Why Cloud Access Security Brokers Are Essential for Data Protection in the Cloud,

Why Cloud Access Security Brokers Are Essential for Data Protection in the Cloud

Why Cloud Access Security Brokers Are Essential for Data Protection in the Cloud

Organizations leveraging the cloud to support remote workers and expand their business infrastructure must protect their data at rest and in transit. Existing data protection tools need to be designed to handle this challenge. CASBs bridge the gap to deliver security management. This includes threat prevention, which thwarts cyberattacks by analyzing activity and using contextual information.


CASBs or cloud access security broker use authentication to ensure that only authorized users are allowed to access your sensitive information, especially when it is stored in the cloud. They can also enforce the principle of least privilege, ensuring that only the minimum amount of data is transferred across your network. This is especially important if your organization relies on cloud service providers with multiple physical data centers or availability zones, as you will likely need to transfer data between them to ensure the optimal performance of your application.

Using behavioral analytics and threat intelligence, CASBs can provide insight into your organization’s cloud usage and identify potential security risks. They can alert and respond to suspicious activity in real time, allowing you to protect your information against malicious activities. They can also bolster your security posture by identifying and enforcing security policies in your organization’s unique environments.

CASBs can take the form of on-premises hardware or software or be delivered as a cloud service for greater scalability and reduced costs. They can either operate via a forward proxy to intercept traffic or through APIs that offer out-of-band security for data at rest in the cloud. They can integrate with firewalls, NGFWs, WAFs, and endpoint agents to analyze traffic, protect information, and detect threats. And they can import log data from the cloud, enhancing their ability to discover and enforce enterprise-specific policies for your entire security ecosystem.


Protect sensitive data en route to or from any cloud application, sanctioned or unsanctioned, using encryption and tokenization. This capability is a vital defense against endless threat variations that cybercriminals create as they target SaaS applications like Slack, Confluence, Jira, etc. A conventional CASB solution fails to keep up with modern collaboration applications that organizations adopt quickly.

Protect against unauthorized exfiltration of data out of the organization by blocking proxies and stopping malware. CASB solutions can also detect and stop risky file sharing, protecting the organization from a potentially disastrous data loss incident. Classify, prioritize, and evaluate each cloud application based on its security risk level. CASBs also assess how the application is used, what types of data are shared, and identify misconfigurations that expose the organization to attack.

CASBs can also detect suspicious behavior patterns, using benchmarking and continuous traffic data to identify malicious activity. For example, CASBs can recognize unusual login patterns and flag them for review by security administrators. CASBs help organizations stay compliant in the cloud, whether they are a healthcare organization worried about HIPAA and HITECH compliance or a retail company concerned about PCI compliance. A CASB helps organizations comply with industry and government regulations by delivering visibility, automated remediation, and policy creation capabilities. A CASB is an essential tool to defend against the growing number of threats and to maintain compliance in the cloud.

Access Control

As the most sophisticated threats evolve, CASB solutions use advanced anti-malware, sandbox, and cloud threat intelligence (such as their research and third-party feeds) to detect attacks in progress or motion. Combined with automated policies tailored to specific cloud applications’ unique risk levels, these capabilities help you stop zero-day threats, ransomware, and other sophisticated attacks.

CASBs can also detect the presence of sensitive data in the cloud and on endpoint devices. This functionality is important because it helps you prevent data breaches by blocking or encrypting sensitive files before they are transferred to the cloud or downloaded onto an endpoint device. Moreover, CASBs can detect and block shadow IT — using unsanctioned or unapproved cloud apps — to prevent inappropriate file sharing and hamper productivity. They can then respond by automatically enabling or blocking the app or enforcing different access controls, such as document sharing and reducing detection surface area.

Finally, CASBs can ensure compliance in the cloud by enforcing security policies and protecting data on-demand, whether stored in the cloud or on endpoint devices. This can be particularly helpful for organizations that must adhere to strict regulations, like healthcare companies worried about HIPAA and HITECH, retail businesses concerned with PCI, and financial services firms concerned with FFIEC and FINRA.


With the increase in remote work and bring-your-own-device (BYOD) programs, plus the growing presence of unsanctioned employee app usage known as Shadow IT, organizations need a CASB to help monitor cloud application use, enforce security policies, and protect sensitive data contents. A CASB provides visibility into all third-party applications used by your employees and their devices, scopes redundancies, evaluates license costs, and gives IT granular control over which business apps can be used (and which ones cannot).

