Using the correct coloring is essential for branding because it keeps your company image coherent and consistent. Color is also highly emotive and has a staggering impact on brand recognition.


Are your brand colors impactful? Are you using the same scheme across all websites, social media platforms, and correspondence? By using the right colors in your marketing and ensuring they are consistently present in your visuals, you can boost your presence across the board. 


4.Be The Person, Not The Brand

To make a powerful impression on potential customers, your brand has to show who it is, not just what it sells. Developing a language that speaks to your audience is a good way to get started. 


You could also try utilizing behind-the-scenes videos, introductions to different staff members, real human responses to inquiries, and social media posts. On top of this, you may also want to design specific campaigns that show the human side of your business. There are multiple ways to humanize your business, all of which will help boost your brand presence. 


5. Make It Easy For Your Audience To Shout About You

As a brand, you already have an audience that has a positive impression of you. Do yourself a favor and make it easy for them to share their positive feelings about your business. Creating shareable, original content is a great start. 


If somebody they know sees them posting about your brilliant brand, that person will naturally want to know more about you and what you have to offer. Try including share buttons, quick links to content, and share suggestions as these all place your audience one click away from spreading your brand far and wide. 

“If individuals believe they share values with an organization, they’re going to keep loyal to the complete.” – Howard Shultz, chief operating officer of Starbucks

With a solid plan in place, you can boost your brand presence for better business growth, visibility, and sales.

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Why should you wear a sweat? The answer is simple: They are extremely comfortable. Sweatshirts are everywhere, but how do you wear them in the right way that makes sense to today’s fashion?

If your sweatshirt has pockets, they can actually look quite stylish. If it doesn’t have pockets, the best thing to do is to knot it up at your side or fold it over. Pockets help create structure and make the piece look like more of an actual outfit instead of just comforts anti social social club clothing.

The style of wearing a sweatshirt with jeans is definitely not for everyone; if done correctly, however, this look can be very appealing! The best way to rock the combo would be by leaving your shirt untucked and keeping it loose and relaxed.

Difficulty: Medium

The easiest way to wear a sweatshirt is by keeping it simple. Keep your outfit clean cut, with all other clothing items fitting well against the piece. This look is great for any occasion. Just make sure to keep everything else very subtle! Oversized sweatshirts are not appropriate for occasions where you need to be more professional, but they’re perfect for casual days, working out or while studying in the library. They’re also great for walking around campus on chilly days!

Difficulty: Easy

One of today’s most popular street-style looks is wearing a cute shirt underneath your sweatshirt. This look still has an edgy vibe about it, but you’re showing a little less skin. The best thing about this style would have to be that you can still show a bit of your personality with the sweatshirt, but also look cute and classy with the shirt underneath!

Difficulty: Hard

Sporty-chic is very big right now, so one way to rock a sweatshirt in this style is by adding leggings. For those who aren’t as familiar with fashion trends, this combination might seem intimidating, but it’s actually quite easy if you stick to basics. You can wear any color or pattern sweatshirt as long as it matches your outfit well. Also make sure that your clothes are fit properly and fitted against your body for a stylish ensemble!

Wear a sweatshirt with a dress for an easy, casual look

Most women know that it is easy to steal a man’s heart when they dress in a form fitting pencil skirt with some heels, but throw on a bad bunny merch sweatshirt and the whole look changes.

When going out for an evening with friends, instead of dressing up all night long, only wear the dress only during the first few hours of your night. Then put on your favorite sweatshirt and enjoy the rest of your time looking fashionable without sacrificing comfort.

If you do not have any comfy sweatshirts at home, go out and buy one today. It will pay off in dividends during those long evenings before bedtime when you just want to relax and watch TV in something cozy and comfortable.

This is also a great everyday look to wear when you are working from home because you can feel comfortable without sacrificing style.

When going out for an evening with friends, instead of dressing up all night long, only wear the dress only during the first few hours of your night. Then put on your favorite sweatshirt and enjoy the rest of your time looking fashionable without sacrificing comfort.

