How Tech Industry Helps Fight Climate Change?

How Tech Industry Helps Fight Climate Change?

Over the past two hundred years, we’ve been draining the earth of its natural resources. This includes oil, gas, and coal, which we’ve used as means to power our homes and economies. It all started during the Industrial Revolution when the first steam engine was created. What started as a simple tool for transport, ended up destroying the ozone layer two hundred years later. We all know that climate change exists, and we can feel it. You can click on this link to read more.

There’s something wrong with the state of the world, and our technological advancements have a lot to do with it. Of course, there’s also the natural shift in the magnetic poles of the planet, but at least we’re aware that global warming exists, and it’s our responsibility to minimize our impact on the biosphere. The rising temperatures each year can make a lot of species extinct, and scientists are blaming man-made factories and emissions. All of the carbon in the atmosphere creates a greenhouse effect, where the sunlight that enters can’t leave.

Instead, it gets trapped in the atmosphere, and it starts melting off the ice caps. If it weren’t for the CO2, then the solar radiation would simply go back to space. In the past 200 years, the concentration of carbon dioxide has increased by 50 percent. However, there are projects that are aiming to change that statistic.


What is tech doing to stop climate change?

One of the most interesting new inventions is the NZT project. That stands for Net Zero Teesside, and it serves as an example to many governments around the globe. Their main goal is to capture as much carbon dioxide as possible from power plants and industrial real estate and then transport it through a pipeline to a place beneath the North Sea.

There, it can be safely kept in a storage site, where it can be transformed into a new energy source in the future. This will eliminate the emissions from going into the atmosphere, and they want to impact a lot of industries before 2030. Even though this is a small business trying to make a change, if a couple of global players enter the mix, the decarbonization process can be solved, even though it looks quite severe at this stage.

Remote work

This might come as a surprise to a lot of people, but the pandemic is a positive scenario if you look at it from an environmental viewpoint. When countries decided to implement lockdowns, the entire trade sector came to a halt. Keeping the virus under control was difficult, and a lot of offices implemented a work-from-home approach.

This means that there wasn’t a lot of electricity spent to heat up offices, and even some major production stopped. The technology to work remotely was already present, and people didn’t get into their cars every morning to drive to work. In fact, driving to work and back is one of the major causes of air pollution in the world. Now, two years later, statisticians have looked at the problem, and they’ve realized that remote work could be the best option only for the summer. In the winter, every household would need more heating, which would be much more impactful in terms of energy, compared to a single office getting heated. In some cases, this might even justify the rides to work and back.

More efficient homes

The biggest energy spenders are not massive factories. Instead, it’s our own homes. We need to find better ways to use less energy, which is quite difficult since there are more gadgets coming out each year. Your TV is plugged in, the laptop, a desktop PC, a phone, a wireless headset, and the phone. All of these devices use energy. However, there’s a positive thing here. The technology to make homes more efficient is already here. In Europe, most countries have started labeling their products about what kind of energy usage they can expect.

This means that you’ll have a general idea of how much it costs to keep your refrigerator plugged in, as well as your TV, bulbs, or washing machines. This will lead consumers to buy appliances that use less energy in the long term. Small steps like these can have a massive effect when they’re implemented in the entire world. One positive fact is that the consumption of electricity has dropped in half in the last fifty years because of new measures of inefficiency. Visit to find out more. However, most homes in the world are still not fit for this to be effective. We can expect appliances to become greener and electronic to be less energy-intensive and have longer-lasting batteries.

Data centers

This is quite similar to the problem of our homes. All of the information on the internet needs to be stored somewhere. Additionally, massive processing power sometimes needs to be used to compute hard equations or test out code.

Everyone doesn’t have that much processing power or storage, so they outsource these services to massive data centers, which need to be powered and cooled. This includes companies like Microsoft, Google, and Amazon, which mostly use renewable energy to reduce costs. This also eliminates greenhouse gasses and leaves a zero-carbon footprint. The only downside here is that these places need fast internet, which produces emissions. But, that’s also one of the problems which will be solved in the future.