In addition to enforcing security policies, a CASB also delivers threat detection to prevent ransomware attacks and other advanced threats from accessing the organization’s data in the cloud. CASBs can identify malicious activity, determine which users are infected, and immediately remediate the situation.

Rather than taking a “block” stance on productivity-enhancing cloud services, a CASB solution should allow IT to say “yes” to useful business apps while governing access to and activities in those services. This could mean providing full access to a sanctioned suite like Office 365 to managed devices while allowing web-only email on unmanaged ones or enforcing a strict policy across a group of unsanctioned apps for which you want to maintain compliance. With visibility into sensitive content traveling to, from, and between the cloud and on-premises systems combined with cloud DLP, a CASB can help your organization maintain compliance even in highly regulated industries.

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The Buzz Around Honor X7: All You Need to Know,

The Buzz Around Honor X7: All You Need to Know

The Buzz Around Honor X7: All You Need to Know

The Honor X7 is one of the most talked-about smartphones of recent times. With its impressive specs, top-notch design, and competitive price, it has captured the attention of many tech-savvy consumers. We’ll discuss the buzz around the Honor X7, taking a closer look at its features and specs to help you decide if it suits you. Keep reading to learn all you need about the Honor X7.

Overview of Honor X7

Honor X7 is a smartphone made by the company Honor. It has a big screen for watching videos and playing games. You can use it to take pictures and make phone calls. It has lots of cool features, and it’s easy to use!

Design and Display

Honor X7 is a phone that looks pretty cool! It has a big screen, which means you can see things. The phone is also very slim and light, so you can easily carry it in your pocket or backpack.

Performance and Hardware

The Honor X7 is powered by a speedy processor that makes playing games and using apps smooth and fast. It also has a lot of memory for storing photos and videos. This phone is perfect for kids who want to play games and watch videos without lagging or slowing down.

Battery Life

The Honor X7 has a big battery that lasts a long time. This is good because you won’t have to worry about your phone dying while playing games or watching videos.

Initial Reactions and Buzz Around Honor X7

The Honor X7 is causing a lot of excitement! People are buzzing about this amazing new phone. They can’t wait to get their hands on it. The Honor X7 is known for its incredible features and cool design. It has a big screen perfect for watching videos and playing games. Plus, it has a super fast processor that makes everything run smoothly. Everyone is talking about how great the camera is too. You can take amazing pictures and videos with the Honor X7. It’s a great phone at a great price. People are saying that the Honor X7 is worth your money. So if you’re looking for a new phone, consider the Honor X7. It’s getting a lot of love from everyone who has tried it.

Is the Honor X7 Really Worth Your Money?

Well, let me tell you, it’s a great phone for the price! The Honor X7 has a big screen, perfect for watching videos and playing games. It also has a fast processor, so you won’t have to wait long for your apps to open.


You might like the Honor X7 if you want a phone with a large, clear screen and a good camera that lasts for a long time! It also comes at an affordable price, making it a good choice for people who don’t want to spend too much money.

Check Next >https://www.neoadviser.com/gaming-mini-pcs/

How Much Can You Earn on Cryptocurrency Mining per Day?

How Much Can You Earn on Cryptocurrency Mining per Day?

How Much Can You Earn on Cryptocurrency Mining per Day?

The final result of your mining session depends on numerous factors, including your software, hardware, and time spent. Considering 6.25 BTC per block and a hashing rate of one hundred forty tera hashes, the answer will be 0.00059526 Bitcoin. The case is totally different for Ethereum miners. How much Ethereum can I mine in a day? With twenty-five hundred mega hashes per second and 2 ETH per block, it is possible to achieve 0.02928410 Ethereum. As you see, the maximum capacity of the market is interconnected with your input. The presented data seems pretty simple, but it doesn’t reflect how much expenditures mining involves to gain benefits.

What Are the Costs Involved in Crypto Mining?

“How much can you make mining crypto?”, it is a must-have to check what requirements you will have to cater to:

  • First and foremost, electricity bills can be really shocking. You have to check what energy consumption this or that technical solution has to estimate electricity usage and the price for it.
  • You also have to take into account the lifespan of the equipment you have. Purchasing more advanced GPUs or whole ASIC systems will cost you a fortune. For instance, an average ASIC has a price rate of more than one thousand US dollars. Their replacement and repair don’t come for free too. But ASICs mining is more profitable than GPU and CPU
  • If you use third-party options like mining pools, you can be subject to cover the fee to use and download their mining software. The charge percentage varies from one to three percent per pool.

