Top Tips For Students On How To Follow An Affordable Eco-friendly Lifestyle,

Top Tips For Students On How To Follow An Affordable Eco-friendly Lifestyle

Being a student is hard. It seems like everyone takes advantage of you when it comes to prices and financial opportunities. Things become even more difficult when you want to lead an eco-friendly lifestyle, but don’t want to spend your entire student loan on it. Thankfully, there are some ways that you can be eco-friendly and afford your lifestyle, so here they are.

Use Eco-Friendly Journals

One great way to save both money and the environment is to use eco-friendly journals. Journaling is great for mental health. As the folks at TRVST explain, while keeping a journal is therapeutic and helps you to plan out your day, paper production is unsustainable and harmful. Eco-friendly journals are a fantastic solution. Most of these kinds of journals are made of bamboo and are therefore environmentally friendly. The process to make these journals uses fewer chemicals and runs on renewable energy, which is good for everyone involved. They come in all shapes and sizes too, so you don’t have to feel limited when writing your thoughts down. 

Invest In a Reusable Water Bottle

Another way to save money and the environment is to invest in a reusable water bottle. Plastic water bottles are not environmentally friendly. They produce microplastics, which end up in the oceans and lakes and can cause harm to the creatures that live there. Reusable water bottles are made of stainless steel or other recyclable materials. Not only will they save you money, but you’ll be able to drink clean water straight from the tap. If you don’t like the taste of your local water, invest in a filter or some reusable bottles filled with filtered water.

Have A Reusable Coffee Cup

This is another way to avoid using plastic cups. Plastic coffee cups are made out of styrofoam, which is not only bad for the environment but also bad for your health. They are made of polystyrene foam, have no Biodegradable properties, and leach carcinogenic substances into your drink. Reusable coffee cups are great because you can choose how much you want to spend on them. They are usually made of sturdy plastic, stainless steel, or ceramic materials. Make sure that your reusable coffee cup is safe for microwave use if that’s how you plan on using it!

Use Eco-Friendly Pens

Eco-friendly pens are made of biodegradable materials such as bamboo, cornstarch, and cork. Not only are they environmentally friendly, but they also write smoothly and don’t smudge. You can find these pens in a variety of colors and styles, so you can find the perfect one for you. 

Bring A Reusable Lunch Bag

This is something that you may not have thought about before, but the food industry also contributes to waste. Every day, thousands of sandwiches are wrapped in plastic foil and stored in plastic bags. Not only is this bad for the environment, but it’s also bad for your own health as well because all these chemicals end up inside your body!  Bringing your own lunch is a great way to save money and help the environment. You can use many different kinds of bags, including canvas fabric or other materials that are safe for microwaves. At the end of the day, you’ll feel proud knowing that you’ve helped save the planet one sandwich at a time. Here are cooking tips for making your own lunch:


– Cook a big batch of rice or quinoa on the weekend and use it as a base for a variety of different lunches.


– Try making sandwiches using avocado, hummus or other spreads in place of mayo or cheese.


– Get creative with your vegetables and fruits! Try packing a salad, fruit cup or veggie wrap instead.


– Make a big batch of oatmeal and store it in the fridge, then heat up your portion whenever you’re ready to eat.


– Bring along some granola bars or other snack foods that are just as healthy but won’t go bad if they aren’t kept cold.

Buy Your Clothes From Thrift Stores

One way to save money and the environment is to buy your clothes from thrift stores. Buying new clothes contributes to the textile waste problem. Thrift stores are a great place to find gently-used clothes. Not only are you helping the environment, but you’re also helping to support your local community. Many thrift stores also sell vintage and eco-friendly clothing, so you can help the planet while looking stylish too! Here’s how to find the best clothes when thrifting:


-Look out for tags that say “eco-friendly” or “organic.”


-Check the condition of the clothes. Make sure there are no holes, tears, or stains.


-Choose versatile items that can be dressed up or down. This will help you to get more wear out of them.


-Think about what you’ll actually wear. Don’t buy things that you won’t actually use!


-Talk to the shop owner. They can help you to find clothes that are in your size, color, and style.

There are many other ways to reduce your environmental impact, but these are a good place to start. Try implementing one or two of these tips and see how much of a difference they make! You may be surprised at just how easy it is to be eco-friendly.

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