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Advantages of Using Solar Power

Advantages of Using Solar Power

Fossil fuels play a huge role in producing energy. They are used to produce heat, electricity and to power automobile engines. These are non-renewable energy sources and play a massive role in polluting the air. Solar Energy, however, is a renewable source of energy with no harmful effects on the environment. With the help of Solar Power, we can produce electricity using solar panels with no potential hazards.

Even though solar energy has been widely criticized for being expensive, it has been proven beneficial to the Economy and Environment. This article will familiarize you with the essential for a solar setup and the benefits of solar power over fossil fuels. 


Reduces Air Pollution

Solar energy comes from the sun, one of the cleanest and most abundant renewable resources that would not ever run out or be scarce. The energy produced with solar power has no harmful effect on the environment. It is from a renewable energy source, and there is no worry about its finishing. However, fossil fuels are predicted to run out within a century. The energy created from burning fossil fuels causes air pollution. This process releases nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere, contributing to smog and acid rain formation. The attributes mentioned above give us enough reasons to switch to solar energy.


Decentralization of Energy

As fossil fuels are predicted to run out within a century, we are in high need of lowering our dependency on the non-renewable source of energy. If we increase the use of solar power, we can not only save the environment but also fulfill our energy requirements with renewable energy sources. Not putting all eggs in one basket can decentralize our energy usage and lower our excessive dependency on the power grid. Consumers can then sell the excess back to the energy grid at the current market charge.


Lesser Dependency on Power Grid

Apart from being the non-pollutant source, there are many more benefits to it, too, one of which is lesser dependence on the power grid. The power grids are highly vulnerable to high loads, which can result in blackouts and voltage dips. If thousands of individuals or even more start introducing themselves to solar power, the high loads can be lowered, resulting in increased security of power grids that will automatically result in a safer power network.


Economical Benefits

The production of renewable energy from the sun considerably lowers expenses. It is a comparatively eternal source of energy that is not affected by the economy of any country or crisis. Investment in solar power mainly has an initial cost with minimal maintenance. The most important thing is that you can save a lot of money from your power grid billing, which can be very economical for you.



Last but not least, solar power is comparatively a better option for the environment and your own sake. Solar Energy is the future of energy as it is getting cheaper and more available with every passing day, and we should adapt to it as soon as possible.

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Great Buys To Power Your Next Camping Trip

Great Buys To Power Your Next Camping Trip

Camping is an excellent choice of adventure for your next vacation; whether you are hoping to save money on a getaway with friends or your family, camping is generally affordable, rewarding, and thrilling. And even though there are other ways to save while vacationing, such as visiting free sites, choosing deals wisely, and others, saving on accommodation by camping can lower your expenses dramatically. Although, you might be wondering how you can make your camping trip a tad more comfortable. Fortunately, there are several practical ways to achieve a bit more comfort. While deciding on an RV trip or packing in comfort extras are great approaches, ensuring you have power for your outdoor experience will dramatically improve comfort, even if you decide to rough it. And these are the best ways to power your camping trip.

A Deep Cycle Solar Battery

You can check this product right here now, and you won’t be disappointed in this investment, especially if you camp often. A deep cycle solar battery is a practical choice to power a camping trip as you can keep lights on and even RV appliances with these. What’s more, there are a few different voltage options to consider as well, so you can probably find something for a somewhat restricting budget as well. These batteries are pretty powerful as well, as they can also be used for off-grid living, power your home solar power system, and store energy for power outages.

Portable Solar Power Banks

Power banks are another excellent option for your camping trip, as these can be used to keep smartphones and tablets charged for the duration of your stay. However, regular power banks only hold so much power, and you can only bring so many power banks with you. So, instead of opting for the regular option, you should consider the solar alternative as these will be recharged by sunlight and can therefore be used for indefinite periods. They’re an excellent investment even if you don’t go camping often.