How Much Profit Do Miners Typically Generate?

If cryptocurrencies are worth more than it costs to generate them, operators stand to gain. The incentives and environment for mining have changed as a result of recent advancements in mining equipment and technology, so the rates of their profits will continue altering as well (the answer to “how much do Bitcoin miners make?’ depends on its price in the industry — peak sixty-four thousand dollars to twentysomething is a huge difference).

Given the Bitcoin pool is limited, there are still plenty of blocks to validate. How many Bitcoins are mined per day? With more than one hundred fifty million wallets for this token and an ever-increasing number of mining pools, nine hundred Bitcoins are achieved day by day. Although there are slightly less than two million Bitcoins left to mine, this amount is expected to satisfy the market mining needs by 2140. However, this individual performance varies. How much can you make mining Bitcoin? It is usually 6.25 BTC per block, which costs one hundred twenty-nine thousand US dollars according to the current CoinMarketCap data.

What Is Mining Luck?

The core value of mining is its relativity — it is an extremely probabilistic process. The speed of block discovery isn’t static, so you can succeed sooner than the statistics data predicts. That means you are lucky, and if the opposite — the mining luck isn’t at your end.

What Is a Mining Pool?

Your mining luck depends on how many crypto miners make. If your own computational powers aren’t enough, you can join other interested parties and increase your winning probability. A mining pool is a network with joint resources for mining. Since the chances enhance, your profit can do the same.

Wrap It Up

Depending on what tool you are going to apply, mining can be a great investment. Its efficiency shouldn’t be taken for granted — only a well-thought-out analysis will help you win the statistics and contribute to your mining luck.

Check Next >https://www.neoadviser.com/bitcoins-statistics-and-future-prediction/

Photography Vs. Video Production - What Are The Biggest Differences,

Photography Vs. Video Production – What Are The Biggest Differences?

Photography Vs. Video Production – What Are The Biggest Differences?

Today, both video production and photography are as popular as they have ever been. To some extent, this is because of digital media, and how these are the dominant forces on the internet, but it’s also because of the easy access to technology. Not too long ago, phones with a camera were a rarity. Today, it is a rarity to see a phone without one. The humble camera can be used in two significantly different ways. 

Hardware Requirements

A good quality camera is a basic requirement for both photography and video production. While you can get a lot done with a simple DSLR, at the professional level photography is best through DSLRs and videos are best through video cameras. However, beyond this, video production requires a greater variety of gear, whereas for photos you are fine with just the camera itself. If you want to take your photography to the next level, then there are quite a few accessories that you could add on, but even with a simple camera, you could get amazing shots. For videos, one of the most important things to invest in is a good mic because, without sound, your videos will only tell half the story. Additionally, it’s crucial to maintain the clarity of your camera lens with regular use of a camera lens cleaning kit, such as UES lens cleaning products, as clear optics are fundamental for achieving high-quality results in both photography and video production.


When you are taking photos you are capturing just a single image and the visual appeal of that image is all that really matters. On the other hand, with video you have a moving series of images, you have sound, and you need countless post-production modifications in order to enhance the video. The workflow is a bit more complex when it comes to videos, so you will need a guide to video production to really understand what it takes to improve a video and how it can be done correctly. There is a lot of work that can be done on a photo too, but generally, with a good quality camera, all of that work can be kept to a minimum. At most, you might just want to touch up the photo a little bit and make it a bit neater. Click to visit 


Again, because there are so many things going on in videos, you need a lot more people on board. You could try and tackle it yourself, and you might be successful for small projects, but for larger projects, you need a team of professionals to help you out. For very high-level photography you might need to put in a lot of screen hours to get the desired result, but it can all be done by a single person. There is no need to have professionals handling animations, scripts, subtitles, graphics, and countless other elements that are necessary for solid video production.

There is no doubt that photos can be extremely inspiring – after all, you can say a thousand words with a single picture – but when it comes to delivering a message or getting maximum expression, videos take the lead. Since you can combine so many different elements through video, it makes video a much more robust medium from a creative standpoint. It does require a lot more work and can be far more expensive than photography, but the end result is easily worth it.

