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6 Smart Ways To Streamline Communication With Your Remote Workforce

6 Smart Ways To Streamline Communication With Your Remote Workforce

Working remotely is the new normal for the majority of companies across the globe after millions of people were forced to adopt this approach due to the global pandemic. In this new way of working, communication has changed greatly and as a manager, you must understand this so that you find the best way to streamline communication with your staff. This article will provide you with six ways to streamline communication with your remote workforce. 

1. Prioritize Emails

The high amount of emails staff members receive whilst working remotely has to be one of the most difficult things to deal with. It is a popular complaint among large companies that employees receive constant emails and it can be incredibly distracting and difficult to keep up with all the information when they are always being bombarded by more and more information. As the manager, it is your responsibility to ensure that information is passed on to your workforce and this is usually via email. A good method of simplifying this process would be to prioritize emails. For example, you can number emails in the subject line according to their level of priority – number one would be high priority whereas three would be no priority at all. This will help your staff to understand what is required of them and what information they need to absorb right now and we can wait until later.

2. Utilise Cloud Services

As we mentioned before, common emails are the number one way for full information to be passed on to employees. However, it can mean that a lot of the emails are ignored and people are simply overwhelmed and distracted by the constant receiving more and more information. The cloud server mavens behind advise that it is a good idea to be creative when it comes to the way you want your communication to be streamlined and a good way to achieve this is by utilizing cloud services. This essentially means that you can save all of your crucial information into one file that your remote workforce can access from anywhere. This will reduce the number of emails received and they will also allow staff members to access the files at their own pace. 

3. Think Twice Before Sending Information

it can be very easy for you to send communications you worked for that they may not necessarily need. You get an email that now provides some information and although it is a responsibility to ensure your team is aware of this they may not need a long email or piece of documents, which you may have received. Thinking twice before sending out information is crucial so that you know your team is receiving exactly what they need. A good way to improve this is to disseminate the information that you have and only provide your workforce with the main point that they need to retain.

4. Have Team Meetings

Having a team meeting is the best way to streamline communication with your work pools and now that most companies have adopted a remote approach to full-time work, the way this is achieved now is becoming more effective. There are many apps that you can use to communicate with your team and even have virtual team meetings using video or telephone calls. You can have these once a week or once a month, depending on the business needs, but it is a good way to make sure all information is passed on to your team members and find a place for them to ask any questions that they may have about this. This method is more effective than emails due to emails potentially being ignored, as mentioned before.  

5. Ask for Staff Feedback

The human focus should be your staff, therefore you have to design an approach that works for them. Even if you think something is highly effective and works for you this does not necessarily mean that you will work for all of your members of staff. This is a good reason to consider asking members of staff to pull their feedback in a way that streamlines communication. You will learn that everyone has different needs and different preferences and he should come to an agreement with everyone on how the information will be streamlined. you can then design your approaches tailored to your remote workforce.

6. Make Use of Technology

Making use of technology is essential for all the points discussed above. Working remotely can be extremely isolating for staff and it is important that they feel that they remain a part of the team and they all have the same purpose and vision as the company. technology does not only have to be considered for important work tasks but can also be used for interacting socially with colleagues. encourage your workforce to have an online group where they can talk to each other all even having a virtual video conference between them without the manager. 

Communicating effectively during the current times is essential. Make sure to follow the tips discussed above which will prove effective when streamlining communication with your remote workforce. 

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