Common Mistakes People Make When Decorating a House

There are very many elements to decorating a house which means that there are many things that can possibly go wrong. Decorating a house properly is about the things you do and also about the things that you fail to do.

If you seriously observe how most people decorate their homes, certain trends will start to become apparent. In particular, you will start noticing the mistakes that are commonly made when decorating. These mistakes include:

Choosing the Paint Color First

The first thing that most people think about when they want to decorate their home is the color. Applying a different color of paint is certainly a major decorative action. However, the mistake is that people do it too early. There are hundreds of paint colors you can use and if you make a mistake, you can simply repaint it which means you have a larger margin for error.

Contrarily, if you make a mistake with a centerpiece, you just cannot remove it and get a new one. Therefore, choosing the paint should be one of the final decisions you make when decorating a house.

Choosing a Small Area Rug

Area rugs are a fantastic accessory you can use to decorate your house, particularly exotic animal skin rugs. However, the rug can have serious implications on the interior design of your home. A common mistake you will see in most homes is an area rug that is too small for the space in which it is located. Many people select area rugs without taking accurate measurements of the space which is a grave mistake.

The result is furniture legs that are not on the rug and scuff the floor which is very common. So, if you are selecting area rugs, it is better that it is slightly oversized than undersized.

Hanging Artwork Too High

Art is a crucial element of the interior décor of most homes. However, a common mistake you will see people make is in regard to how they hang their artwork.

Hanging artwork too high and close to the ceiling is a prevalent mistake. It makes it very hard to get a clear view of the art piece negating its importance in the room. When hanging artwork, you should try and keep it as close to eye level as possible. The distance will vary depending on your height but it is better to go slightly lower than higher.

Short Curtains or Drapes

Curtains and drapes on windows are a feature in essentially every household. On the other hand, how the curtains and drapes fit into the interior décor is very different. You will commonly see windows with curtains or drapes that are too short which is an error. They should hang as close to the floor as possible depending on the height of the windows.

When thinking of curtains and drapes, you should think of shorts or pants. If they are too short, they will have a negative effect on the appearance of the house.

Going for Style Over Comfort

When most people decorate their homes, the most important thing is aesthetics. Therefore, they often choose items for their style rather than their function.

Choosing style over comfort is a great mistake, especially in the bedroom. When you acquire beddings from a place like Vision Bedding it is difficult to know if they are functional. You will have to test them to know if they are or read the reviews from others.

You should always think about how you are going to utilize an item before buying it. Even though decoration might be the primary purpose for its acquisition, functionality will be the deciding factor for its maintenance.

Using Restrictive Themes

When decorating a home, it is common to see people choose a theme for the entire house or a specific room. A theme can be a great idea but most people use themes that are too restrictive.

It is a decorating mistake because such themes make decorating incredibly difficult and cumbersome. The reason is that instead of buying items that you love, you have to look for items that match the theme.

Moreover, if you no longer want the theme, you have to change very many elements of a room. It is best to use a theme that you can easily change or add decorations to for longevity.

Using Too Many Throw Pillows

Throw pillows are a great decorative addition for most houses. They make all the pieces of furniture better and more varied than they otherwise would be.

However, the problem is that most people overdo it when decorating their homes. It is a classic case where too much of a good thing becomes bad.

If you have to move several throw pillows every time you have to sit or lie down then they are too much.

Another mistake is that people display the many throat pillows just the way they saw them in the store. Be creative and come up with your own designs.

Pushing Furniture Against the Walls