Maximize The Speed Of Your High Traffic Blog-min

How To Maximize The Speed Of Your High Traffic Blog and Improve Conversion In 2020

Is your blog struggling with a high bounce rate? Is the conversion rate declining? Are you struggling to rank your blog on Google? If you answered yes in all these questions, then it’s time to check your blog’s loading speed and improve it. A fast loading site gives users a good experience, attracts more traffic, and improves conversion.

And if you think your blog’s loading speed doesn’t matter, check the stats.

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A Few Website Load Time Statistics Worth Considering

A page that takes more than 1 second to load affects many aspects of your blog in the following ways:

  • Decreases page views by 11%.
  • Reduces customer satisfaction by 16%.
  • Reduces conversion rate by 7%.

Besides, 40% of your blog’s visitors are going to abandon it if its pages take 3+ seconds to load. As you can see, your blog’s load time is a precious element and that’s why you need to keep your site optimized for speed. In this article, you’re going to learn how to increase the speed of your blog and improve customer satisfaction and conversion.

Typically, certain factors can make your site take longer to load. Some are within your control such as image size and the number of redirects while others such as the server load time are out of your control. Start with a fast, yet affordable web hosting plan, such as Bluehost dedicated servers. A dedicated server or VPS account will have its own resources. Compare this to shared servers that are prone to slow loading speeds as many customers are sharing the same memory and processing power.

With a dedicated server, you have all the resources available to your website which helps to increase the speed of your blog and ultimately improve conversion. Before you start fixing the speed of your blog, you need to understand what a good load time is.

What is considered a good load time?

Generally, Google favors sites that take less than 3 seconds to load. If your blog pages take more than 10 seconds to load then you’re going to see a huge bounce rate of up to 123%. You will lose a lot of revenue on a blog that takes longer to load.

So, to stay on the safe sides, follow these tips to increase the speed of your blog.

1. Talk to Your Hosting Provider

As mentioned above, some factors affecting your blog’s load speed could be within or without your control. The last thing you want to do is to struggle to fix the other factors only to realize that your hosting provider is the key culprit.

So, before you start addressing the issue, let your hosting provider know that your blog is taking a long time to load to see whether they can help. If the problem originates from your hosting provider’s end, they will share tips and ideas to speed up your site.

2. Host Your Blog With The Right Provider

Typically, there’s no right or wrong web hosting provider but we recommend choosing a web hosting company that’s right for your needs.

Well, it’s easy to get tempted to choose the cheapest hosting option out there. There’s nothing wrong with that. After all, that’s what your budget can afford. However, for a high traffic blog, you should choose a web hosting company that can support your blog’s huge traffic.

Ideally, you have three options to choose from when it comes to deciding who and where to host your blog:

  • Shared web hosting.
  • VPS hosting.
  • Dedicated server hosting.

With shared and VPS web hosting, many customers share resources and this could have a toll on your blog’s load speed. Dedicated servers offer ample space and you get full control over your hosting. Although it’s costly, this is the suitable hosting option for a high traffic blog.

3. Use a Fast-Loading Theme

The internet has a wealth of themes you can use on your blog some of which are stunning and impressive-looking but can be a needle in your butt when it comes to speed as some are poorly coded.

A good rule of thumb is to choose a simple theme that’s optimized for speed. Before you choose a theme for your blog, make sure you test its speed.

4. Be Careful With Plugins

Similar to themes, there are a ton of plugins out there but you don’t need them all. In fact, some are poorly coded and may take too long to load which can slow down your blog. When choosing plugins, always consider ease of use, user experience, and performance. You can also run a speed test of each plugin you want before installing it on your blog.

5. Compress Images to Maximize the Speed of Your High Traffic Blog

Undoubtedly, images add attractiveness to your content and can help to increase engagement. In fact, some studies suggest that images increase your content readership by 80%. But if you don’t optimize your images for speed, then you’re going to not only decrease your content engagement but also your conversion rates.

You may want to compress your images either before or after uploading them on your blog. The image file format also matters a lot here. Generally, JPEG and PNG are the recommended image formats to use on your blog but you must keep them in the recommended size.

You can use Pingdom to see how big or small your images are and then optimize them for speed. If your blog is hosted on the WordPress platform, WP Smush is a good plugin to use for image compression. For non-WordPress users, is a great tool for image compression as well.

In Conclusion…

As you can see, optimizing your blog for speed is not only challenging but a hectic endeavor that can help improve your blog’s overall performance.

These are just a few tips on how to maximize the speed of your high blog traffic and improve conversion. There are many blog speed optimization tips such as the use of a CDN, minimizing HTTP requests, and many others.

Always keep your blog speed on check then look for possible issues and see how you can fix things the best way.

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Server Hosting 101: Understanding the Different Types of Web Hosting

From shared to dedicated server hosting, you face a wide variety of choices when building your web project. But what does each offer? Learn the answer in our guide.

Server Hosting 101: Understanding the Different Types of Web Hosting

> Check Out: The cheapest is not always better: What you should know about the website cost in 2019

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Before you have a perfect homepage and imagine an ideal design, you should first get your website online. To do this, you need to purchase the domain and find the proper hosting services for the website.

In this post we will show you everything you need to know about the three most common types of hosting. Read on to find out which option is best for your needs and where to find reliable services to get your website online.

1. Shared Hosting

1. Shared Hosting

If your main focus is the limited budget – then consider “shared server hosting“.

With shared hosting, you share the same server with other websites. This means that your website shares RAM, CPU and bandwidth with these other web sites.

The load of other pages on the server where your website hosts affects the time of uploading your website. For this reason, companies start with shared hosting and transfer to another plan when the traffic increased to their website.

2. Virtual Private Server (VPS)

2. Virtual Private Server (VPS)

One of the most common types of web server is known as a virtual private server, or short VPS.

> Check Out: VPS vs. Dedicated Server: When you should upgrade the hosting package?

The best way to describe this type of server is how to have your private apartment in a building with other residents. Your website will still share a physical server with other websites.

However, you will have your private server share – like the door of your apartment. So none other than you can have access to this virtual server. So, despite sharing the same hardware with other websites, each one gets its own separate resources from the server.

This way you will save some, as you do not rent the entire server for yourself. Your website will also have greater stability. A sudden surge of traffic to one of the other website’s on the server will not leave your site offline.

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3. Dedicated Server

3. Dedicated Server

Just as your website – and business in general – increases, you may want to switch to a dedicated web server.

As the name indicates, the dedicated server means that the physical server you are renting from the hosting company is for exclusive use only by you. You do not share the server with other websites, so if your website gets large amounts of traffic, a dedicated web server is something that you have to consider.

YES, the dedicated server is more expensive. But with the growth of the bill, you also increase the resources available and the level of control over these resources. However, if your website is still in the growth phase, the dedicated server may not be needed yet.

Which of These Alternatives to Server Hosting you will Choose?

We hope this post has helped you better understand the hosting server alternatives.

> Read Next: Say No to Bothering: Tips to Find Interesting Names for Web Sites

If you need a virtual private server, dedicated web hosting, or want to learn more about shared hosting, we are here to provide you with reliable info. Please lets us know your thoughts in the comment section below, follow us on twitter and facebook for more news and updates.


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