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Tech World Tips: How to Upgrade Your Computer to Suit Your Needs,

Tech World Tips: How to Upgrade Your Computer to Suit Your Needs

Tech World Tips: How to Upgrade Your Computer to Suit Your Needs

How do you know when it’s time to upgrade your computer? Is your current machine unable to keep up with the demands of today’s tech-savvy world? If so, don’t worry – upgrading your computer is a relatively simple process, and can be done in a short period. Here are a few tips on how to upgrade your computer to suit your needs:

Decide what you need

Before you go out and buy a new computer, take some time to figure out exactly what you need. What kind of tasks do you typically use your computer for? Are there specific programs or applications that you need to be able to use? If you’re not sure what to get, there are plenty of online resources and computer stores that can help you find the perfect machine for your needs.

Before upgrading your computer, you should also have an idea of what you want to use it for. If you’re using your computer for basic tasks such as browsing the internet, checking email, and word processing, then a less expensive upgrade may be all you need. However, if you plan to use your computer for more intensive tasks such as gaming or video editing, you’ll need to invest in a more powerful machine.

Know what your computer requires

Another thing to consider before upgrading your computer is what kind of specifications it requires. Make sure that your computer has the required hardware to support the upgrade. For example, you may need a video card to support a new graphics-intensive application. When upgrading your computer, you want to make sure that the new components are compatible with your existing ones. For example, if you upgrade your processor, you’ll also need to upgrade your motherboard and memory.

Upgrade The RAM On Your Computer

The need to upgrade the RAM on your computer is something that not a lot of people know about. Upgrading the RAM can help improve the performance of your computer, and there are a few different ways that you can do it.

One way to upgrade the RAM on your computer is to buy a new module of RAM and install it yourself. This is usually the cheapest way to do it, and it is not too difficult to do. All you need to do is open up your computer case and find the RAM slots. Then, you can remove the old module and insert the new one. Another way to upgrade the RAM on your computer is to buy a pre-made kit. This is a little more expensive than doing it yourself, but it can be a lot easier. All you need to do is open up your computer case and install the new module.

No matter which way you choose to upgrade the RAM on your computer, it is important to make sure that you get the right type of RAM. Most computers use DDR3 RAM, but there are a few that use DDR2 or DDR. Make sure you get the right type of RAM before you buy it. Once you have upgraded the RAM on your computer, you will likely see a noticeable improvement in performance.

Upgrade Your Hard drive

Upgrading your computer’s hard drive is one of the best ways to improve its performance. When you’re choosing a new hard drive, there are a few things to consider. First, decide if you need a traditional hard drive or if an SSD would be a better option. SSDs are much faster and more reliable than traditional hard drives, but they are also more expensive.

Once you’ve decided on the type of hard drive, you need to choose the size. If you’re replacing an old hard drive, be sure to choose a size that is similar or larger than the one you’re replacing. If you’re starting from scratch, think about how much storage you’ll need. Keep in mind that hard drives are getting cheaper all the time, so you don’t need to get the biggest one available. Once you’ve chosen a hard drive, it’s time to install it. This process can vary depending on your computer’s make and model, so be sure to consult your manual or an online guide.

Consider Upgrading the Graphics Card

There are many reasons to upgrade the graphics card of your computer. Perhaps you’re trying to improve gaming performance, or maybe you need to support more intense graphics for professional use. In any case, upgrading your graphics card can be a great way to improve your computing experience.

When it comes to choosing a new graphics card, there are a few things to keep in mind. The most important factor is the type of port your computer uses. Most computers use PCI-Express x16 ports, but some use older standards like AGP or PCI. Make sure you get a graphics card that’s compatible with your computer’s port type.

Another thing to consider is the graphics card’s power requirements. Make sure your computer’s power supply can handle the extra load. You may also need to upgrade your power supply if you want to run multiple high-powered devices at the same time. Once you’ve chosen a graphics card, it’s time to install it. This process can vary depending on your computer’s make and model, so be sure to consult your manufacturer’s instructions. In general, though, you’ll need to remove the old graphics card and replace it with the new one. After that, you just need to attach the power cables and you’re good to go.

Upgrade the Processor

It’s no secret that technology moves at a blistering pace. In order to keep up with the times, you need to ensure that the devices you rely on are up to snuff. This is especially true for your computer- if it’s running an outdated processor, then it might not be able to handle the latest software and games. Upgrading the processor is a great way to give your computer a new lease on life, and it’s not as difficult as you might think.

