3 Common SEO Mistakes to Fix Now

3 Common SEO Mistakes to Fix Now

3 Common SEO Mistakes to Fix Now

When search engine optimization works, it works like magic. Your website appears at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs), driving more traffic – and, hopefully, customers – to your site. But when SEO doesn’t work, it can be frustrating. You’ve followed all the best practices, but you’re still not seeing results. If your SEO efforts are falling flat, it could be because you’re making one (or more) of these common mistakes.

Not Optimizing Your Title Tags

Your title tags are one of the most important elements of your SEO strategy. They’re what appears in the search results, so they need to be compelling and accurate. Unfortunately, many businesses don’t take the time to optimize their title tags. They either stuff them with too many keywords or they don’t include relevant information. Both of these practices will hurt your SEO. Instead, your title tag should be clear and concise, accurately describing the page’s content.

So, when crafting a title tag:


  •  Keep it under 60 characters. Anything over will be cut off in the search results.


  •  Include your target keyword, but don’t stuff it with too many other keywords.


  •  Make it unique to each page.


  •  Include your brand name, if it’s not already included in the title.

Consistent Service Outages

If your website goes down, it will have a negative impact on your SEO. Search engines will likely de-index your site, and you’ll lose any ranking or traffic you had. To avoid this, you need to make sure your site is up and running at all times. That means having a reliable hosting provider and monitoring your site with an aiops platform that can flag outages before they even happen. You could also use a content delivery network. This is a distribution of servers that delivers your content to users based on their location. So, if your main server is down, the CDN will keep your website up and running.

Not Mobile-Friendly

Mobile traffic now accounts for over half of all web traffic, so it’s essential to have a mobile-friendly website. Plus, Google penalizes sites that aren’t mobile-friendly. So, if you want to stay ahead of the curve, you need to make sure your site is responsive and easy to use on all devices.

To optimize your site for mobile phones, you need to:


  •  Use a responsive design. This means your site will automatically adjust to fit any screen size.


  •  Use short paragraphs and larger font sizes.


  •  Avoid using pop-ups. They’re irritating on mobile devices and can hurt your ranking.


  •  Make sure your site loads quickly. Mobile users are impatient, so a slow-loading site will drive them away.

These are 3 of the most common SEO mistakes that you need to avoid if you want to rank higher in the search results. By fixing these issues, you can improve your ranking and get more traffic to your website.


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