If you do not have any comfy sweatshirts at home, go out and buy one today. It will pay off in dividends during those long evenings before bedtime when you just want to relax and watch TV in something cozy and comfortable.

This is also a great everyday look to wear when you are working from home because you can feel comfortable without sacrificing style.

Wear a sweatshirt with a dress for an easy, casual look When going out for an evening with friends, instead of dressing up all night long, only wear the dress only during the first few hours of your night. Then put on your favorite sweatshirt and enjoy the rest of your time looking fashionable without sacrificing comfort. If you do not have any comfy sweatshirts at home, go out and buy one today. It will pay off in dividends during those long evenings before bedtime when you just want to relax and watch TV in something cozy and comfortable. This is also a great everyday look to wear when you are working from home because you can feel comfortable without sacrificing style.

Conclusion paragraph:

We hope you have learned a thing or two about how to wear your sweat shirt, and we want to thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this blog. Now that you know all the tricks, it’s time to head off into town and show off! As always, please feel free to comment below with any questions at all. Have fun shopping ladies (and gents)!

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Expert Tips To Get Through Addiction Recovery And Stay Sober

Expert Tips To Get Through Addiction Recovery And Stay Sober

Recovering from any substance addiction is an exceptional challenge, as so many are known to stray from the hurdles of making it through recovery treatments. However, recovery is imperative to mental and physical overall health; substance addiction is undeniably dangerous.

With that aforesaid, whether or not you or ahoneydesires treatment for Associate in Nursing addiction,, once you have made it through Landmark Recovery treatment programs or other rehabilitation recovery programs, the challenge of staying sober remains. And because many recovering addicts battle to stay sober, we have listed some expert tips for you to help a loved one or yourself stay sober with a lot more ease and peace of mind.

Create A List Of Things To Live For

When staying sober, a significant challenge is remaining motivated and positive; it can be tough to adjust to an entirely new life with different responsibilities. For this reason, making a list of things to live for is a great motivation to stay sober. This list of things can include striving for a healthier and happier lifestyle, salvaging essential relationships with friends and family members, prolonging life, and finding career success, among others.

Avoid Triggers

For anyone struggling to stay sober, it is vital to avoid triggers. And triggers can be anything from certain social situations to particular locations or even specific moods or people. During recovery treatment, triggers will be discussed, and each patient will uncover their unique triggers. Knowing and understanding triggers is crucial in avoiding them effectively when the treatment program ends.

Joining A Support Group

Having a solid support structure in place once the treatment program ends is crucial for several reasons; you or your loved one will need a means of reaching out when faced with trigger challenges or emotional battles. A support group can help those in recovery avoid relapsing while battling sobriety. And when it comes to finding a support group, treatment centers are generally the best place to find them. Alternatively, you can find support groups near you easily online.

Start New Hobbies

Many treatment centers incorporate a variety of calming, relaxing, or rewarding hobbies into their programs. This program element is essential to ensuring patients can find new passions and hobbies to keep them busy and productive enough to avoid relapsing. Taking home new hobbies and passions after completing a recovery program is pretty standard. Although, if you or your loved one did not find anything of interest during treatment, it’s a great idea to consider searching for a new hobby. There are so many options out there that you’re bound to find several attractive options to delve into. Recovering from an addiction is an uphill battle. While so many tend to relapse and fall off the path, it is crucial to take things one day at a time, count and celebrate sobriety achievements, and pay close attention to mental health challenges such as depression that may arise during the process of remaining sober. The rewards to staying sober always far outweigh those of relapsing, as long-term sobriety is a praise-worthy achievement.


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Ways You Can Deal with Your PTSD Anxiety

Ways You Can Deal with Your PTSD Anxiety

Many of us have gone through some events in our life that heavily traumatized us, and we are bearing those traumas with us ever since. And from time to time, those traumas can come back, and make us really anxious and stressed about it, and make us suffer from “post-traumatic stress disorder” or PTSD. PTSD can be an extremely exhausting and devitalizing condition. Living with PTSD can be really challenging, and a person has to show real strength while dealing with it. A person with PTSD often has to deal with intense symptoms of heavy anxiety.