Solar Lights

Whether you have decided to purchase a deep cycle battery or not, you should still bring along a few solar-powered light devices. This is mainly to avoid over-using your primary power source on lighting and ensuring the stored solar power can last you a bit longer. Solar lights are pretty affordable as well, and they’re great to keep at home for power outages. So, you’ll want to purchase a few to keep around.

Camping Stove

Another great buy for those that enjoy camping is a camping stove. These handy items are usually powered by gas, and they don’t take up much space at all, making them ideal even for weekend getaways. Camping stoves are also pretty affordable, and you can use them at home if there’s a power outage and you don’t have any form of backup power. There are several more great products out there that will power your camping trip, and the best part about these power-providing products is that they also serve as a great plan B for home power outages.


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Tips to reduce air and noise pollution

Tips to reduce air and noise pollution

Hearing and breathing is normal human activity that we all perform daily. However, there are several pollutants in the air and elements that cause noise and air pollution. Today, the world is witnessing a surge in the pollutant level in the atmosphere. It is because of industrial smoke, home appliances like refrigerators, and other factors. Also, many gadgets like loudspeakers, heavy machines, and others add to the levels of noise pollution. Thus, humans are facing issues in managing air and noise pollution. Hence, we brought this article highlighting certain measures to maintain both. 

How to manage noise and air pollution?

Minimize carbon footprint with lower usage of fossil fuels

Undoubtedly, fossil fuels add a carbon footprint value on this planet. Many automobiles, generators, and heavy machinery require fossil fuels to run. Thereby, it leads to air pollution levels because it releases smoke and toxic gases into the open atmosphere. Also, it adds the value of noise pollution that gives hazardous results to humans. Therefore, we can rely on public transports and reduce the air pollution level. Due to air pollution diseases like cardiac arrest, asthma, cancer, and others affect humans adversely. Moreover, fossil fuels contain a huge amount of lead that is the major contributor to air pollution.

Go electrical or solar

Electronic automobiles are set to replace traditional automobiles that run on petrol and diesel. Many nations prepared the draft or norms to introduce EV (Electronic Vehicle) in the normal road traffic. It is because EVs run on electric energy which ensures zero levels of pollution. Also, the operating cost of EVs is lesser than traditional automobiles. Moreover, there is another form of energy called ‘solar’. Many household appliances are available that run on Solar energy live Blue Raven and foster an eco-friendly environment. Even solar panels produce enough electricity that a normal supply delivers. Appliances like water heaters, geysers, and lights are useful materials that give better results in daily use.

Control noises in sensitive areas

Places like hospitals, schools, and caring centers come under sensitive areas. Therefore, there should be no noise spread over there. Stop traffic movement in such areas. Also, government bodies must ensure that no loudspeakers or noise pollution elements are installed near such places. In this manner, we can create an environment of zero noise pollution. Also, local authorities must not set up entities, industries, or airports near residential areas. It affects the mental and physical health of communities staying over there. 

Utilizing noise absorbents in heavy machinery 

Dampening mats and other noise absorbents reduce the volume of machine work. Furthermore, it reduces the noise pollution level. Thus, industries must utilize noise reduction techniques with more technological applications. Also, industries must focus on air quality because they release harmful gases like nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and others. Industries must also invest capital in solid waste management. Government bodies must regulate industrial activities and monitor their noise level regularly. If they violate rules, strict action must be taken against them.

The bottom line

So, this environment belongs to us, and natural elements like air, water, and land belong to us. Polluting the same will only affect humans. Therefore, it is our duty to reduce the pollution level to an extent where this planet is available for future generations. Follow these tips that are mentioned in this post and be an eco-warrior.  It is the duty of humans to make the future bright on this planet and let human civilization run for long. Also, if you found this post informative and meaningful, share it with your colleagues and tell them to follow these tips. 

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