Can shoes cause Achilles tendonitis?

The health problem of Achilles tendonitis has tortured many athletes in the past in their effort to outperform when being on the running court. Today this syndrome has become common among persons wearing sneakers or other types of shoes due to the wrong type of footwear that they decide to wear.

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What is Achilles Tendonitis?

This type of tendonitis is an inflammation of the soft tissues situated on the Achilles tendon which is the longest and strongest tendon of the human body. This part of the tendon is firmly attached to the final fibers of the gastrocnemius muscle that is found on the lower part of the feet and assist the person to the standing posture or the walking procedure.

When the inflammation develops you start feeling an acute pain on the tendon and there may coexist symptoms of swelling and soreness. This syndrome may easily pass to its chronic phase that can be dealt with different options from the physicians.

The question remains weather or not your shoes can cause such an inflammation as the Achilles tendonitis is. The answer is not easy to be spelled but chances are that when you are wearing the wrong shoes you are giving yourself a great possibility to acquire this painful syndrome.

Which shoes can cause Achilles tendonitis?

Usually shoes that do not have any cushioning in the heel and foot curve areas are the ones that may be responsible for the development of the inflammatory symptoms. The high heels are a good example of such shoes as well as the construction boots that leave limited space for the foot to move inside the shoe.

The inflammation develops gradually when the impacts with the ground are becoming more and more apparent and start giving you excessive pain when the Achilles tendon in overworking to balance your weight and even give you more traction when running or walking is needed.

Another type of shoes that could worsen the situation are the flip flops. Since they have no support on the heel area you can easily make your Achilles tendon vulnerable to all external threats and injuries. That is why all athletes are using sneakers even when they go swimming to the beach where sandals and flip flops dominate.

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Are there shoes that can improve the situation?

There are certainly some option to improve the symptoms of Achilles tendonitis and even reverse the whole inflammation without the use of any additional pharmaceutical substance. This kind of shoes are the orthotics sneakers that can be found easily online and you can order them according to your special size and style requirements.

The Achilles tendonitis is a gradual disease that develops when the tendon is getting stretched by the movements you are performing on a daily basis. The right type of shoes is the one that gives you extended support to the heel area while giving you extra comfort to the foot curve. To reduce back pain you need to wear special best back pain shoes for your healthy life

Since the foot curve and the heel area are anatomically related the relaxing action of the orthotics is established on both structures. This can give you a sense of relief especially when you are experiencing a busy life and need your shoes to support you at any time.

Finally, besides the orthotics shoes the regular sneakers can easily give you instant relief given the fact that they have extra cushioning on the insole and have special structure on the heel area which gives more enforcement and absorption to the mild impacts with the ground.

The latest editions of sneakers are giving extra care to the heel area and use some exoskeletal structures made of quality plastic to support the body weight that passes through the Achilles tendonitis anatomical structure. This is the biggest secret of the brand manufacturers that want to create shoes which embrace the whole foot and relieve the pain related to the every day athletic activities.


The Achilles tendonitis is persistent inflammation that can affect all persons using the wrong type of shoes to make their daily chores. The selection of the right type of footwear can be beneficial for most of the people and give you the freedom you need to perform like before feeling these painful syndromes.

Types of sneakers that are easing the tendonitis pain are easy to find though they are more expensive than the usual ones and need a lot more care when acquired to reserve them to the best condition available. And if you are suffering from feet swollen then you have to use one perfect pair of swollen feet shoes.

Most of the people find it beneficial to have multiple sneakers to change through out the week and give more comfort to their sore feet than ever before. The modern technology gives you the chance to find your old self when wearing your shoes and you can always be on top of the situation and remove the painful syndromes once and for all.


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