There are a few things to keep in mind when upgrading your computer’s processor. First, you’ll need to make sure that your motherboard can support the new processor. AMD and Intel are the two main competitors in the processor market, and each has its own strengths and weaknesses. If you’re not sure which one to choose, consult with a tech expert or do some research online.

Upgrading the RAM, graphics card, and processor of your computer can be a great way to improve its performance. These are all important components that can affect the overall speed and usability of your device. If you’re looking for a way to get the most out of your computer, then consider upgrading these key components. Remember, though, that these upgrades can be expensive. Make sure you have the budget for them before you make any decisions. Also, be sure to consult with a tech expert before making any changes to your computer. They can help you choose the right upgrades and ensure that everything goes smoothly.


4 Device Specifications To Look For When Choosing A Gamer Laptop

4 Device Specifications To Look For When Choosing A Gamer Laptop

4 Device Specifications To Look For When Choosing A Gamer Laptop

Gaming has always pushed computers to their limits. The need to play that new AAA title is exactly what’s driving the PC industry forward these days. What about laptops, more specifically gaming laptops? What kind of gaming laptop can you get, and what should you look for in one? Here are the 4 top specs your future gaming laptop needs to have! 

A Beefy GPU 

If there’s one piece of hardware that will dictate how well your laptop will handle games, it’s the GPU. Modern titles feature advanced graphics that will blow our minds every year. Not to mention that VR is creeping in more and more, allowing us to experience virtual worlds from a unique perspective. 

The situation regarding graphics cards is quite simple — get the best one you can afford. The issue with gaming laptops is the lack of upgrade paths. When your GPU is no longer cutting it on a desktop gaming rig, all you need to do is pop it out, and install a new model into your PCI-E slot. It doesn’t work that way with laptops. 

Unless you’re certain you’ll get a new gaming laptop next year, do yourself a favor and get a model with the beefiest GPU you can afford. It’s the only way to somewhat “future-proof” your gaming setup. 

All the RAM In the World 

RAM is the next piece of the puzzle, right behind your GPU. Granted, modern GPUs come with plenty of their own RAM, but the games we play today are massive. Remember, we live in a world where the latest CoD title takes up almost 200 GBs. Gaming laptop enthusiasts from https://www.laptopblogger.com/gaming-laptops-under-1500/ note that you can’t have too much RAM, ever; this old adage still rings true. The good thing about RAM is that you can usually upgrade it. Most laptops allow you to change the SO-DIMM on your own. That being said, it’s worth remembering that RAM is one of those things that gets more expensive as it ages. DDR4 is dirt cheap, but try finding DDR3 that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg. It’s a good idea to get at least 16GB of RAM, preferably more for a gaming rig. 

More Cores, More Performance – CPU 

Back in the day, CPUs were right there with GPUs when it came to essential hardware for gaming. This isn’t to say that CPUs don’t matter anymore. On the contrary! It’s just that your average CPU is really, really good these days.

In fact, the moment you step into the gaming laptop territory, you’re surrounded by i5, i7, and i9 processors, as well as the beastly Ryzen series that is currently setting the standards of performance. 

When selecting a CPU, try to think of anything else you might be doing with your laptop. For example, if you’re doing video editing, having more cores, and powerful ones at that, will most definitely cut down your rendering times. Gaming-wise, you should have nothing to worry about even with chips that are a few levels below flagship at the moment. 

Lighting Fast SSD 

Just like the Call of Duty series we’ve mentioned earlier, most other AAA titles are getting ridiculously large. Not only does this mean that you’ll have to have plenty of dedicated storage for these games, but it also means that the files your computer will instantly call upon to run the game, are now larger and heavier. 

The only way to game in 2021 is to have a lightning-fast SSD and a large one at that. Try to stick to a brand that has a proven track record as far as speed and reliability go. Samsung is one of the names on that list, along with Crucial and others. Pick your brand, but make sure that the hardware you’re getting is up to the task. 

The Other Side of the Medal

Although modern computer hardware is impressive, to say the least, we’re still far from perfect gaming laptops. Most models you’ll find today will get you the performance you need but at the expense of battery life. 

Granted, battery life doesn’t matter much as long as you’re tethered to an outlet at home, but if you plan on traveling without your power brick often, you should put power consumption on the spec sheet as well. Also, don’t get a beastly gaming laptop only to play solitaire and browser games. That way you’re taking on all the cons and none of the pros of gaming laptops.

