Build Your Brand - 5 Powerful Methods for Establishing a Positive Brand Presence,

Build Your Brand – 5 Powerful Methods for Establishing a Positive Brand Presence

Build Your Brand – 5 Powerful Methods for Establishing a Positive Brand Presence

The way you present your brand lets your audience know who you are, but only if you successfully establish a positive brand presence. To create the successful image you’re striving for, there are multiple factors at play. Today, we’re going to help you get a head start with powerful methods for establishing a positive brand presence. 

1. Reach Out 

Giving out custom promotional products is a great way to establish yourself in the community. When customers and clients receive branded giveaways, they remember who you are, sometimes for years. The only caveat to this is that the items you give out must be genuinely useful and of the highest possible quality. Giving out useless items (think plastic novelties and poor-quality pens) can have the opposite effect, leaving a lasting negative impression in people’s minds. 

2. Give Your Community Valuable Content

You can become a trusted source of information within your industry by putting out valuable content. If your audience trusts what you share, they will pass that information on to their network, further establishing your positive brand presence. Blogs are a great starting point, but statistics say that video could well be the way to go:


  • Social video creates over 1,000% more shares than images and text put together;
  • 86% of people want to see more videos from brands;
  • Audiences take in 95% of a message in video form compared to just 10% when they read the same message; 
  • Consumers who go to a website through video are nearly 200% more likely to buy (and they tend to spend nearly 50% more).


(Statistics Source

3.Use The Right Colors

Using the correct coloring is essential for branding because it keeps your company image coherent and consistent. Color is also highly emotive and has a staggering impact on brand recognition.


Are your brand colors impactful? Are you using the same scheme across all websites, social media platforms, and correspondence? By using the right colors in your marketing and ensuring they are consistently present in your visuals, you can boost your presence across the board. 


4.Be The Person, Not The Brand

To make a powerful impression on potential customers, your brand has to show who it is, not just what it sells. Developing a language that speaks to your audience is a good way to get started. 


You could also try utilizing behind-the-scenes videos, introductions to different staff members, real human responses to inquiries, and social media posts. On top of this, you may also want to design specific campaigns that show the human side of your business. There are multiple ways to humanize your business, all of which will help boost your brand presence. 


5. Make It Easy For Your Audience To Shout About You

As a brand, you already have an audience that has a positive impression of you. Do yourself a favor and make it easy for them to share their positive feelings about your business. Creating shareable, original content is a great start. 


If somebody they know sees them posting about your brilliant brand, that person will naturally want to know more about you and what you have to offer. Try including share buttons, quick links to content, and share suggestions as these all place your audience one click away from spreading your brand far and wide. 

“If individuals believe they share values with an organization, they’re going to keep loyal to the complete.” – Howard Shultz, chief operating officer of Starbucks

With a solid plan in place, you can boost your brand presence for better business growth, visibility, and sales.

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