Putting in golf is a stroke made with the aid of a club when the golfer is on the green or near the green to get the golf ball closer to or into the hole. When you look at golf in general, particularly among beginners, putting is perceived to be more technical and less appealing than the long balls. However, anyone who truly wants to improve at this game must learn the basics and practice to improve their putting skills together with other essential golf skills.

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One important thing is becoming a better putter is a constant practice to develop very smooth strokes. Nonetheless, there are some other tips and guidelines you can follow in your quest to become a better putter; some of these tips and other things you need to know are discussed below.

Always establish putting line

If you keep this in mind, you will find your putting experience easier and more enjoyable. Establishing your putting line makes it easier to read the position of the ball relative to the hole. Typically, all holes have two straight putts or fall lines, one going uphill and the other downhill.

In a case where the putt is uphill, you can read the position of the hole from behind the ball and find the putting line, however, if the putt is downhill, read the putt from behind the hole.

Light grip

When putting, you don’t have to necessarily grip the club very tight as it is required for other types of shots. Have it in mind when gripping the putter that the aim is to generate consistent strokes, and when you have your hand too tight on the putter, you may find it hard to maintain the small, steady strokes needed. Your grip should be tight enough to prevent the putter from slipping out of your hands yet gentle and relaxed enough to generate consistent strokes.


In addition to the grip, the stance is another important thing to take note of when taking any type of shot on the course. The best position for putting is when you are standing at a distance from the ball, and with your light grip on the putter, keep your arms in a comfortable position so you can generate consistent and tension-free strokes. After getting in position, keep your eyes over the ball, directly over the putting line you have established so that you don’t lose the line position as you try to aim.


A lot of amateur golfers miss it right here. Once you have established your putting line and taken your aim, swing the putter back by a reasonable distance; keeping your mind and attention on the consistency and rhythm move the putter forward through the ball.

The putter is quite different from other clubs, so instead of turning your hips as you move the club, only your arms should move, and your shoulders should turn slightly. The length of your swing should be determined by how far or near the hole is to you.

Roll the ball, don’t hit it

This makes so much sense as putting is done over relatively short distances. To prevent yourself from hitting the ball too far, swing into the ball with the putter head low to the ground. With every other thing done rightly, the swing into the ball will send it towards the hole, if the aim is correct.

To get a farther or shorter putt, it all depends on the length of the stroke; to get the ball farther, all you have to do is lengthen the stroke, and if the hole is close to you, a short stroke will do the job. You can always take a number of practice swings before you actually putt the ball; this will help you visualize the stroke length you need to get the ball to the hole.

Practice continuously

A lot of people do not get better at golf because they are not able to put in the work required. Golf requires a lot of practice, more so if you hope to play professionally. With constant practice, you will get into your rhythm and find it easier to putt with time.

When practicing, focus on one thing at a time; you can start with distance practice where you try to putt different distances without bothering about the aim, after which you can move to perfect your aim.

Final thoughts

A lot of amateur golfers and beginners choose to overlook putting because it seems technical and not as exciting as taking long shots. However, if you want to have the complete golfing experience or if you hope to play golf professionally, you need to learn how to putt and develop yourself at it. The tips discussed above are just some of the guidelines you can follow in your journey to becoming a better putter in the game of golf.


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