Easy Upgrades: 5 Simple Habits That Will Improve Your Employability,

Easy Upgrades: 5 Simple Habits That Will Improve Your Employability

Easy Upgrades: 5 Simple Habits That Will Improve Your Employability


Employers want to hire those who have the right mix of education and attitude to succeed in the workplace. That can mean showing your eagerness to learn by getting mathematics tutoring online or demonstrating your sense of responsibility by owning your mistakes. Let’s take a look at five simple ways to radically improve your employability. 

1. Be around smart people

Being the smartest person in the room isn’t the key to success. Instead, it’s being in a room full of smart people because, as the saying goes, you’re the sum total of those around you. Not everyone is lucky enough to be surrounded by brilliant folks, though, so it might take some active searching. Professional networking sites such as LinkedIn are helpful for online connections. In-person connections can be facilitated by joining competitions or workshops. Either way, the end goal is not only to make you smarter but to push you further by turbocharging your ambition

2. Be punctual

If you have a choice between arriving early or staying late, the former leaves a stronger impression. Management tends to view those who come early as better performers, so it’s important to be punctual. Although it’s not always easy, try to leave home a few minutes early in case the morning commute takes a bit longer than expected. Of course, punctuality isn’t simply about showing up at the right time. It’s also about being dependable in a broader sense – finishing work by the agreed-upon deadlines, going to required meetings, and keeping your word. 

3. Be open to new ideas and skills

This habit is similar to that of surrounding yourself with smart people. Instead of assuming you know everything and have all the answers, assume your co-workers are full of great ideas. This will create a mindset that’s open and eager to hear new ideas. Alongside new ideas to consider, keep your mind open for new skills to learn. Identify knowledge gaps within a business and bridge those gaps by picking up new skills. This level of ambition and dedication demonstrates that you’re a team player focused on making the business as successful as possible. 

4. Be positive and master soft skills 

Although negativity is hardwired into the human experience, positivity has plenty of benefits as well, especially when it comes to working with others. Everyday acts as simple as smiling, being courteous, and giving compliments can go a long way toward creating a positive atmosphere that people appreciate. Not only will they appreciate it, but they will get healthier from it. Bringing positivity to the workplace is a “soft skill” that many people overlook. Alongside proper education and training, soft skills are essential to career success. These skills range from keeping people updated on milestones to being aware of social cues and tailoring your communication style to fit the audience you’re addressing.

5. Own your mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes, but not everyone owns up to their mistakes. This can create unnecessary conflict and resentment at work. One of the easiest ways to avoid that is to admit to yourself that you made a mistake. From here, reflect on why it happened and come up with a plan to avoid it in the future. Then, inform those who need to know, but don’t dwell on it too much. Dwelling on mistakes is a great way to bring yourself down. It also shows a lack of confidence, and if you’re constantly bringing up the past, it can get frustrating for colleagues and loved ones.  Alongside the right education and training, practice the five simple habits above to land your dream job. 

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