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4 Device Specifications To Look For When Choosing A Gamer Laptop

What Are Business Inefficiencies? Strategic Ways to Detect Them

What Are Business Inefficiencies? Strategic Ways to Detect Them

What Are Business Inefficiencies? Strategic Ways to Detect Them

In such a fast and competitive age, businesses are working hard to maximize their productivity. This means that they are looking for ways to detect inefficiencies in the workplace and striving to eliminate them. After reading the following article, you will instantly be able to detect the different ways where the inefficiencies are occurring in your business.

Here’s a thorough guide for you, simplified. You will learn about two main categories for detection: Observing the technical level, and similarly observing the humanitarian level. Let’s start with the technical one.

On a technical level:

1- Observe the software that you are using

There is no doubt that most businesses have shifted their work from analog to digital in almost all areas of their businesses. This became even more adopted after the pandemic crisis and the need to maintain social distancing. However, are you sure that the software you are using to manage your business is being totally utilized by yourself and your employees? But, there is an abundance of software available, each with its own tools and features. Are you sure that you are using a particular one that is suitable for your business? 

A good idea is to make use of the meetings you hold with your staff members. Try to understand the type of things they find complicated and time-consuming about using this software. See also if this is in any way influencing customer satisfaction. However, it is wise to conduct a free health check of your business to identify loopholes & build a safety net as well.

2- Observe the hardware that you are using

Have you checked lately if all your machines are functioning properly? Are you regularly keeping a tab on having them maintained by a professional? Moreover, surely we believe that you are aware that older machines are more likely to make errors than new ones. A good idea would be to check how old your machines are and, if needed, replace them with new ones. There is no shortage of new models for almost every type of machine we use today. 

Remember to keep doing this on an annual basis. If your business is growing and progressing, the requirements you have today might be different from the ones you will have next year. Make sure to keep updating the hardware and software you have for better productivity.

3- Observe the space that you are using

This is directly related to the humanitarian part which we will talk about in the following section. Space, where employees spend a big portion of their time daily, can directly influence their moods, performance, and productivity. Therefore, you need to make sure that the space, where they work, is enjoyable. A clean space can go a long way, not to mention the effect a safe space produces! Moreover, the area where you work needs to inspire creativity must be resourceful, and must not look dull or boring. 

You can even take it so far as to use different colors for the work-space in order to inspire specific moods among the workers. Don’t forget: an inspired employee is much more productive than a bored one!

On a humanitarian level

1- Observe the physical health of your staff

If an employee is sick or suffering from some kind of disease, doesn’t it stand to reason that he/she would give less than their full potential because of their physical state? In some cases, diseases would not display themselves as obviously as others. This is why you should get your employees a health check annually. 

This could be really helpful, especially during pandemic times. Such a step could reveal things for you and your employees that weren’t detected before, which might even go as far as prevent a future health crisis from happening.

2- Observe the mental health of your staff

Understanding the people that work in your business on a more personal level could work wonders for you and your business. Become more genuinely interested in them and their progress. Conduct workshops and training for them that relate to the work they are doing. Conduct frequent meetings and ask them personally, as well as business-related questions. This will help them feel heard and they will gradually open up more and more with time. 

Through questions, you could also understand why this person is working this particular job, and whether this job really fulfills them or not. For example, if a person works for the sole purpose of making money, their motivation would be significantly less than a person that feels fulfilled at their job. You can also gain their trust by showing them interest and making them feel appreciated.

Now that you have this thorough guide in your hands, you can instantly start detecting what inefficiencies your business is suffering from and start eliminating them. 
Remember: inefficiency means getting the same intended result while spending more money. From now on, you will not need to do that.

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What Are Business Inefficiencies? Strategic Ways to Detect Them

AMD Radeon RX 6000 GPUs

New AMD Radeon RX 6000 Series Graphics Cards are Here To Fight Nvidia RTX 3000 Series

AMD is causing troubles in quiet waters

As it has done in recent years with Ryzen processors, AMD seems to want to stir the waters in the graphics cards field as well. Specifically, faithful to its appointment, the company unveiled its new proposals for the Radeon RX 6000 series, which will surely increase competition in the industry.

