Visa, Mastercard, PayPal And other Big Names To Support Facebook Cryptocurrency

Facebook has joined dozens of companies in support of the new social network cryptocurrency that is expected to be launched soon and among them has big names reported on The Wall Street Journal on Thursday.

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Visa, Mastercard, PayPal, and Uber are some of the most lucrative companies that will support the new Facebook technology. Each of them will invest nearly $10 million in the consortium that will oversee cryptocurrency, the WSJ reported, citing people close to the issue.

The money will be used to fund the creation of a currency that could be exchanged with some of the world’s most powerful paper money, the report further said. The social network decides not to comment on the report. Last week, it was reported that Facebook is close to the debut  this month the cryptocurrency.

While the encryption blockchain will be much more centralized than bitcoins with 100 or fewer nodes in the payment network, the company will benefit from outsourcing assistance to keep the system running.

Apart from building trust, this system would be a frontier payment platform. A smooth launch would be vital to the health of the counterfeiter without mentioning the need to address the troubles with the regulatory authorities which have shown little skepticism about cryptocurrencies.

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neOadviser – TECH

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Facebook to launch a cryptocurrency in the first half of 2019

Facebook to launch a cryptocurrency in the first half of 2019

Social network Facebook has entered into talks with various scholarships to list its crypto-currency. According to a report published by the New York Times on Thursday, the social network is striving to introduce cryptocurrency to communications platforms.

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According to Times, Signal and Telegram also plan to launch their cryptocurrencies in the next 12 months.

The paper quotes four people close and Facebook has announced that the product will be ready in the first half of 2019.

The Facebook project, previously reported by Bloomberg as a cryptocurrency for WhatsApp, would be among the high-profile coins.

The social media giant has 2.5 billion worldwide users.

In recent months, Facebook has expanded blockchain teams by employing and approaching startups like Chainspace.

The company is currently seeking to fill in 20 blockchain positions. More than 50 Facebook engineers are dedicated to the blockchain project.

The news of a Facebook crypto-currency came before the announced plans to integrate Messenger, WhatsApp, and Instagram. Crypto can be one of the ways this integration will be realized.

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So what do you think about this? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below, follow us on twitter and facebook for more news and updates.

neOadviser – TECH

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