If you don’t take care of these heavy anxieties, these can affect you really badly. Your way of life can get harmed, and your day-to-day activities might get hampered too. There are many who try to take care of the situation by increasing their alcohol intake, and some might resort to drugs, and all that can lead a person to an even worse situation. So, it is important to lean onto a proper treatment method instead of the harmful ones, and you’ll be really relieved to know that there are several healthy ways that you can go for in order to cope with PTSD anxiety. These ways of coping will help you reduce the intensity of the anxiety attacks,  and the anxiety attacks will occur less frequently due to these methods. Most importantly, by going through these ways, you will have more strength to get on with these attacks, and they will be much more tolerable to you. Let’s have a look at the ways that can help you deal with PTSD anxiety.

Taking Deep Breaths

You might need to start breathing in a different way than you have been breathing till now. You’ll be really surprised to know that many people actually don’t breathe properly, as they don’t take much air inside of them while breathing. They just quickly take in a little amount of air, then release the air quickly, and then repeat. But this isn’t the proper way of doing it, as your belly should expand while you are breathing, and the belly should ideally fall while you are breathing out.

Many people tend to forget how to breathe properly, and they start to do it with their chest. And as a result, they take short breaths as said earlier. And taking short breaths has a direct and negative effect on the stress and anxiety we feel. So, if you also do this, you’ll need to change your way of breathing, and start taking deep breaths and breathing deeply from your diaphragm. You can try practicing simple breathing exercises from Breathwrk that will help you breathe in the correct manner, and in turn, you’ll be able to control your stress and anxiety and have a positive effect on yourself

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

In order to reduce your stress and anxiety, you can try and perform exercises that can make you feel relaxed, and it is a very effective method. You can go through progressive muscle relaxation, as this technique alternates between relaxing and tensing various muscle groups in your body, and relaxes you overall. You need to understand that technique works like a pendulum, and you will get ultimate relaxation in your muscles by tensing the muscles first. And if you can gain proper relation in your muscles, you will be able to send the same relaxation signal to your brain, and you will feel relaxed and you’ll be able to get rid of all the stress and anxiety.


Post Traumatic Stress Disorder can come with a lot of stress and anxiety, and an effective method to reduce these and get relaxation is mindfulness. The practice of mindfulness can help a person a lot in order to get rid of anxiety and stress, and even though this practice has been around for a long time, mental health professionals have understood the effectiveness of this method very recently. This practice of mindfulness works by being present in the “present” moment. You will have to very much in touch with your present.

It happens from time to time that we get lost in various thoughts, sometimes thoughts of our past, sometimes thoughts of regret and sadness, sometimes thoughts of imagination, and so many other things. And this tendency of getting lost in thoughts or overthinking things can have really negative effects on anyone, and especially on the ones that have gone through traumatic experiences beforehand. But according to studies, mindfulness can help a lot in dealing with these situations, and help ease the anxiety a lot. Mindfulness will help you get outside your head and be in the present.

Going Through Light Therapy

Light therapy can be of huge help to the ones that have PTSD. Light therapy is one of the most popular types of therapy, and it provides numerous benefits, which include mental health benefits too. According to research, light therapy can significantly improve the situation of a person with PTSD. PTSD can cause insomnia or sleeplessness, and then this can lead to other vicious problems. Light therapy helps to sleep better, and also significantly reduces the effects of other symptoms that derive from PTSD. Most importantly, light therapy helps a person to relax and release all the stress. Anyone can easily take light therapy at home all by themselves, and it is completely safe and free of side effects.

Social Support Groups

One of the best ways of dealing with PTSD is to have a strong and reliable social support network. Meeting other people that went through the same type of problems, and bonding with them can help a lot in dealing with PTSD. Through sharing each other’s experiences, struggles, and helping each other while facing anxiety and stress, the condition can significantly improve in a person, and they can cope with these more easily.

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