The new models are based on the RDNA 2 architecture, which offers a giant step in performance during the first generation. More specifically, we have a 54% increase in efficiency per watt compared to RDNA architecture. In fact, according to AMD, RNDA 2 cards offer almost twice the performance in 4K compared to similar models of previous architecture.

The spearhead in AMD’s lineup is the Radeon RX 6800 XT, which practically comes face to face with the Nvidia GeForce RTX 3080, which it even beats in some cases while using fewer watts. The card is equipped with 72 computing units and 16 GB of memory. The basic kernel clock reaches 2015MHz and the boost clock reaches 2250MHz.

However, AMD does not stop there. The ‘reds’ also have a letter that beats the RTX 3090. We are talking about the Radeon RX 6900 XT, the most powerful card of AMD’s new lineup. Consuming only 300 watts, AMD proposes the RTX 3090 in various uses. In total, it is equipped with 16 GB of memory and 128 MB of “infinity cache”. Its core clock time reaches 2015MHz and the boost clock reaches 2250MHz.

Back to pricing now, the AMD Radeon RX 6800 XT will debut on November 18 with a price tag of up to $650. Its smaller sister, the RX 6800, will cost $580 and hit the market the same day. Lastly, the AMD Radeon RX 6900 XT is expected on December 8 for $1,000.

> Check next: OnePlus Nord N10 5G and OnePlus N100 Officially Revealed

So what do you think about this? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below, follow us on Twitter and Facebook for more news and updates.



What is the iPhone 12 MagSafe

A smart move with the iPhone 12 launch bears the name MagSafe

The fact that Apple makes a lot of money from iPhone accessories is well known. The lack of a universal headphone jack and USB-C strengthen the need to purchase specific accessories to keep within the company ecosystem. A smart move with the launch of the iPhone 12 bears the name MagSafe.

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It is a new infrastructure of building the back of a smartphone, the wireless charging panel will also have some small magnets all around to hold behind its new accessories, from the charging pads which will already stay fixed with smartphones, pockets to hold cards but also new creations expected to come soon.

Since the launch of the iPhone 12, we saw several products, in addition to the card pocket, a dual pod was introduced, which can charge the smartphone but also a watch or headphone case. Belkin himself is working on such products.

MagSafe is not just a pair of magnets, the system is also equipped with NFC, an option that will allow the device itself to communicate with accessories which may also be smart. This way the smartphone will understand what that system is and what to do with it, such as the sleeve case which has a special space for the watch. When the iPhone is inside it will automatically turn on the clock on the screen.

On the other hand, Apple has also improved the charging itself which has already doubled to 15W. Probably not the fastest in the world but it is progress anyway, considering that wireless charging is not yet as fast as cable charging.

> Check next: What is a LiDAR scanner and what function does it perform on iPhone 12

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LiDAR scaner

What is a LiDAR scanner and what function does it perform on the iPhone 12?

What is the LiDAR scanner present on the iPhone 12 Pro and Pro Max?

With the new iPhone camera, Apple promises three things: photo and video effects, augmented reality, and scanning of objects and spaces. The last two go mainly to developers and businesses who are looking to create visual maps.

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But a general user will be satisfied with the photo and video effects. What is the LiDAR scanner present on the iPhone 12 Pro and Pro Max? Beyond its application in augmented reality, the LiDAR sensor works by emitting lasers that measure distances. On the iPhone 12 Pro and Pro Max Apple is using it to improve autofocus. The company says that as a result the autofocus is 6 times faster in low light compared to a normal camera. The LiDAR sensor also enables better quality portrait photos in low light conditions. The concept of using a dedicated depth sensor is not new.

Many phones use depth sensors to improve the quality of portrait photos and we can mention OnePlus Nord. But these sensors work mainly in light environments. Some models like the Huawei P30 Pro and Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra have a time-of-flight (ToF) sensor which uses infrared to read the field depth.

Both ToF and LiDAR scans the environment several meters away, but some versions of the latter measure the distances up to 100 meters. Usually, such sensors are used in cars. The advantage of the LiDAR scanner is that it sends small pulses of beam from one corner to the other to scan the environment. While ToF sends only one light pulse to measure space compromising accuracy.

Implementing a LiDAR sensor on the iPhone, developers will most likely be encouraged to find ways to use it primarily in augmented reality. Snapchat became the first app to launch lenses for the iOS app that uses LiDAR.

> Check next: This is the iPhone 12 with which Apple hopes to replicate the success of the iPhone 11

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