Top Tips for your Work from Home Setup,

Top Tips for your Work from Home Setup


Top Tips for your Work from Home Setup

While performing from home, with enough flexibility to try to do your job,  this luxury will rework into a lost chance. It is due to you don’t have the proper setup. A proper work-from-home setup will help you do your work properly and increase your productivity when we talk about work-from-home setup. Most people consider the common things like extra computers, proper working place, or other essential things.

We are 100% sure that these are the requirements for work from home setup. But here we are talking about another most important thing that we need for perfect work from home setup: technology or, you can say, the security of your work from home setup.

Most people neglect this important thing when they are considering their work-from-home setup. Luckily, now we have the best technology to set up our home security system to help us, furthermore, build the best work-from-home setup. Alamo Smart Home is one of the best security-providing apps that efficiently do your work from home set up. In this short guide, we share some Top Tips for your Work from Home Setup.

Choose The Best Hub:

A smart hub with digital assistance acts as the brain for your smart work-from-home setup. Alamo Smart Home provides you the best digital assistance and allows you to control multiple smart home devices from one central device. Almost all DIY home security systems can work without any hub, but if you want to sync your work from home.

You have to set up with some best smart home devices such as light bulbs, appliances, or a smart thermostat. You’re smart hub choice that will be particularly most important. A smart hub allows seamless voice control across all your devices, but only if they are all compatible. Therefore, it is also very important to first double-check the compatibility of everything in your system before you make any purchases.

Choose Self Monitored Service Using App:

It is another most important thing to consider when developing your smart work-from-home setup. Many security-providing companies need a subscription to monitor a service. In addition, they call emergency providing services if something wrong happens at your home.

This system ensures that the fire department or police come to your home as soon as there is an emergency, even when you are not at home. Therefore, choosing the best home security is a good idea to provide an app that monitors your home protection when you are away from home.

The Alamo Smart Home is one of the best security services that efficiently do the task. When you install the security-providing app, you will get a notification on your smartphone if any of your window or door sensors are tripped.

Buy The Best Security Kit:

Purchase of a good security kit is also good for your smart work-from-home setup. Choose the security kit that best fits your needs. Many companies provide the best and complete security kits with all the essential components of a smart work-from-home setup, such as detectors, sensors, alarms, and other important elements in a single package.

Choose the best security kit that works with all the devices. Avoid packages that will only be compatible with one manufacturer as it will prevent any upgrade in the future. The ideal choice is a kit that will sync with Alamo Smart Home, which is one of the best AI hubs without any problem.


When you want to build a home set up for your work, you need to buy several things like sensors, smart bulbs, security cameras, speakers, and what else. But the most important thing that builds a good work-from-home setup is to connect all these components to a single hub. It can help them communicate with each other as well as with you through your smartphone. Alamo Smart Home is the best home security app that helps you to do the task for yourself.

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Top 3 Home Office Upgrades You Need If You Work from Home

Top 3 Home Office Upgrades You Need If You Work from Home

Your home is not equipped for work. Duh! It is a space where you should be resting, not doing office work. However, because of the recent pandemic, a lot of employees had to their jobs at home. 

It is already difficult to keep “home” from “office.” Now that people are required to integrate both, it becomes extra challenging. Do not worry, though. Whatever challenges you might be facing with your current work from home situation, you can solve them with these upgrades.    

Separate Screens


Are you the type of person who uses a lot of tabs? Some jobs would require you to switch to different applications all the time. There are even situations where you need to look at other tabs at the same time! For sure, you have experienced being in a video call, and you need to type in notes or check a document while talking about it. It is a struggle to keep up, and honestly, a disorganized strategy looking and switching different tabs. You might be conquering this problem by using your desktop screen while also using your phone screen. This technique is excellent, but it can hurt your neck in the long run because you are looking at two screens on different levels.  

You need screens that are standing equally side by side. The best dual monitor stand can help you be in a video call on one screen while taking notes on the other. Using this tool is also an excellent way for you to be efficient and look at two things simultaneously instead of switching on tabs. You will be more productive if you create a designated space for your work with VoIP desk phones. Are you curious to know what are VoIP desk phones? VoIP phones are the future and you need them most when you are focusing on work from home.


Of course, you are not alone in your house. You live with your family. You also might not be the only one working from home. Living with other people can be a challenge when you are in a meeting. You do not want any noise interrupting your presentation or call with your boss and co-workers. 

Your home office is exposed to a lot of noise – noise from your housemates, dog, and traffic outside. Make some upgrades to your home office that will help dampen the sound. You can put in soundproofing strips to the rims of your door or windows to help soundproof your office. You can also use noise-canceling earphones to help you focus on your work and not get distracted by noises. 

Work Space


You will be more productive if you create a designated space for your work. It does not have to be a room. It just needs to be a space or a corner as long as you are not working on your bed or just putting your laptop on your lap. Look for a table where you can put all your work-related things on. It is also essential that you get a comfortable office chair. You would be working long hours and probably sitting for long hours. You can opt to get a standing table if that would be better for you. 

Working from home can be difficult, but you can separate the house from the office with proper tools. You can design a home office that is effective and comfortable with these upgrades. With these hacks and tips, you will be able to do your job better. 

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